DELEGATIONS Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-20-2015), Jules E. Mailloux, 4425 Lakeshore Road 302 • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council / It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-20-2015 (By-law No. 15 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the "Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 4425 Lakeshore Road 302, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site-specific "A-1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and adopt the implementing by-law.
Roger Donais - Southwestern Ontario Lawn Tractor Racing Association (SOLTRA) - Lawn Tractor Racing in Stoney Point Park - 2016 Season / _„__ It is recommended that: Council receive this report for information only.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council.
CONSENT AGENDA All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2016. / It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 8, 2016. b) Kate Partridge - Natural Spring Lake behind Desjardins Street in Belle River c) Canada Day Planning Committee 2016 Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2015 d) MPAC - Important changes for the 2016 Assessment Update e) Essex Region Conservation Authority - Thank you, presentation, February 16, 2016 f) Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs - 2016 Senior of the Year Award g) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Service - Re: Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) h Township of Southgate - Support of Resolution Re: Bill 36 i) Township of Cavan Monaghan - Support of Resolution Re: Ontario's Consultation on Primary, Home and Community Health Care j) Municipality of Bluewater - Support of Resolution Re: The Minister of Health and Long Term Care reinstate incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario k) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment - Draft Minutes for February 17, 2016 I) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Annual and Summary Reports 2015 for Union Water Supply System m) Finance Services - Water Buy-in Fees By-law 4-2015 - Information Available on Fees Paid in Full n) Chief Administrative Officer - Cost Estimate to Retain an External Lead Negotiator / It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through Sn as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 8, 2016.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: Extension of Draft Plan Approval for 1473511 Ontario Ltd. (Valente) File No. 37-T-05007 (Whitewood Subdivision) / It is recommended that: 1. The County of Essex be advised that Council for the Town of Lakeshore is in support of extending draft plan approval for the final phase of the Whitewood Subdivision for a three year period.
Volunteer Appreciation Event / It is recommended that: Council hold a volunteer appreciation event once per Council term for members that have participated on Council committees.
Recreation Drop-in Fees and Adjustments to Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 (Schedule C-Recreation) / It is recommended that: 1. The Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 (Schedule C-Recreation) be amended as per this report, effective immediately; and 2. Council give three readings to By-law 24-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 93-2015 to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore; and 3. That "seniors" be defined as 60 years of age or greater for the purpose of recreation programs.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Tender Award - North Talbot Road / It is recommended that: Council award the tender for the Fibermat application on North Talbot Road to Norjohn Contracting and Paving Ltd. in the total amount of $210,560.07plus applicable taxes.
Tender Award - 2016 Surface Treatment Program / It is recommended that Council: Award the tender for the 2016 Surface Treatment Program to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $269,450 plus applicable taxes; including gravel road conversion of $99,950 plus applicable taxes and road resurfacing third lift applications of $169,500 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project. 3. Authorize Administration to make applications for two additional projects under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF), such that a portion of the OCIF formula-based grant funding will be applied to the surface treatment on i) Lakeshore Road 215 and ii) Walls Road from Lakeshore Road 101 to Puce Road.
Tender award - 2016 Supply and Place Gravel Program / It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2016 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of $230,000 plus applicable taxes. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2016 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $89,320 plus applicable taxes. 3. Council award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the supply of additional base stone for the 2016 Surface Treatment Contract, as per Schedule 3, in the amount of $106,680 plus applicable taxes.
Bulk Water Fill Stations / It is recommended: 1. Council approves the water bulk rate charge for 2016 to be increased to $1.32/m3 which is equivalent to $6 per 1,000 gallons (0.4546 m3). 2. Administration be directed to prepare an amended Schedule K of the Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 to include the Bulk Water Fill Station Rate for adoption by Council at a future Council meeting. 3. Administration be directed to undertake to survey the current users of the Bulk Water Fill Stations.
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Asset Roadmap Initiative (ARMI) - Public Sector Digest Agreements __ /___ It is recommended that Council: Authorize the Mayor and Treasurer to execute agreements with The Public Sector Digest Inc. for services under the Asset Roadmap Initiative (ARMI) and provision and implementation of related software for tangible capital assets, capital planning and analysis and GIS integration, at a total cost of $208,390 plus HST to be completed in 2016 and 2017; and Approve a pre-commitment to the 2017 budget for $57,500 plus HST for the portion of the ARMI cost to be incurred in that year.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Christmas Holiday Hours / It is recommended that: Council authorize the shutdown of the municipal offices annually for the Christmas holiday period from December 24 to and including January 1.
NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Wilder submitted the following motion: / WHEREAS municipalities in Ontario invest a significant amount of time and resources into developing and updating their Official Plan; and WHEREAS the Official Plan of a municipality in Ontario, is ultimately reviewed and approved by the Province of Ontario; and WHEREAS it is within the legislative purview of a Municipal Council to approve Official Plan amendments or Zoning By-law changes that better the community or fit within the vision of their Official Plan; and WHEREAS it is also within the legislative purview of a Municipal Council to deny Official Plan amendments or Zoning By-law changes that do not better the community or do not fit within the vision of their Official Plan; and WHEREAS planning decisions of a Municipal Council may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board ("OMB"), an unelected, appointed body that is not accountable to the taxpayers of that municipality; and WHEREAS there is a significant expenditure of time and resources associated with defending decisions of a Municipal Council to the OMB, the full cost of which is borne by that municipality and ultimately the taxpayers of that municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT that the Government of Ontario be requested to establish a simplified process within the OMB ("OMB Simplified Process"), whereby planning decisions of a Municipal Council, made on the basis of upholding their Official Plan, may be appealed at no cost to that municipality; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT that the Government of Ontario be requested to require the OMB to uphold any planning decisions of a Municipal Council, if they are made on the basis of upholding their Official Plan, unless through the OMB Simplified Process, they are found to be contrary to the processes and rules set out in legislation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Patrick Brown, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, the Honourable Andrea Horwath, Leader of the New Democratic Party, and all MPPs in the Province of Ontario; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all Ontario municipalities for their consideration.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws / That By-laws 105-2015 and 106-2015 be read a third time and finally adopted this 8th day of March, 2016. ii) General By-laws / That By-laws 15-2016, 16-2016, 23-2016 and 24-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 8th day of March, 2016. a) By-law 105-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Little Baseline Road Drain East. b) By-law 106-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Leffler Drain. c) By-law 15-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-20-2015) d) By-law 16-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 43-2015 to appoint Pump Commissioners for the maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. e) By-law 23-2016, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore f) By-law 24-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 93-2015 to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT / That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at _____ p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.
DELEGATIONS Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-20-2015), Jules E. Mailloux, 4425 Lakeshore Road 302 • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council / It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-20-2015 (By-law No. 15 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the "Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 4425 Lakeshore Road 302, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site-specific "A-1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and adopt the implementing by-law.
Roger Donais - Southwestern Ontario Lawn Tractor Racing Association (SOLTRA) - Lawn Tractor Racing in Stoney Point Park - 2016 Season / _„__ It is recommended that: Council receive this report for information only.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council on any matters listed on the agenda. A maximum of four minutes shall be allocated for each public presentation. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make application to the Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday preceding the Council meeting. A written brief is encouraged and will be copied for Council.
CONSENT AGENDA All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2016. / It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 8, 2016. b) Kate Partridge - Natural Spring Lake behind Desjardins Street in Belle River c) Canada Day Planning Committee 2016 Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2015 d) MPAC - Important changes for the 2016 Assessment Update e) Essex Region Conservation Authority - Thank you, presentation, February 16, 2016 f) Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs - 2016 Senior of the Year Award g) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Service - Re: Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) h Township of Southgate - Support of Resolution Re: Bill 36 i) Township of Cavan Monaghan - Support of Resolution Re: Ontario's Consultation on Primary, Home and Community Health Care j) Municipality of Bluewater - Support of Resolution Re: The Minister of Health and Long Term Care reinstate incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario k) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment - Draft Minutes for February 17, 2016 I) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Annual and Summary Reports 2015 for Union Water Supply System m) Finance Services - Water Buy-in Fees By-law 4-2015 - Information Available on Fees Paid in Full n) Chief Administrative Officer - Cost Estimate to Retain an External Lead Negotiator / It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through Sn as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 8, 2016.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: Extension of Draft Plan Approval for 1473511 Ontario Ltd. (Valente) File No. 37-T-05007 (Whitewood Subdivision) / It is recommended that: 1. The County of Essex be advised that Council for the Town of Lakeshore is in support of extending draft plan approval for the final phase of the Whitewood Subdivision for a three year period.
Volunteer Appreciation Event / It is recommended that: Council hold a volunteer appreciation event once per Council term for members that have participated on Council committees.
Recreation Drop-in Fees and Adjustments to Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 (Schedule C-Recreation) / It is recommended that: 1. The Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 (Schedule C-Recreation) be amended as per this report, effective immediately; and 2. Council give three readings to By-law 24-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 93-2015 to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore; and 3. That "seniors" be defined as 60 years of age or greater for the purpose of recreation programs.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Tender Award - North Talbot Road / It is recommended that: Council award the tender for the Fibermat application on North Talbot Road to Norjohn Contracting and Paving Ltd. in the total amount of $210,560.07plus applicable taxes.
Tender Award - 2016 Surface Treatment Program / It is recommended that Council: Award the tender for the 2016 Surface Treatment Program to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $269,450 plus applicable taxes; including gravel road conversion of $99,950 plus applicable taxes and road resurfacing third lift applications of $169,500 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project. 3. Authorize Administration to make applications for two additional projects under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF), such that a portion of the OCIF formula-based grant funding will be applied to the surface treatment on i) Lakeshore Road 215 and ii) Walls Road from Lakeshore Road 101 to Puce Road.
Tender award - 2016 Supply and Place Gravel Program / It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2016 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of $230,000 plus applicable taxes. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2016 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $89,320 plus applicable taxes. 3. Council award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the supply of additional base stone for the 2016 Surface Treatment Contract, as per Schedule 3, in the amount of $106,680 plus applicable taxes.
Bulk Water Fill Stations / It is recommended: 1. Council approves the water bulk rate charge for 2016 to be increased to $1.32/m3 which is equivalent to $6 per 1,000 gallons (0.4546 m3). 2. Administration be directed to prepare an amended Schedule K of the Tariff of Fees By-Law 93-2015 to include the Bulk Water Fill Station Rate for adoption by Council at a future Council meeting. 3. Administration be directed to undertake to survey the current users of the Bulk Water Fill Stations.
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Asset Roadmap Initiative (ARMI) - Public Sector Digest Agreements __ /___ It is recommended that Council: Authorize the Mayor and Treasurer to execute agreements with The Public Sector Digest Inc. for services under the Asset Roadmap Initiative (ARMI) and provision and implementation of related software for tangible capital assets, capital planning and analysis and GIS integration, at a total cost of $208,390 plus HST to be completed in 2016 and 2017; and Approve a pre-commitment to the 2017 budget for $57,500 plus HST for the portion of the ARMI cost to be incurred in that year.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Christmas Holiday Hours / It is recommended that: Council authorize the shutdown of the municipal offices annually for the Christmas holiday period from December 24 to and including January 1.
NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Wilder submitted the following motion: / WHEREAS municipalities in Ontario invest a significant amount of time and resources into developing and updating their Official Plan; and WHEREAS the Official Plan of a municipality in Ontario, is ultimately reviewed and approved by the Province of Ontario; and WHEREAS it is within the legislative purview of a Municipal Council to approve Official Plan amendments or Zoning By-law changes that better the community or fit within the vision of their Official Plan; and WHEREAS it is also within the legislative purview of a Municipal Council to deny Official Plan amendments or Zoning By-law changes that do not better the community or do not fit within the vision of their Official Plan; and WHEREAS planning decisions of a Municipal Council may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board ("OMB"), an unelected, appointed body that is not accountable to the taxpayers of that municipality; and WHEREAS there is a significant expenditure of time and resources associated with defending decisions of a Municipal Council to the OMB, the full cost of which is borne by that municipality and ultimately the taxpayers of that municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT that the Government of Ontario be requested to establish a simplified process within the OMB ("OMB Simplified Process"), whereby planning decisions of a Municipal Council, made on the basis of upholding their Official Plan, may be appealed at no cost to that municipality; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT that the Government of Ontario be requested to require the OMB to uphold any planning decisions of a Municipal Council, if they are made on the basis of upholding their Official Plan, unless through the OMB Simplified Process, they are found to be contrary to the processes and rules set out in legislation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Patrick Brown, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, the Honourable Andrea Horwath, Leader of the New Democratic Party, and all MPPs in the Province of Ontario; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all Ontario municipalities for their consideration.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws / That By-laws 105-2015 and 106-2015 be read a third time and finally adopted this 8th day of March, 2016. ii) General By-laws / That By-laws 15-2016, 16-2016, 23-2016 and 24-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 8th day of March, 2016. a) By-law 105-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Little Baseline Road Drain East. b) By-law 106-2015, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Leffler Drain. c) By-law 15-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-20-2015) d) By-law 16-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 43-2015 to appoint Pump Commissioners for the maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. e) By-law 23-2016, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore f) By-law 24-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law 93-2015 to prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT / That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at _____ p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.