RECOGNITION a) Mr. Dave Nussey — Retirement from his position as Manager with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA).
Planning Services Report ZBA-4-2015 — Girard and Lorraine Soulliere (9140 Lakeshore Road 310) Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 4- 2015 (Bylaw No.36-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the " Surplus Lot" on the Key Map, Figure 1, located at 9140 Lakeshore Road 310, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site- specific "A -83, Agriculture" zone which shall recognize the non- agriculture use of the property, while at the same time permitting, not more than 3 horses within an existing barn; and 2. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 4- 2015 (Bylaw No. 37-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the " Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Figure 1, located at 9140 Lakeshore Road 310, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A Agriculture" to a site- specific " A- 84, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling.
Lori Atkinson, Canadian Operations & Senior Director - Sutherland Global Services — Regional Transportation Strategy
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4: 30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council. a) Patty Harris and Tammy Mailloux, report 10a) — Sale of Town Property
Community and Development Services ( Planning Services Division) — Duplessis and Quenneville Drives — Proposed Temporary Uses
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 b) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2015 c) Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade — Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship d) Administration ( Clerk's Division) — Personnel Committee Information Report e) Community and Development Services ( Planning Services Division) — 5 Year Official Plan Review — Update g) Council Assignments/Monthly Tracking Report
Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 — Section 19 — Standard of Care, Municipal Drinking Water System
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
NON-AGENDA BUSINESS Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non-Agenda Business.
19. READING OF BY-LAWS That By -law 25-2015 and 27-2015 be read a third time and finally adopted this 12' 7 day of May, 2015. 91 a C) d) e) That By-law 36-2015, 37-2015, 42-2015 and 43- 2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 12th day of May, 2015. By- law 25- 2015, being a By-law to provide for the repairs and improvements to the Tecumseh Road Drain. By-law 27-2015, being a By- law to provide for the repairs and improvements to the Elgin-smith Drain North. By- law 36-2015, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-4-2015) — subsection 9. 20. 83 By-law 37- 2015, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-4-2015) — subsection 9. 20.84 By-law 42-2015, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. f) By- law 43-2015, being a By- law to repeal By- law 4- 2015, and to implement a Bylaw to appoint Pump Commissioners for the better maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION At% ADJOURNMENT
RECOGNITION a) Mr. Dave Nussey — Retirement from his position as Manager with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA).
Planning Services Report ZBA-4-2015 — Girard and Lorraine Soulliere (9140 Lakeshore Road 310) Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 4- 2015 (Bylaw No.36-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the " Surplus Lot" on the Key Map, Figure 1, located at 9140 Lakeshore Road 310, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site- specific "A -83, Agriculture" zone which shall recognize the non- agriculture use of the property, while at the same time permitting, not more than 3 horses within an existing barn; and 2. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 4- 2015 (Bylaw No. 37-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the " Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Figure 1, located at 9140 Lakeshore Road 310, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A Agriculture" to a site- specific " A- 84, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling.
Lori Atkinson, Canadian Operations & Senior Director - Sutherland Global Services — Regional Transportation Strategy
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4: 30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council. a) Patty Harris and Tammy Mailloux, report 10a) — Sale of Town Property
Community and Development Services ( Planning Services Division) — Duplessis and Quenneville Drives — Proposed Temporary Uses
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 b) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2015 c) Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade — Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship d) Administration ( Clerk's Division) — Personnel Committee Information Report e) Community and Development Services ( Planning Services Division) — 5 Year Official Plan Review — Update g) Council Assignments/Monthly Tracking Report
Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 — Section 19 — Standard of Care, Municipal Drinking Water System
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
NON-AGENDA BUSINESS Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non-Agenda Business.
19. READING OF BY-LAWS That By -law 25-2015 and 27-2015 be read a third time and finally adopted this 12' 7 day of May, 2015. 91 a C) d) e) That By-law 36-2015, 37-2015, 42-2015 and 43- 2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 12th day of May, 2015. By- law 25- 2015, being a By-law to provide for the repairs and improvements to the Tecumseh Road Drain. By-law 27-2015, being a By- law to provide for the repairs and improvements to the Elgin-smith Drain North. By- law 36-2015, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-4-2015) — subsection 9. 20. 83 By-law 37- 2015, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-4-2015) — subsection 9. 20.84 By-law 42-2015, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. f) By- law 43-2015, being a By- law to repeal By- law 4- 2015, and to implement a Bylaw to appoint Pump Commissioners for the better maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION At% ADJOURNMENT