RECOGNITION OPP Presentation of Citation Award and Council recognition of Lakeshore residents for Lifesaving. Stacey Lanoue Chris Lanoue James Taylor
DELEGATIONS Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001 S. 357 It is recommended that: 1. Authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $ 6,069.66 for the 2014 and 2015 taxation years, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated March 7, 2016.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2016. N It is recommended that. - Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 22, 2016. b) Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island - Re: AMO Conference Tours c) Belle River Wind Project - Community Liaison Committee for the Belle River Wind Project. d) The Township of Minden Hills - Support of Resolution Re: Request for Review of the New OPP Billing Model e) Richmond Hill - Support of Resolution Re: Ontario Municipal Board Reform f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update 2016 g) Administration - Clerk' s Division - Process to Establish a Business Improvement Area ( BIA) h) Administration - Chief Administrative Officer - Budget Allocation for Business Travel Conference & Seminar Policy i) Council Assignment/Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 22, 2016.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Grass Cutting Contract 2015-2016 It is recommended that. 1. Council approve the cancellation of the contract with Mr. Maintenance for Schedule "B" of the 2015-2016 Grass Cutting Contract. 2. Council approve the awarding of Schedule ' B" for the 2015-2016 Grass Cutting Contract to Quality Turf for a one ( 1) year period (2016), with the option to renew for an additional two ( 2) years as per the terms of the original tender.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Atlas Tube Centre- Phase 11- Pool Access Corridor It is recommended that: 1. Council approve a Change Order to Phase / I of the Atlas Tube Centre to remove an existing structural column and reinforce the lintel to provide a clear entrance way into the WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad from the Phase I connection point; and, 2. Council increase the Phase // project budget by amount not to exceed 80,000 to fund the changes to the connection point between Phase I and Phase / I.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: Terms of Reference — Arts Advisory Committee It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Terms of Reference for an Arts Advisory Committee dated March 7, 2016 attached to this report.
Councillor Dierner submitted the following motion for consideration at the March 22, 2016 meeting of Council. That: Pleasant Park be renamed to Shanahan Park.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws FA That By-laws 22-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 22" d day of March, 2016. a) By- law 22- 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Elmgrove Drive Drain. 91 3 21. ii) General By-laws I That By-laws 25-2016 and 26-2016 be read a first, second time and third time and finally adopted this 22nd day of March, 2016. a. By-law 25-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law number 93-2015 to prescribe a Tafiff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore. b. By-law 26-2016, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT
RECOGNITION OPP Presentation of Citation Award and Council recognition of Lakeshore residents for Lifesaving. Stacey Lanoue Chris Lanoue James Taylor
DELEGATIONS Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001 S. 357 It is recommended that: 1. Authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $ 6,069.66 for the 2014 and 2015 taxation years, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated March 7, 2016.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2016. N It is recommended that. - Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 22, 2016. b) Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island - Re: AMO Conference Tours c) Belle River Wind Project - Community Liaison Committee for the Belle River Wind Project. d) The Township of Minden Hills - Support of Resolution Re: Request for Review of the New OPP Billing Model e) Richmond Hill - Support of Resolution Re: Ontario Municipal Board Reform f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update 2016 g) Administration - Clerk' s Division - Process to Establish a Business Improvement Area ( BIA) h) Administration - Chief Administrative Officer - Budget Allocation for Business Travel Conference & Seminar Policy i) Council Assignment/Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 22, 2016.
ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Report from administration re: Grass Cutting Contract 2015-2016 It is recommended that. 1. Council approve the cancellation of the contract with Mr. Maintenance for Schedule "B" of the 2015-2016 Grass Cutting Contract. 2. Council approve the awarding of Schedule ' B" for the 2015-2016 Grass Cutting Contract to Quality Turf for a one ( 1) year period (2016), with the option to renew for an additional two ( 2) years as per the terms of the original tender.
COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Report from administration re: a) Atlas Tube Centre- Phase 11- Pool Access Corridor It is recommended that: 1. Council approve a Change Order to Phase / I of the Atlas Tube Centre to remove an existing structural column and reinforce the lintel to provide a clear entrance way into the WFCU Community Pools and Splashpad from the Phase I connection point; and, 2. Council increase the Phase // project budget by amount not to exceed 80,000 to fund the changes to the connection point between Phase I and Phase / I.
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: Terms of Reference — Arts Advisory Committee It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Terms of Reference for an Arts Advisory Committee dated March 7, 2016 attached to this report.
Councillor Dierner submitted the following motion for consideration at the March 22, 2016 meeting of Council. That: Pleasant Park be renamed to Shanahan Park.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws FA That By-laws 22-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 22" d day of March, 2016. a) By- law 22- 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Elmgrove Drive Drain. 91 3 21. ii) General By-laws I That By-laws 25-2016 and 26-2016 be read a first, second time and third time and finally adopted this 22nd day of March, 2016. a. By-law 25-2016, being a By-law to amend By-law number 93-2015 to prescribe a Tafiff of Fees for the Town of Lakeshore. b. By-law 26-2016, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT