***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PORTIONS OF THIS AUDIO ARE UNAVAILABLE. 1. CALL TO ORDER 4:00 P.M. Special Meeting of Council — 500 p.m. WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad Service Model — Report, from Community and Development Services. It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve -in -principle the proposed Hours of Operation of the WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad; and, 2. Approve -in -principle the allocation of programming hours between seasonal programs, and the categories of Recreation, Lessons, Lengths, and AquaFitness; and, 3. Approve -in -principle that the Town of Lakeshore become an affiliate member with the Royal Lifesaving Society; and, 4. Approve -in -principle the adoption of the Lifesaving Society recommended lifeguard -bather ratio; and, 5. Direct administration to include funding for the proposed aquatics staffing model in the 2016 budget; and, 6. Direct administration to include funding for the proposed aquatics operating model in the 2016 budget. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION
DELEGATIONS a) Zoning By -Law Amendment ( ZBA- 19- 2015) — Clayton Armstrong ( 812 and 830 County Road 2 Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 19-2015 By-law No.87-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the "lot addition lands to merge with the abutting farmland'; indicated on the Key Map ( Attachment A), located at 830County Road 2, in the Town of Lakeshore, from ' A, Agriculture" to a site-specific ' A- 1", Agriculture" zone to prohibit single detached dwellings; and 2. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 19-2015 By-law No. 87-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the " lot addition lands to merge with the dwelling lot", indicated " on the Key Map (Attachment A), located at 812 County Road 2, in the Town of Lakeshore, from a site-specific 'A- 1 Agriculture" to A, Agriculture" zone to permit a single detached dwelling and accessory uses.
Town of Lakeshore 5Year Official Plan Review — Statutory Special Meeting of Council Under Section 26(3)( b) of the Planning Act Chris Tyrrell and Randall Roth — MMM Group - Presentation Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. This Report prepared by the Planning Division dated October 21, 2015, respecting the Town of Lakeshore 5 -Year Official Plan Review: Statutory Special Meeting of Council Under Section 26(3)(b) of the Planning Act be received by Council; and 2. Staff and the MMM Group Limited, be directed to consider all public comments received during the Official Plan Review process.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS -- AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4: 30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: Fill By- law Amendments — Further Information It is recommended that. 1. Council receive this report for information, and; 2. Council give three readings to Bylaw 88-2015 to amend Bylaw 24- 2011, " The Regulation of the Placing or Dumping of Fill, alteration of the grade of, or removal of topsoil from land within the Town of Lakeshore".
Award of Tender — Town Hall Roof and HVAC It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the replacement of the roof and the Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling units at 419 Notre Dame ( Town Hall) to Kingsville Roofing in the amount of $198,275 (plus HST),and; 2. Council authorize the over -expenditure of $ 28,705 in the Building Capital account to be funding through the year-end reconciliation of accounts.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Stoney Point Sidewalk Needs Analysis It is recommended that., Council direct Administration to include an amount of $ 125,000 for consideration in the 2016 Budget for the construction of new sidewalks in the community of Stoney Point in accordance with the findings of the recently completed Sidewalk Needs Analysis.
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: 2016 Tariff of Fees It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the changes to the Tariff of Fees for 2016 as outlined in the report from the Director of Finance/ Treasurer, and 2. That By-law 93-2015 be adopted.
Finance Services — Variance Report to September 30, 2015 — Q3 It is recommended: 1. That the variance reports to September 30, 2015 be received for information, and 2. That an additional transfer from the ' Tree Planting — Subdivisions' reserve fund be approved, to match costs incurred in 2015.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: 2016 Council Meeting Schedule It is recommended that. Council approve the attached schedule of Council meetings and the list of Acting Mayors for the 2016 calendar year.
15. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION 16. REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 17. NOTICE OF MOTION 18. QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
READING OF BY-LAWS General By-laws That By-law 87-2015, 88-2015, 93-2015 and 94-2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 10th day of November 2015. a) By-law 87-2015, being a By- law to amend by-law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 19- 2015). b) By-law 88-2015, being a By- law to amend by- law number 24-2011 ( By- law to regulate the placing or dumping of fill, alteration of the grade of, or removal of topsoil from land in the Town of Lakeshore). c) By- law 93-2015, being a By- law to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. d) By- law 94-2015, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT
***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PORTIONS OF THIS AUDIO ARE UNAVAILABLE. 1. CALL TO ORDER 4:00 P.M. Special Meeting of Council — 500 p.m. WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad Service Model — Report, from Community and Development Services. It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve -in -principle the proposed Hours of Operation of the WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad; and, 2. Approve -in -principle the allocation of programming hours between seasonal programs, and the categories of Recreation, Lessons, Lengths, and AquaFitness; and, 3. Approve -in -principle that the Town of Lakeshore become an affiliate member with the Royal Lifesaving Society; and, 4. Approve -in -principle the adoption of the Lifesaving Society recommended lifeguard -bather ratio; and, 5. Direct administration to include funding for the proposed aquatics staffing model in the 2016 budget; and, 6. Direct administration to include funding for the proposed aquatics operating model in the 2016 budget. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION
DELEGATIONS a) Zoning By -Law Amendment ( ZBA- 19- 2015) — Clayton Armstrong ( 812 and 830 County Road 2 Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 19-2015 By-law No.87-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the "lot addition lands to merge with the abutting farmland'; indicated on the Key Map ( Attachment A), located at 830County Road 2, in the Town of Lakeshore, from ' A, Agriculture" to a site-specific ' A- 1", Agriculture" zone to prohibit single detached dwellings; and 2. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 19-2015 By-law No. 87-2015, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the " lot addition lands to merge with the dwelling lot", indicated " on the Key Map (Attachment A), located at 812 County Road 2, in the Town of Lakeshore, from a site-specific 'A- 1 Agriculture" to A, Agriculture" zone to permit a single detached dwelling and accessory uses.
Town of Lakeshore 5Year Official Plan Review — Statutory Special Meeting of Council Under Section 26(3)( b) of the Planning Act Chris Tyrrell and Randall Roth — MMM Group - Presentation Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that. 1. This Report prepared by the Planning Division dated October 21, 2015, respecting the Town of Lakeshore 5 -Year Official Plan Review: Statutory Special Meeting of Council Under Section 26(3)(b) of the Planning Act be received by Council; and 2. Staff and the MMM Group Limited, be directed to consider all public comments received during the Official Plan Review process.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS -- AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4: 30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: Fill By- law Amendments — Further Information It is recommended that. 1. Council receive this report for information, and; 2. Council give three readings to Bylaw 88-2015 to amend Bylaw 24- 2011, " The Regulation of the Placing or Dumping of Fill, alteration of the grade of, or removal of topsoil from land within the Town of Lakeshore".
Award of Tender — Town Hall Roof and HVAC It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the replacement of the roof and the Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling units at 419 Notre Dame ( Town Hall) to Kingsville Roofing in the amount of $198,275 (plus HST),and; 2. Council authorize the over -expenditure of $ 28,705 in the Building Capital account to be funding through the year-end reconciliation of accounts.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Stoney Point Sidewalk Needs Analysis It is recommended that., Council direct Administration to include an amount of $ 125,000 for consideration in the 2016 Budget for the construction of new sidewalks in the community of Stoney Point in accordance with the findings of the recently completed Sidewalk Needs Analysis.
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: 2016 Tariff of Fees It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the changes to the Tariff of Fees for 2016 as outlined in the report from the Director of Finance/ Treasurer, and 2. That By-law 93-2015 be adopted.
Finance Services — Variance Report to September 30, 2015 — Q3 It is recommended: 1. That the variance reports to September 30, 2015 be received for information, and 2. That an additional transfer from the ' Tree Planting — Subdivisions' reserve fund be approved, to match costs incurred in 2015.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: 2016 Council Meeting Schedule It is recommended that. Council approve the attached schedule of Council meetings and the list of Acting Mayors for the 2016 calendar year.
15. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION 16. REPORTS FROM COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 17. NOTICE OF MOTION 18. QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
READING OF BY-LAWS General By-laws That By-law 87-2015, 88-2015, 93-2015 and 94-2015 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 10th day of November 2015. a) By-law 87-2015, being a By- law to amend by-law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 19- 2015). b) By-law 88-2015, being a By- law to amend by- law number 24-2011 ( By- law to regulate the placing or dumping of fill, alteration of the grade of, or removal of topsoil from land in the Town of Lakeshore). c) By- law 93-2015, being a By- law to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. d) By- law 94-2015, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT