1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. (Mayor) Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with section 239 (2) e) and f) of the Municipal Act to obtain legal advice from the solicitors regarding the CEN Biotech OMB Appeal. That: Council move out of closed session at p.m. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION - 6:00 P.M. 3. APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 4. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF
a) Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island - Gordon Orr, CEO and Lynnette Bain, Vice President. - 2016/2017 Visitor Guide. b) PUBLIC MEETINGS UNDER THE PLANNING ACT i) Zoning By- law Amendment ( ZBA-10- 2016), James and Annette Domer, 305 West Pike Creek Road, Community of Maidstone. Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 10- 2016 By-law No. 49 - 2016), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 305 West Pike Creek Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site- specific " A- 1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and adopt the implementing by-law. ii) Zoning By-law Amendment ( ZBA-1 7- 2016), Michael DeMarse and Donna Priscak, 5775 Tecumseh Road, Stoney Point Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 1 7-2016 By-law No. 52 - 2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of a parcel, indicated as the " Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 5775 Tecumseh Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " CS, Service Commercial" to a site- specific "CS -6, Service Commercial, Exception 6" zone which shall permit a new single detached dwelling and accessory uses, structures and buildings on the Subject Property and adopt the implementing bylaw, and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law No. 53- 2016, to execute an Agreement with the Owner to connect to Municipal Sewage Services if those services become available in the future. Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment ( ZBA-10- 2011) and Site Plan Control ( SPC -3- 2011), Guardian Storage Ltd., c/o Terry Aldea, 472 Blanchard Drive. Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 10- 2011 By-law No. 47 - 2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the " Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 472 Blanchard Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " M1, General Employment" to ' MI -5 General Employment, Exception 5 " which shall permit the following relief. a) Minimum landscape open space at 5%, whereby 20% is required for the MI Zone; b) Minimum front yard setback at I ft ( 3 m) whereby 7.5 rn is required in the MI Zone; c) Minimum rear yard setback at 2 ft (.6 m) whereby 10 m is required in the MI Zone; d) Section 6. 5 Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures, V, Vii and X shall not apply; e) A minimum of 5 parking spaces (including I space for persons with disabilities); No loading space shall be required for a Public Storage facility, g) Section 6. 63 Waste Area Enclosures c) shall not apply; h) Section 6. 41. 2 h) shall not apply, and i) Section 6. 41. 2 i) shall not apply and the minimum aisle width between the two most easterly buildings is required to be 20 ft (6 M). 2. Council approve Site Plan Application SPC -3-2011 to permit the construction of a new building(s) for a public storage facility totaling 5, 731. 93 M2 or 61, 700 ft2 together with parking areas / loading areas and ancillary facilities, all on a 1. 4 ha or 3. 5 acre parcel of land, located at 472 Blanchard Drive, subject to the following conditions: a) the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, road improvements and any necessary service connections, easements and other items in accordance with approved drawings. 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, by-law # 48 - 2016, to execute the Site Plan Agreement.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Minutes of May 10, 2016 It is recommended that. Council approve the Minutes of May 10, 2016 listed as Item 8a on the Consent Agenda dated May 24, 2016. b) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2016 c) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2016 d) City of Timmins — Support of Resolution Re: Regulate Gas Prices in Ontario e) Town of Shelburne — Support of Resolution Re: Intensive Behaviour Intervention IBI) f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Exercise Equipment in Parks g) Council Assignment/Monthly Tracking Report h) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Second Garbage Collection Service i) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Minutes of the Drainage Board — May 2, 2016 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 24, 2016.
Report from administration re: a) Removal of Holding Symbol ( File: ZBA-18- 2016), Dave and Sue Nichols, 915 Markham Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 51- 2016 ( ZBA- 18- 2016) to remove the Holding Symbol ( h6) from 915 Markham Drive, from Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 ( h6) " Holding Zone" to Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 Zone.
Cyanide Antidote Deployment It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the initial purchase and ongoing replacement of the Cyanide antidote. 2. Council give 3 readings to bylaw 54-2016 to authorize the mayor to sign the agreement.
Parks and Recreation Master Plan — Terms of Reference, Scope of Study, and Appointment of Consultant. It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Terms of Reference and Scope of Study identified in this report that will direct the appointed Consultant in the development and delivery of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and, 2. Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a contract with Bezaire and Associates for a lump sum fee of $ 108, 757 ( incl professional fees, disbursements for printing and mileage, and net HST), in a form satisfactory to the Town's Solicitor and Treasurer.
Community Policing Partnerships Program ( Renewal), and Safer Communities — 1, 000 Officers Program ( Renewal) It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt By-law # 38-2016 being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the one year renewal (April 1, 2016- March 31, 2017) of the Community Policing Partnerships (CPP) Programme. 2. Council adopt By-law # 55-2016 being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the one year renewal (April 1, 2016- March 31, 2017) of the Safer Communities- 1000 Officers ( 1000 Officers) Programme.
SP Belle River Wind LP — Road Use Agreement and Community Benefit Agreement I It is recommended that: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By -Law 44-2016 to sign the Road Use Agreement including the Community Benefit Agreement Schedule G), Municipal Council Support Resolution ( Schedule F), and all other attached schedules requiring signature between the Town of Lakeshore and SP Belle River Wind LR and 2. The proceeds from the Community Benefit Agreement be held in the Community Benefit Reserve, for use in accordance with the Agreement
Belle River Flood Control Project Update It is recommended that: 1. Council authorize payment of up to a maximum additional amount of 4, 000 to ERCA to fund 50% of the over -expenditure on the Belle River Flood Control project, and that it be charged to consulting expense in the Public Works 2016 Budget.
Request for Parking Exemption Extension It is recommended that: 1. Council grant a six ( 6) month extension to the temporary exemption to Parking By -Law 4- 2006 for Integram Windsor Seating ( IWS) to allow for parking on the south side of Advance Boulevard from the easternmost parking lot entrance westerly to the westernmost parking lot entrance until December 2, 2016.
Tender Award — Park Lane and Southwood Dr. Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the tender for the Park Lane and Southwood Drive Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing project to DAmore Construction Ltd in the amount of $469,300.00 plus HST; and 2. Approve an over -expenditure in the Water Budget Centre not to exceed 30,000 for completion of the above -noted watermain replacement.
Tender Award — Webbwood Drain Improvements It is recommended that: 1. Council award the Webbwood Drain project to Nevan Construction Inc. in the amount of $535,325.00 plus HST.
Financing of Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extensions amending Drainage Debenture Policy # FN -222 It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve and adopt Policy # FN222 — Financing of Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extensions (formerly "Drainage Debenture) as amended and attached to the May 16, 2016 report from the Director of Finance; and 2. That Policy #FN222 be applied and effective for Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extension projects where By-laws providing financing options have not yet been adopted.
Belle River Marina — "Wireless Hotspot" Internet Options It is recommended that Council: 1. Direct Administration to liaise with Gosfield North Communications on implementation of an improved internet service level at the Belle River Marina including: a. Provision of free Wi-Fi Hotspot service to Marina users for ' light' usage such as browsing websites and accessing social media; and b. Offering user -pay service access through Gosfield North Communications on a subscriber basis that would provide ' full' access including streaming services; and 2. That Administration be directed to include the cost for supply and installation of the technology infrastructure to support provision of this service in the 2017 Budget for consideration.
Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 37-2016, 41- 2016 and 42-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 24th day of May, 2016 That By-law 22-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24th day of May, 2016. a) By-law 22- 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Elmgrove Drive Drain. b) By-law 37-2016, being a By- law to provide for Bridges over the Renaud Line Drain. c) By- law 41- 2016, being a By- law to provide for Ruscorn River Outlet #5 d) By-law 42-2016, being a By- law to provide for Ruscom River Outlet #6 ii) General By-laws That By-law 38-2016, 44-2016, 47-2016, 48-2016, 49-2016, 51- 2016, 52- 2016, 53-2016, 54- 2016, 55-2016, 56-2016 and 57-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24h day of May, 2016. a) By-law 38-2016, being a By- law to authorize the execution of the Community Policing Partnerships Renewal Agreement between Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore and Lakeshore Police Services Board. b) By- law 44-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Community Benefit Agreement and Municipal Council Support Resolution between SP Belle River Wind LP and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. c) By- law 47-2016, being a By-law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 0- 2011) — Guardian Storage d) By-law 49-2016, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 1 0- 2016) - Domer e) By-law 51- 2016, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 8- 2016) - Nichols f) By-law 52- 2016, being a By-law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 7- 2016) — Demarse, Priscak g) By-law 53-2016, being A By- law to authorize the execution of a sanitary sewer connection agreement with Michael Charles Demarse and Donna Marie Priscak 5775 Tecumseh Road — ZBA-1 7- 2016). h) By-law 54-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Windsor Regional Hospital and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. i) By-law 55-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement for the Safer Communities — 1, 000 Officer Partnership Program between Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore and Lakeshore Police Services Board. By- law 56-2016, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. k) By-law 57-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Bezaire and Associates and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. 1) By-law 48-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Guardian Storage Ltd. ( 472 Blanchard Drive — SPC -3- 2011) 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. (Mayor) Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with section 239 (2) e) and f) of the Municipal Act to obtain legal advice from the solicitors regarding the CEN Biotech OMB Appeal. That: Council move out of closed session at p.m. 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION - 6:00 P.M. 3. APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 4. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF
a) Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island - Gordon Orr, CEO and Lynnette Bain, Vice President. - 2016/2017 Visitor Guide. b) PUBLIC MEETINGS UNDER THE PLANNING ACT i) Zoning By- law Amendment ( ZBA-10- 2016), James and Annette Domer, 305 West Pike Creek Road, Community of Maidstone. Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 10- 2016 By-law No. 49 - 2016), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 305 West Pike Creek Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "A, Agriculture" to a site- specific " A- 1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and adopt the implementing by-law. ii) Zoning By-law Amendment ( ZBA-1 7- 2016), Michael DeMarse and Donna Priscak, 5775 Tecumseh Road, Stoney Point Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 1 7-2016 By-law No. 52 - 2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of a parcel, indicated as the " Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 5775 Tecumseh Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " CS, Service Commercial" to a site- specific "CS -6, Service Commercial, Exception 6" zone which shall permit a new single detached dwelling and accessory uses, structures and buildings on the Subject Property and adopt the implementing bylaw, and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law No. 53- 2016, to execute an Agreement with the Owner to connect to Municipal Sewage Services if those services become available in the future. Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment ( ZBA-10- 2011) and Site Plan Control ( SPC -3- 2011), Guardian Storage Ltd., c/o Terry Aldea, 472 Blanchard Drive. Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA- 10- 2011 By-law No. 47 - 2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the " Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 472 Blanchard Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " M1, General Employment" to ' MI -5 General Employment, Exception 5 " which shall permit the following relief. a) Minimum landscape open space at 5%, whereby 20% is required for the MI Zone; b) Minimum front yard setback at I ft ( 3 m) whereby 7.5 rn is required in the MI Zone; c) Minimum rear yard setback at 2 ft (.6 m) whereby 10 m is required in the MI Zone; d) Section 6. 5 Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures, V, Vii and X shall not apply; e) A minimum of 5 parking spaces (including I space for persons with disabilities); No loading space shall be required for a Public Storage facility, g) Section 6. 63 Waste Area Enclosures c) shall not apply; h) Section 6. 41. 2 h) shall not apply, and i) Section 6. 41. 2 i) shall not apply and the minimum aisle width between the two most easterly buildings is required to be 20 ft (6 M). 2. Council approve Site Plan Application SPC -3-2011 to permit the construction of a new building(s) for a public storage facility totaling 5, 731. 93 M2 or 61, 700 ft2 together with parking areas / loading areas and ancillary facilities, all on a 1. 4 ha or 3. 5 acre parcel of land, located at 472 Blanchard Drive, subject to the following conditions: a) the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, road improvements and any necessary service connections, easements and other items in accordance with approved drawings. 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, by-law # 48 - 2016, to execute the Site Plan Agreement.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Minutes of May 10, 2016 It is recommended that. Council approve the Minutes of May 10, 2016 listed as Item 8a on the Consent Agenda dated May 24, 2016. b) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2016 c) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2016 d) City of Timmins — Support of Resolution Re: Regulate Gas Prices in Ontario e) Town of Shelburne — Support of Resolution Re: Intensive Behaviour Intervention IBI) f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Exercise Equipment in Parks g) Council Assignment/Monthly Tracking Report h) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Second Garbage Collection Service i) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Minutes of the Drainage Board — May 2, 2016 It is recommended that. Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 24, 2016.
Report from administration re: a) Removal of Holding Symbol ( File: ZBA-18- 2016), Dave and Sue Nichols, 915 Markham Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 51- 2016 ( ZBA- 18- 2016) to remove the Holding Symbol ( h6) from 915 Markham Drive, from Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 ( h6) " Holding Zone" to Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 Zone.
Cyanide Antidote Deployment It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the initial purchase and ongoing replacement of the Cyanide antidote. 2. Council give 3 readings to bylaw 54-2016 to authorize the mayor to sign the agreement.
Parks and Recreation Master Plan — Terms of Reference, Scope of Study, and Appointment of Consultant. It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Terms of Reference and Scope of Study identified in this report that will direct the appointed Consultant in the development and delivery of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and, 2. Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a contract with Bezaire and Associates for a lump sum fee of $ 108, 757 ( incl professional fees, disbursements for printing and mileage, and net HST), in a form satisfactory to the Town's Solicitor and Treasurer.
