a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2015 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 24, 2015 b) Lakeshore Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of June 25, 2014 c) Lakeshore Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of September 24, 2014 d) Lakeshore Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes of November 19, 2014 e) Police Service Board Meeting of November 24, 2014 f) Town of Lakeshore Youth Council Minutes of January 15, 2015 g) Belle River On -the Lake BIA Board of Management Budget Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2015 i) Council Assignments /Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that. Council receive Items 8b through 8k as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 24, 2015.
h) City of Woodstock — Support of Resolution Re: Canada Post Community Box Initiative j) Expenditure Report for February 2015 k) Dedicated Community Rooms at Libro and Comber Community Centres
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC-25-2014) — 2361657 Ontario Inc. c/o ADA Architect Inc 1226 County Road 22) It is recommended that: 1. Council approve site plan application SPC-25-2014 to permit the construction of a 2, 533.93 M2 ( 27,274.99 ft2) commercial facility, together with parking areas / loading areas and ancillary facilities, all on a 14, 697.26 M2 ( 3. 63 acre) parcel of land located at 1226 County Road 22, in the Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, subject to the following conditions: a) the Owner /Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, road improvements and any necessary service connections, easements and other items, in accordance with the approved drawings, and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute the Site Plan Agreement. b) Application ZBA -5 -2015 for Municipally Initiated Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By -law 2 -2012, as amended It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report as information; 2. Council authorize staff to hold a public open house in order to seek feedback on proposed housekeeping amendments to the Town of Lakeshore Zoning By -law 2 -2012 (as amended); and 3. Council direct staff to provide a further report to Council, with recommendations following the public open house. c) Prohibition of Smoking and Tobacco Use By -law It is recommended that: 1. Council repeal By -law 6 -2012 in its entirety being a by -law to prohibit the smoking of tobacco within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, facilities, playgrounds and sports fields. 2. Council give three readings to By -law 30 -2015 being a new by -law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities within the Town of Lakeshore. 3. The Windsor Essex County Health Unit's Tobacco Enforcement Officers be named as enforcement agents. d) Exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 County of Essex It is recommended that. 1. Council grant the Corporation of the County of Essex and its contractors an exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 to allow for 24 hour construction activity during the period commencing April 6, 2015 through to November 30, 2015. The exemption is to allow for the works on County Rd. 22 and Old Tecumseh Rd. approximately 1000' westerly of West Puce Rd.
Application ZBA -5 -2015 for Municipally Initiated Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By -law 2 -2012, as amended It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report as information; 2. Council authorize staff to hold a public open house in order to seek feedback on proposed housekeeping amendments to the Town of Lakeshore Zoning By -law 2 -2012 (as amended); and 3. Council direct staff to provide a further report to Council, with recommendations following the public open house.
Prohibition of Smoking and Tobacco Use By -law It is recommended that: 1. Council repeal By -law 6 -2012 in its entirety being a by -law to prohibit the smoking of tobacco within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, facilities, playgrounds and sports fields. 2. Council give three readings to By -law 30 -2015 being a new by -law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities within the Town of Lakeshore. 3. The Windsor Essex County Health Unit's Tobacco Enforcement Officers be named as enforcement agents.
Exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 County of Essex 1 It is recommended that. 1. Council grant the Corporation of the County of Essex and its contractors an exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 to allow for 24 hour construction activity during the period commencing April 6, 2015 through to November 30, 2015. The exemption is to allow for the works on County Rd. 22 and Old Tecumseh Rd. approximately 1000' westerly of West Puce Rd.
Alcohol Risk Management Policy 2015 Revisions It is recommended that. 1. Council approve the Alcohol Risk Management Policy, as revised 2015), and, 2. Council repeal its resolution of July, 2007: The Alcohol Risk Management Policy be amended to reflect that the municipality will pay the security costs associated with the Municipal Alcohol Policy, as determined by the Lakeshore Ontario Provincial Police, for events hosted by nonprofit groups that are approved by Council, and; 3. Council allocate the approved annual provision of $5000 for non-profit policing as follows- $2500 for the BIA ' SunSplash, and $2500 for the Comber Agriculture Society 'Comber Fair.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Elmgrove Drive Municipal Drain It is recommended that: 1. Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to undertake an assessment of the Elmgrove Drive Municipal Drain.
b) Tender Award — 2015 Surface Treatment Program — Gravel Road Conversion It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the 2015 Surface Treatment Program to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $ 113, 284.32 inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST); and 2. That the Manager of Public Works Services be authorized to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project.
Tender Award — 2015 Supply and Place Gravel Program It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the 2015 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of 263,043. 50 (inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST). 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the 2015 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $86,307.74 inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST). 3. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the supply of additional base stone for the 2015 Surface Treatment Gravel Contract, as per Schedule 3, in the amount of $ 99, 154. 94 ( inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST).
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee Appointments It is recommended that. 1. Council appoint Councillor Diemer as a Lakeshore Council representative to the Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee and Councillor Janisse be appointed as the alternate in the event that Councillor Diemer is required to declare a conflict of interest or is not able to attend a committee meeting. 2. Council appoint Mrs. Andrea Rivest as the resident representative to the Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee and appoint Mr. Gary Peck as the alternate resident representative in the event that Mrs.Rivest is required to declare a conflict of interest or is not able to attend a committee meeting.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non - Agenda Business.
20. READING OF BY -LAWS That By -law 25 -2015 and 27 -2015 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 24th day of March, 2015 That By -law 109 -2014 be read a third time and finally adopted this 24th day of March, 2015 That By-law 30-2015, 33-2015 and 34-2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24thday of March 2015 a) By-law 109-2014, being a By-law to provide for the creation of the Ruscom River Outlet No. 9 b) By-law 25-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Tecumseh Road Drain. c) By-law 27-2015, being a By- law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Elgin Smith Drain North. d) By-law 30-2015, being a By- law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities. e) By-law 33-2015, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 2361657 Ontario Inc. ( 1226 county Road 22 — Emeryville Plaza - SPC-25-2014) f) By-law 34-2015, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT
a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2015 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 24, 2015 b) Lakeshore Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of June 25, 2014 c) Lakeshore Municipal Heritage Committee Minutes of September 24, 2014 d) Lakeshore Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes of November 19, 2014 e) Police Service Board Meeting of November 24, 2014 f) Town of Lakeshore Youth Council Minutes of January 15, 2015 g) Belle River On -the Lake BIA Board of Management Budget Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2015 i) Council Assignments /Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that. Council receive Items 8b through 8k as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 24, 2015.
h) City of Woodstock — Support of Resolution Re: Canada Post Community Box Initiative j) Expenditure Report for February 2015 k) Dedicated Community Rooms at Libro and Comber Community Centres
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC-25-2014) — 2361657 Ontario Inc. c/o ADA Architect Inc 1226 County Road 22) It is recommended that: 1. Council approve site plan application SPC-25-2014 to permit the construction of a 2, 533.93 M2 ( 27,274.99 ft2) commercial facility, together with parking areas / loading areas and ancillary facilities, all on a 14, 697.26 M2 ( 3. 63 acre) parcel of land located at 1226 County Road 22, in the Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, subject to the following conditions: a) the Owner /Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, road improvements and any necessary service connections, easements and other items, in accordance with the approved drawings, and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute the Site Plan Agreement. b) Application ZBA -5 -2015 for Municipally Initiated Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By -law 2 -2012, as amended It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report as information; 2. Council authorize staff to hold a public open house in order to seek feedback on proposed housekeeping amendments to the Town of Lakeshore Zoning By -law 2 -2012 (as amended); and 3. Council direct staff to provide a further report to Council, with recommendations following the public open house. c) Prohibition of Smoking and Tobacco Use By -law It is recommended that: 1. Council repeal By -law 6 -2012 in its entirety being a by -law to prohibit the smoking of tobacco within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, facilities, playgrounds and sports fields. 2. Council give three readings to By -law 30 -2015 being a new by -law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities within the Town of Lakeshore. 3. The Windsor Essex County Health Unit's Tobacco Enforcement Officers be named as enforcement agents. d) Exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 County of Essex It is recommended that. 1. Council grant the Corporation of the County of Essex and its contractors an exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 to allow for 24 hour construction activity during the period commencing April 6, 2015 through to November 30, 2015. The exemption is to allow for the works on County Rd. 22 and Old Tecumseh Rd. approximately 1000' westerly of West Puce Rd.
