DELEGATIONS a) Tourism - Windsor Essex Pelee Island– Gordon Orr, Lynnette Bain, Kris Racine – Re: 2015 Year in Review and 2016/2017 Marketing Plan b) PUBLIC MEETINGS UNDER THE PLANNING ACT i) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-16-2016), Thomas James Brodie, • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-16-2016 (By-law No. 65 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Admiral Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "RW2-9 (h6), Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair, Exception 9, (h6)"to "RW2 (h20), Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair (h20) " zone which shall permit a single detached dwelling and accessory uses, structures and buildings, when the holding symbol (h20) has been removed and adopt the implementing by-law. ii) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-19-2016), Robert Augustine • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-19-2016 (By-law No. 60 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 5805 County Road 46, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "12, Minor Institutional" to a site-specific "CR- Rural Commercial/Employment, Exception 50 " zone, which shall permit all the uses in the CR Zone (Appendix 2), including a contractor's yard and accessory uses, structures and buildings for the same, but excluding any residential uses and adopt the implementing by-law. c) i) Ms. Cynthia Swift, CPA, CA of KPMG, LLP - Re: Presentation of the 2015 Year End and Audit Findings ii) 2015 Year End Reporting: Audited Financial Statements and Building Services Annual Statement It is recommended that: 1. Council approve and adopt the audited 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 as presented; and 2. Council authorize publication of the 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements on the Town of Lakeshore website (www.lakeshore.ca); and 3. Council receive the Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Accumulated Net Expense for the Building Services Department for the year ended December 31, 2015.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a)It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 28, 2016. c) Ontario Provincial Police - Re: New Report Available Related to Current Billable Calls for Service (CFS) d) Township of Wellington North - Support of Resolution for Province to Implement a Ban on Door to Door Sales for Electricity and Natural Gas Contracts e) Council Assignments/Monthly Tracking f) Committee of Adjustment Draft Meeting Minutes for June 15, 2016 g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Renewal of the Municipal Drinking Water Licence and Drinking Water Work Permit for the Town of Lakeshore h) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Lakeview Park Water Service Cost Estimate j) Pelham Niagara - Support Resolution Re: Strategic Energy Initiatives: Hydro One k) Community and Development Services - Summary of Employment Land Supply It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8k as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 28, 2016.
Tender Award - Salt Shed Facility It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Salt Storage Facility to Agri-Urban Buildings Inc. (AUBI) in the revised amount of $874,602.50 plus HST through the deletion and adjustments of provisional items within the tender, and 2. Council approve an over-expenditure in the Public Works Budget Centre under the Salt Storage Facility capital project for the construction of a salt shed at the Lakeshore West Public Works yard at a cost not to exceed $56,495, and 3. Council approve a transfers not to exceed $615,495 from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve and $371,000 from Significant Capital Projects Reserve.
Watermain Extension by Petition Policy EN-397 It is recommended that: That Council adopts the Watermain Extension by Petition Policy EN-397
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) 2015 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances / It is recommended that: 1. The report regarding 2015 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; and 2. That the taxation supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to reserves as follows: a. $48,000 to Encumbrance Reserve (01.04.0901.1202) to fund deferred expenses in Drainage and Marina budget centres; and b. $7,562 to Master Servicing Plans (01.04.0901.8104) to correct 2015 transfer to Finance operations; and c. $75,000 to Buildings Lifecycle (01.04.09001.1206) to fund completion of the Town Hall Roof project under the Facilities budget centre; and d. $250,000 to Roads Share - Drainage (01.04.0901.3114) to provide funding for future drainage assessments to Roads Share under the Public Works budget centre; and e. $100,000 to Winter Control (01.04.0901.3118) to provide funding for future winter control over-expenditures under the Public Works budget centre; and f. $33,041 to Contingency Reserve account (01.04.0901.1201) for tax rate stabilization. 3. That the Wastewater (sanitary sewer) rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund (account 84.03.0811.0118); and 4. That the Water rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund (account 84.03.0811.0105).
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Administration Human Resources - CAO Performance Evaluation Process It is recommended that: Council adopt the attached new procedure and questionnaire for the CAO Performance Evaluation process.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws / That By-law 43-2016 and 50-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. a) By-law 43-2016, being a By-law to construct a new access bridge for the Halliday Drain. b) By-law 50, 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the East Maiden Road Drain, 8 Concession Drain and the Potts Drain. ii) General By-laws / That By-law 60-2016, 65-2016 and 67-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. a) By-law 60-2016, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-19-2016) By-law 65-2016, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2016) By-law 67-2016, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of Council for June 28th, 2016. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT a) That Council move into closed session at in accordance with section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act to review applications for appointment to the Arts Advisory Committee. b) Council Move out of closed session at c) That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.
DELEGATIONS a) Tourism - Windsor Essex Pelee Island– Gordon Orr, Lynnette Bain, Kris Racine – Re: 2015 Year in Review and 2016/2017 Marketing Plan b) PUBLIC MEETINGS UNDER THE PLANNING ACT i) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-16-2016), Thomas James Brodie, • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-16-2016 (By-law No. 65 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Admiral Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "RW2-9 (h6), Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair, Exception 9, (h6)"to "RW2 (h20), Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair (h20) " zone which shall permit a single detached dwelling and accessory uses, structures and buildings, when the holding symbol (h20) has been removed and adopt the implementing by-law. ii) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-19-2016), Robert Augustine • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It recommended that: Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-19-2016 (By-law No. 60 -2016, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 5805 County Road 46, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "12, Minor Institutional" to a site-specific "CR- Rural Commercial/Employment, Exception 50 " zone, which shall permit all the uses in the CR Zone (Appendix 2), including a contractor's yard and accessory uses, structures and buildings for the same, but excluding any residential uses and adopt the implementing by-law. c) i) Ms. Cynthia Swift, CPA, CA of KPMG, LLP - Re: Presentation of the 2015 Year End and Audit Findings ii) 2015 Year End Reporting: Audited Financial Statements and Building Services Annual Statement It is recommended that: 1. Council approve and adopt the audited 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 as presented; and 2. Council authorize publication of the 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements on the Town of Lakeshore website (www.lakeshore.ca); and 3. Council receive the Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Accumulated Net Expense for the Building Services Department for the year ended December 31, 2015.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a)It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 28, 2016. c) Ontario Provincial Police - Re: New Report Available Related to Current Billable Calls for Service (CFS) d) Township of Wellington North - Support of Resolution for Province to Implement a Ban on Door to Door Sales for Electricity and Natural Gas Contracts e) Council Assignments/Monthly Tracking f) Committee of Adjustment Draft Meeting Minutes for June 15, 2016 g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Renewal of the Municipal Drinking Water Licence and Drinking Water Work Permit for the Town of Lakeshore h) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Lakeview Park Water Service Cost Estimate j) Pelham Niagara - Support Resolution Re: Strategic Energy Initiatives: Hydro One k) Community and Development Services - Summary of Employment Land Supply It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8k as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 28, 2016.
Tender Award - Salt Shed Facility It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Salt Storage Facility to Agri-Urban Buildings Inc. (AUBI) in the revised amount of $874,602.50 plus HST through the deletion and adjustments of provisional items within the tender, and 2. Council approve an over-expenditure in the Public Works Budget Centre under the Salt Storage Facility capital project for the construction of a salt shed at the Lakeshore West Public Works yard at a cost not to exceed $56,495, and 3. Council approve a transfers not to exceed $615,495 from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve and $371,000 from Significant Capital Projects Reserve.
Watermain Extension by Petition Policy EN-397 It is recommended that: That Council adopts the Watermain Extension by Petition Policy EN-397
FINANCE SERVICES Report from administration re: a) 2015 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances / It is recommended that: 1. The report regarding 2015 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; and 2. That the taxation supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to reserves as follows: a. $48,000 to Encumbrance Reserve (01.04.0901.1202) to fund deferred expenses in Drainage and Marina budget centres; and b. $7,562 to Master Servicing Plans (01.04.0901.8104) to correct 2015 transfer to Finance operations; and c. $75,000 to Buildings Lifecycle (01.04.09001.1206) to fund completion of the Town Hall Roof project under the Facilities budget centre; and d. $250,000 to Roads Share - Drainage (01.04.0901.3114) to provide funding for future drainage assessments to Roads Share under the Public Works budget centre; and e. $100,000 to Winter Control (01.04.0901.3118) to provide funding for future winter control over-expenditures under the Public Works budget centre; and f. $33,041 to Contingency Reserve account (01.04.0901.1201) for tax rate stabilization. 3. That the Wastewater (sanitary sewer) rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund (account 84.03.0811.0118); and 4. That the Water rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2015 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund (account 84.03.0811.0105).
CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Report from administration re: a) Administration Human Resources - CAO Performance Evaluation Process It is recommended that: Council adopt the attached new procedure and questionnaire for the CAO Performance Evaluation process.
QUESTION PERIOD Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
20. READING OF BY-LAWS i) Drainage By-laws / That By-law 43-2016 and 50-2016 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. a) By-law 43-2016, being a By-law to construct a new access bridge for the Halliday Drain. b) By-law 50, 2016, being a By-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the East Maiden Road Drain, 8 Concession Drain and the Potts Drain. ii) General By-laws / That By-law 60-2016, 65-2016 and 67-2016 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. a) By-law 60-2016, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-19-2016) By-law 65-2016, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2016) By-law 67-2016, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of Council for June 28th, 2016. 21. RESOLUTION RE: COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT a) That Council move into closed session at in accordance with section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act to review applications for appointment to the Arts Advisory Committee. b) Council Move out of closed session at c) That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.