Community Policing Partnerships Program ( Renewal), and Safer Communities — 1, 000 Officers Program ( Renewal) It is recommended that. 1. Council adopt By-law # 38-2016 being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the one year renewal (April 1, 2016- March 31, 2017) of the Community Policing Partnerships (CPP) Programme. 2. Council adopt By-law # 55-2016 being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the one year renewal (April 1, 2016- March 31, 2017) of the Safer Communities- 1000 Officers ( 1000 Officers) Programme.
SP Belle River Wind LP — Road Use Agreement and Community Benefit Agreement I It is recommended that: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By -Law 44-2016 to sign the Road Use Agreement including the Community Benefit Agreement Schedule G), Municipal Council Support Resolution ( Schedule F), and all other attached schedules requiring signature between the Town of Lakeshore and SP Belle River Wind LR and 2. The proceeds from the Community Benefit Agreement be held in the Community Benefit Reserve, for use in accordance with the Agreement
Belle River Flood Control Project Update It is recommended that: 1. Council authorize payment of up to a maximum additional amount of 4, 000 to ERCA to fund 50% of the over -expenditure on the Belle River Flood Control project, and that it be charged to consulting expense in the Public Works 2016 Budget.
Request for Parking Exemption Extension It is recommended that: 1. Council grant a six ( 6) month extension to the temporary exemption to Parking By -Law 4- 2006 for Integram Windsor Seating ( IWS) to allow for parking on the south side of Advance Boulevard from the easternmost parking lot entrance westerly to the westernmost parking lot entrance until December 2, 2016.
Tender Award — Park Lane and Southwood Dr. Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the tender for the Park Lane and Southwood Drive Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing project to DAmore Construction Ltd in the amount of $469,300.00 plus HST; and 2. Approve an over -expenditure in the Water Budget Centre not to exceed 30,000 for completion of the above -noted watermain replacement.
Tender Award — Webbwood Drain Improvements It is recommended that: 1. Council award the Webbwood Drain project to Nevan Construction Inc. in the amount of $535,325.00 plus HST.
Financing of Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extensions amending Drainage Debenture Policy # FN -222 It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve and adopt Policy # FN222 — Financing of Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extensions (formerly "Drainage Debenture) as amended and attached to the May 16, 2016 report from the Director of Finance; and 2. That Policy #FN222 be applied and effective for Drainage Construction and Municipal Act Capital Charges for Watermain Extension projects where By-laws providing financing options have not yet been adopted.
Belle River Marina — "Wireless Hotspot" Internet Options It is recommended that Council: 1. Direct Administration to liaise with Gosfield North Communications on implementation of an improved internet service level at the Belle River Marina including: a. Provision of free Wi-Fi Hotspot service to Marina users for ' light' usage such as browsing websites and accessing social media; and b. Offering user -pay service access through Gosfield North Communications on a subscriber basis that would provide ' full' access including streaming services; and 2. That Administration be directed to include the cost for supply and installation of the technology infrastructure to support provision of this service in the 2017 Budget for consideration.
Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 37-2016, 41- 2016 and 42-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 24th day of May, 2016 That By-law 22-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24th day of May, 2016. a) By-law 22- 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Elmgrove Drive Drain. b) By-law 37-2016, being a By- law to provide for Bridges over the Renaud Line Drain. c) By- law 41- 2016, being a By- law to provide for Ruscorn River Outlet #5 d) By-law 42-2016, being a By- law to provide for Ruscom River Outlet #6 ii) General By-laws That By-law 38-2016, 44-2016, 47-2016, 48-2016, 49-2016, 51- 2016, 52- 2016, 53-2016, 54- 2016, 55-2016, 56-2016 and 57-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 24h day of May, 2016. a) By-law 38-2016, being a By- law to authorize the execution of the Community Policing Partnerships Renewal Agreement between Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore and Lakeshore Police Services Board. b) By- law 44-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Community Benefit Agreement and Municipal Council Support Resolution between SP Belle River Wind LP and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. c) By- law 47-2016, being a By-law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 0- 2011) — Guardian Storage d) By-law 49-2016, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 1 0- 2016) - Domer e) By-law 51- 2016, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2015, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 8- 2016) - Nichols f) By-law 52- 2016, being a By-law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-1 7- 2016) — Demarse, Priscak g) By-law 53-2016, being A By- law to authorize the execution of a sanitary sewer connection agreement with Michael Charles Demarse and Donna Marie Priscak 5775 Tecumseh Road — ZBA-1 7- 2016). h) By-law 54-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Windsor Regional Hospital and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. i) By-law 55-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement for the Safer Communities — 1, 000 Officer Partnership Program between Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore and Lakeshore Police Services Board. By- law 56-2016, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. k) By-law 57-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Bezaire and Associates and the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. 1) By-law 48-2016, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Guardian Storage Ltd. ( 472 Blanchard Drive — SPC -3- 2011) 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT