RECOGNITION a) Donations to the Atlas Tube Centre Knights of Columbus Council No. 2775- Luc Desmaris
Chris Patton — Dillon Engineering Ltd. 2014 Asset Management Plan It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt, in principle, the 2014 Asset Management Plan as outlined in this report and the attached Executive Summary. 2. The 2014 Asset Management Plan and the recommendations contained therein be referred to the 2015 Budget Process for Council's further consideration. 3. The Town continue to work with senior levels of government to encourage the implementation of long -term, sustainable infrastructure and capital asset programs that will lessen the financial burden on municipalities.
Sarah Ilijanich — Puce Sports and Leisure Centre It is recommended that. 1. Council receive this report for information
Planning Service Report — Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, Community of Tilbury North — Official Pan Amendment ( OPA -2 -2014) — Zoning By -law Amendment ZBA -18 -2014) Presentation by Administration /Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 7 ( File OPA -3 -2014) which proposes to require full municipal services for lots of record on undeveloped tracts within the Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, and direct Administration to forward this document to the approval authority, Mr. Bill King, Manager of Planning Services, County of Essex, for final approval; 2. Council adopt Zoning By -law Amendment 67 -2014 (File ZBA -18- 2014), as revised, which implements the Official Plan Amendment by identifying those lands within Lighthouse Cove to which a new " h" — Holding Symbol requiring full municipal services, will apply, 3. Administration be directed to clarify the servicing policies found in Section 7.3 of the Official Plan as part of the 5 year Official Plan Review and in conjunction with Wastewater Master Plan Update; 4. For the information of Council, Administration will continue to review the issue of permitted uses on Quenneville Drive and Duplessis Drive, as directed earlier, and provide a separate report at a later date.
Planning Service Report — Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, Community of Tilbury North — Official Pan Amendment ( OPA -2 -2014) — Zoning By -law Amendment ZBA -18 -2014) Presentation by Administration /Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 7 ( File OPA -3 -2014) which proposes to require full municipal services for lots of record on undeveloped tracts within the Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, and direct Administration to forward this document to the approval authority, Mr. Bill King, Manager of Planning Services, County of Essex, for final approval; 2. Council adopt Zoning By -law Amendment 67 -2014 (File ZBA -18- 2014), as revised, which implements the Official Plan Amendment by identifying those lands within Lighthouse Cove to which a new " h" — Holding Symbol requiring full municipal services, will apply, 3. Administration be directed to clarify the servicing policies found in Section 7.3 of the Official Plan as part of the 5 year Official Plan Review and in conjunction with Wastewater Master Plan Update; 4. For the information of Council, Administration will continue to review the issue of permitted uses on Quenneville Drive and Duplessis Drive, as directed earlier, and provide a separate report at a later date.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Planning Service Report — 1156756 Ontario Limited — River Ridge ( Lots 3 & 4, East of Puce River) It is recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by -law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement with the Owner, subject to the inclusion of the following provision: 1. The agreement covers Lots I to 57 (Phase 1) of Phase 5 of the River Ridge Subdivision ( i.e. single detached residential dwellings) and two 2) blocks for 0.3 metre reserves, as shown on Draft Plan of Subdivision 37- T-14001, prepared by R.C. Spencer Associates Inc. and certified by Roy Simone, 0. L. S., dated April 28, 2014, as approved by the County of Essex, September 4, 2014 ( See Attachment 'A' Draft Plan and Attachment 'B' Draft 12M — Plan).
a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of September 23, 2014 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8a and 8b as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 14, 2014 c) Community and Development Services — Building Activity Report — September 2014 d) Union Gas — Re: Union Gas Limited — 2015 Rates Application e) AMO — Support Resolution Re: Double Hatter Firefighter Issue in the Media f) The Corporation of the Municipality of Killarney — Support Resolution Re: OPP Billing Model g) Community and Development Services — Fire Services Activity Report to Council h) Belle River -On- the -Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes — June 2014 i) Belle River -on- the -Lakes BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2014 It is recommended that: Council receive Items 8c through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 14, 2014.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Hogan Drain Culvert It is recommended that. 1. Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to replace the culvert under Oriole Park Drive at the outlet of the Hogan Drain.
Tender Award for Winter Control — 2014 It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for Schedules A, B, C and D1, as well as the Atlas Tube Center of the Winter Control Tender, for snow removal and salting in the amount of $15, 833.85 (including the applicable portion of HST) per storm event 2. Council not award the tender for Schedule D2 of the Winter Control tender for additional sidewalks and trails.
16. REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 17. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Janisse introduced the following Notice of Motion at the September 23, 2014 Council meeting to be considered at the October 14, 2014 Council meeting. Whereas it has been observed that a high number of transport trucks evade the 401 inspection station by travelling east on Hwy 42 to County Road 25 ( E. Puce Road) to the 401 or east on 42 to the Tilbury 401 intersection and whereas the safety of Lakeshore residents and the general public traveling those roads would be endangered by unsafe or overloaded trucks the municipality of Lakeshore thus requests MTO increase its mobile inspection routes on those roads and undertake such other actions which would deter trucks from avoiding the 401 inspection station.
Councillor Bezaire submitted the following Notice of Motion on October 6, 2014 for consideration at the October 14, 2014 Council meeting. That. Administration be directed to prepare a draft tree preservation and welfare by -law for council consideration and that funds be allocated to cover the costs of inspections and by -law enforcement.
18. Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours. 19. Non Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non - Agenda Business.
20.READING OF BY -LAWS That By -law 96 -2014 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 That By -law 143 -2013, 85 -2014 and 86 -2014 be read a third time and finally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 That By -law 66 -2014, 67 -2014, 105 -2014, 106 -2014 and 107 -2014 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 a) By -law 143 -2013, being a By -law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Little Creek Drain. b) By -law 66 -2014, being a By -law for the adoption of OPA 7 to the Town of Lakeshore Official Plan — Revisions to the servicing policies for Lighthouse Cove. c) By -law 67 -2014, being a By -law to amend By -law No. 2 -2012, Zoning By -law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA -18 -2014) d) By -law 85 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Diesbourg Drain. e) By -law 86 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Bridge over the North Talbot Road Branch of the Union Drain. f) B r- law 96 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the 4t Concession Drain. g) By -law 105 -2014, being a By -law to establish, dedicate and name certain lands in the Town of Lakeshore as a public highway, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached. h) By -law 106 -2014, being a By -law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. i) By -law 107 -2014, being a By -law to authorize the execution of a Supplementary Subdivision Agreement pertaining to the River Ridge Subdivision ( Phase 5A). 21. ADJOURNMENT
RECOGNITION a) Donations to the Atlas Tube Centre Knights of Columbus Council No. 2775- Luc Desmaris
Chris Patton — Dillon Engineering Ltd. 2014 Asset Management Plan It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt, in principle, the 2014 Asset Management Plan as outlined in this report and the attached Executive Summary. 2. The 2014 Asset Management Plan and the recommendations contained therein be referred to the 2015 Budget Process for Council's further consideration. 3. The Town continue to work with senior levels of government to encourage the implementation of long -term, sustainable infrastructure and capital asset programs that will lessen the financial burden on municipalities.
Sarah Ilijanich — Puce Sports and Leisure Centre It is recommended that. 1. Council receive this report for information
Planning Service Report — Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, Community of Tilbury North — Official Pan Amendment ( OPA -2 -2014) — Zoning By -law Amendment ZBA -18 -2014) Presentation by Administration /Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 7 ( File OPA -3 -2014) which proposes to require full municipal services for lots of record on undeveloped tracts within the Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, and direct Administration to forward this document to the approval authority, Mr. Bill King, Manager of Planning Services, County of Essex, for final approval; 2. Council adopt Zoning By -law Amendment 67 -2014 (File ZBA -18- 2014), as revised, which implements the Official Plan Amendment by identifying those lands within Lighthouse Cove to which a new " h" — Holding Symbol requiring full municipal services, will apply, 3. Administration be directed to clarify the servicing policies found in Section 7.3 of the Official Plan as part of the 5 year Official Plan Review and in conjunction with Wastewater Master Plan Update; 4. For the information of Council, Administration will continue to review the issue of permitted uses on Quenneville Drive and Duplessis Drive, as directed earlier, and provide a separate report at a later date.
Planning Service Report — Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, Community of Tilbury North — Official Pan Amendment ( OPA -2 -2014) — Zoning By -law Amendment ZBA -18 -2014) Presentation by Administration /Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 7 ( File OPA -3 -2014) which proposes to require full municipal services for lots of record on undeveloped tracts within the Lighthouse Cove Urban Area, and direct Administration to forward this document to the approval authority, Mr. Bill King, Manager of Planning Services, County of Essex, for final approval; 2. Council adopt Zoning By -law Amendment 67 -2014 (File ZBA -18- 2014), as revised, which implements the Official Plan Amendment by identifying those lands within Lighthouse Cove to which a new " h" — Holding Symbol requiring full municipal services, will apply, 3. Administration be directed to clarify the servicing policies found in Section 7.3 of the Official Plan as part of the 5 year Official Plan Review and in conjunction with Wastewater Master Plan Update; 4. For the information of Council, Administration will continue to review the issue of permitted uses on Quenneville Drive and Duplessis Drive, as directed earlier, and provide a separate report at a later date.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Planning Service Report — 1156756 Ontario Limited — River Ridge ( Lots 3 & 4, East of Puce River) It is recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by -law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement with the Owner, subject to the inclusion of the following provision: 1. The agreement covers Lots I to 57 (Phase 1) of Phase 5 of the River Ridge Subdivision ( i.e. single detached residential dwellings) and two 2) blocks for 0.3 metre reserves, as shown on Draft Plan of Subdivision 37- T-14001, prepared by R.C. Spencer Associates Inc. and certified by Roy Simone, 0. L. S., dated April 28, 2014, as approved by the County of Essex, September 4, 2014 ( See Attachment 'A' Draft Plan and Attachment 'B' Draft 12M — Plan).
a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of September 23, 2014 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8a and 8b as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 14, 2014 c) Community and Development Services — Building Activity Report — September 2014 d) Union Gas — Re: Union Gas Limited — 2015 Rates Application e) AMO — Support Resolution Re: Double Hatter Firefighter Issue in the Media f) The Corporation of the Municipality of Killarney — Support Resolution Re: OPP Billing Model g) Community and Development Services — Fire Services Activity Report to Council h) Belle River -On- the -Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes — June 2014 i) Belle River -on- the -Lakes BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2014 It is recommended that: Council receive Items 8c through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 14, 2014.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Hogan Drain Culvert It is recommended that. 1. Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to replace the culvert under Oriole Park Drive at the outlet of the Hogan Drain.
Tender Award for Winter Control — 2014 It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for Schedules A, B, C and D1, as well as the Atlas Tube Center of the Winter Control Tender, for snow removal and salting in the amount of $15, 833.85 (including the applicable portion of HST) per storm event 2. Council not award the tender for Schedule D2 of the Winter Control tender for additional sidewalks and trails.
16. REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 17. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Janisse introduced the following Notice of Motion at the September 23, 2014 Council meeting to be considered at the October 14, 2014 Council meeting. Whereas it has been observed that a high number of transport trucks evade the 401 inspection station by travelling east on Hwy 42 to County Road 25 ( E. Puce Road) to the 401 or east on 42 to the Tilbury 401 intersection and whereas the safety of Lakeshore residents and the general public traveling those roads would be endangered by unsafe or overloaded trucks the municipality of Lakeshore thus requests MTO increase its mobile inspection routes on those roads and undertake such other actions which would deter trucks from avoiding the 401 inspection station.
Councillor Bezaire submitted the following Notice of Motion on October 6, 2014 for consideration at the October 14, 2014 Council meeting. That. Administration be directed to prepare a draft tree preservation and welfare by -law for council consideration and that funds be allocated to cover the costs of inspections and by -law enforcement.
18. Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours. 19. Non Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non - Agenda Business.
20.READING OF BY -LAWS That By -law 96 -2014 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 That By -law 143 -2013, 85 -2014 and 86 -2014 be read a third time and finally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 That By -law 66 -2014, 67 -2014, 105 -2014, 106 -2014 and 107 -2014 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 14th day of October, 2014 a) By -law 143 -2013, being a By -law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Little Creek Drain. b) By -law 66 -2014, being a By -law for the adoption of OPA 7 to the Town of Lakeshore Official Plan — Revisions to the servicing policies for Lighthouse Cove. c) By -law 67 -2014, being a By -law to amend By -law No. 2 -2012, Zoning By -law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA -18 -2014) d) By -law 85 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Diesbourg Drain. e) By -law 86 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Bridge over the North Talbot Road Branch of the Union Drain. f) B r- law 96 -2014, being a By -law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the 4t Concession Drain. g) By -law 105 -2014, being a By -law to establish, dedicate and name certain lands in the Town of Lakeshore as a public highway, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached. h) By -law 106 -2014, being a By -law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. i) By -law 107 -2014, being a By -law to authorize the execution of a Supplementary Subdivision Agreement pertaining to the River Ridge Subdivision ( Phase 5A). 21. ADJOURNMENT