Application ZBA -5 -2015 for Municipally Initiated Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By -law 2 -2012, as amended It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report as information; 2. Council authorize staff to hold a public open house in order to seek feedback on proposed housekeeping amendments to the Town of Lakeshore Zoning By -law 2 -2012 (as amended); and 3. Council direct staff to provide a further report to Council, with recommendations following the public open house.
Prohibition of Smoking and Tobacco Use By -law It is recommended that: 1. Council repeal By -law 6 -2012 in its entirety being a by -law to prohibit the smoking of tobacco within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, facilities, playgrounds and sports fields. 2. Council give three readings to By -law 30 -2015 being a new by -law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities within the Town of Lakeshore. 3. The Windsor Essex County Health Unit's Tobacco Enforcement Officers be named as enforcement agents.
Exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 County of Essex 1 It is recommended that. 1. Council grant the Corporation of the County of Essex and its contractors an exemption from Noise By -law 106 -2007 to allow for 24 hour construction activity during the period commencing April 6, 2015 through to November 30, 2015. The exemption is to allow for the works on County Rd. 22 and Old Tecumseh Rd. approximately 1000' westerly of West Puce Rd.
Alcohol Risk Management Policy 2015 Revisions It is recommended that. 1. Council approve the Alcohol Risk Management Policy, as revised 2015), and, 2. Council repeal its resolution of July, 2007: The Alcohol Risk Management Policy be amended to reflect that the municipality will pay the security costs associated with the Municipal Alcohol Policy, as determined by the Lakeshore Ontario Provincial Police, for events hosted by nonprofit groups that are approved by Council, and; 3. Council allocate the approved annual provision of $5000 for non-profit policing as follows- $2500 for the BIA ' SunSplash, and $2500 for the Comber Agriculture Society 'Comber Fair.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Elmgrove Drive Municipal Drain It is recommended that: 1. Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to undertake an assessment of the Elmgrove Drive Municipal Drain.
b) Tender Award — 2015 Surface Treatment Program — Gravel Road Conversion It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the 2015 Surface Treatment Program to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $ 113, 284.32 inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST); and 2. That the Manager of Public Works Services be authorized to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project.
Tender Award — 2015 Supply and Place Gravel Program It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the 2015 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of 263,043. 50 (inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST). 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the 2015 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $86,307.74 inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST). 3. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking for the supply of additional base stone for the 2015 Surface Treatment Gravel Contract, as per Schedule 3, in the amount of $ 99, 154. 94 ( inclusive of the applicable portion of the HST).
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee Appointments It is recommended that. 1. Council appoint Councillor Diemer as a Lakeshore Council representative to the Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee and Councillor Janisse be appointed as the alternate in the event that Councillor Diemer is required to declare a conflict of interest or is not able to attend a committee meeting. 2. Council appoint Mrs. Andrea Rivest as the resident representative to the Landfill # 3 Technical Review Committee and appoint Mr. Gary Peck as the alternate resident representative in the event that Mrs.Rivest is required to declare a conflict of interest or is not able to attend a committee meeting.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non - Agenda Business.
20. READING OF BY -LAWS That By -law 25 -2015 and 27 -2015 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 24th day of March, 2015 That By -law 109 -2014 be read a third time and finally adopted this 24th day of March, 2015 That By-law 30-2015, 33-2015 and 34-2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24thday of March 2015 a) By-law 109-2014, being a By-law to provide for the creation of the Ruscom River Outlet No. 9 b) By-law 25-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Tecumseh Road Drain. c) By-law 27-2015, being a By- law to provide for the repairs and improvement to the Elgin Smith Drain North. d) By-law 30-2015, being a By- law to prohibit smoking and tobacco use within the Town of Lakeshore owned parks, playgrounds, sports fields and recreation facilities. e) By-law 33-2015, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 2361657 Ontario Inc. ( 1226 county Road 22 — Emeryville Plaza - SPC-25-2014) f) By-law 34-2015, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT