1. Call to Order 6: 00 p.m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
Delegations a) Belle River Log Cabin Committee — Anne Anderson and Guillaume Teasdale — Re: Relocation of the log cabin to Optimist Park. b) Belle River Minor Soccer Club — Rad Stevanovic, President — Re: Club' s position on soccer field lease.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 21, 2017. b) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2017. c) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2017. d) Minutes of the Drainage Board — November 7, 2016 e) Minutes of the Drainage Board — January 9, 2017 f) Minutes of the Drainage Board — February 6, 2017 g) Ministry of Education — Re: Importance of School Board and Municipal Partnerships. h) Municipal Property Assessment Corporation ( MPAC) — Re: Assessing Properties in Proximity to Industrial Wind Turbines. i) Attorney General — Yasir Naqvi Re: Sustainable Funding Formula for Ontario' s Child and Youth Advocacy Centres. j) Molson Canadian Project - Re: Seeking Nominees k) Town of Tecumseh — Support of Resolution Re: Marijuana Controls Under bill 178, Smoke -Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016 l) Minister of Science — Re: Town of Lakeshore' s resolution in support of a Comprehensive Ban on Asbestos in Canada n) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — The Cost of Supplying Drinking Water to Lakeshore o) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Services at Marinas for Bird Control Measures and WiFi p) Administration — Clerk' s Division — Insurance, SOLTRA Lawn Mower Races and Practices q) Community and Development Services — Committee of Adjustment, draft minutes for March 15, 2017 r) Council Assignments/ Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8r as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 21, 2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -4- 2017), Reko International Inc., c/o Rosati Group, 0 & 469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive, New Building Addition ( Manufacturing Plant & Office), Community of Maidstone. It is recommended that: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC -4-2017 to permit the construction of a new plant addition and office totaling 4,301. 27 sq. m. ( 46,300 sq. ft.) on a 2.27 hectare (5.61 acre) portion of land, together with any necessary ancillary facilities, on the south side of Silver Creek Industrial Drive; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC - 4 -2017 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 27-2017, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. b) RED Grant Application — Lakeshore Branding and Marketing It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration Development ( RED) Grant for a initiative in the amount of $30,000. to apply to the Rural Economic Lakeshore Branding & Marketing c) Access4All Barrier Buster Grant Application It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration to apply for the Access4All Barrier Buster Grant to provide 50% funding of $ 25,000 to install an accessible pathway at West Beach. d) By- law Compliance Service Delivery Model It is recommended that: 1. Council receive and endorse the By -Law Compliance Service Delivery Model as outlined in this report; and, 2. Council direct administration to proceed with the development of Short Form Wording of appropriate By -Laws and set fines for approval by the Provincial Court. e) Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to advise the Municipality of Chatham—Kent before June 30, 2017, that the Town of Lakeshore does not intend to renew the Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement upon its expiry December 31, 2017.
Gravel Road Conversion Program Additional Criteria It is recommended that: 1. The current Gravel Road Conversion Program not be amended to include additional criteria for the selection of roads in the multiyear plan of conversion of gravel roads to surface treatment.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -4- 2017), Reko International Inc., c/o Rosati Group, 0 & 469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive, New Building Addition ( Manufacturing Plant & Office), Community of Maidstone. It is recommended that: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC -4-2017 to permit the construction of a new plant addition and office totaling 4,301. 27 sq. m. ( 46,300 sq. ft.) on a 2.27 hectare (5.61 acre) portion of land, together with any necessary ancillary facilities, on the south side of Silver Creek Industrial Drive; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC - 4 -2017 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 27-2017, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. b) RED Grant Application — Lakeshore Branding and Marketing It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration Development ( RED) Grant for a initiative in the amount of $30,000. to apply to the Rural Economic Lakeshore Branding & Marketing c) Access4All Barrier Buster Grant Application It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration to apply for the Access4All Barrier Buster Grant to provide 50% funding of $ 25,000 to install an accessible pathway at West Beach. d) By- law Compliance Service Delivery Model It is recommended that: 1. Council receive and endorse the By -Law Compliance Service Delivery Model as outlined in this report; and, 2. Council direct administration to proceed with the development of Short Form Wording of appropriate By -Laws and set fines for approval by the Provincial Court. e) Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to advise the Municipality of Chatham—Kent before June 30, 2017, that the Town of Lakeshore does not intend to renew the Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement upon its expiry December 31, 2017.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tender Award — Lakeshore Road 101 Rehabilitation ( County Road 42 to North Rear Road) It is recommended that: 1. Award the tender for the rehabilitation of Lakeshore Road 101 to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $442,997. 50 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project. b) Purchase of Hydraulic Breaker Attachment for John Deere 310SJ Backhoe It is recommended that: 1. Approve the purchase of a 2015 NPK PH3 Hydraulic Breaker attachment from Nortrax at a cost of $ 15, 200 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Authorize the related over -expenditure not to exceed $8,500 to be funded from taxation revenue. c) Tender Award — Asphalt (Hardtop) Road Repairs It is recommended that: Award the tender for the 2017 Asphalt ( Hardtop) Road Repairs to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $86,725 plus applicable taxes. d) Tender Award — Silver Creek Pond Cleanup II It is recommended that: Award the tender for the Silver Creek Pond Cleanup to Shearock Construction Group Inc. in the total amount of $ 97,500 plus applicable taxes. e) 2017 Sidewalk Repairs — Additional Request It is recommended that: Council approve a 2017 over -expenditure not to exceed $ 15, 000 including net HST) in the Public Works budget centre for sidewalk repairs. g) 2017 Additional Road Work — Silver Creek Industrial Drive and Lakeshore Road 308 It is recommended that: 1. Council approve additional 2017 capital expenditures under the Public Works budget centre for Resurfacing Silver Creek Industrial Drive - Patillo Rd to approximately 300m West at a cost not to exceed $60, 000 including net HST; and 2. Approve additional 2017 capital expenditures under the Public Works budget centre for Gravel Road Conversion of Lakeshore Rd# 308 from Richardson Sideroad to Gracey Sideroad at a cost not to exceed $250, 000 including net HST; and 3. Authorize transfers of up to $ 250, 000 from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve account and $ 60,000 from the Gravel Road Conversion Reserve account to fund these projects; and 4. Approve the deferring of Walls Road third lift application work between Puce Road and Lakeshore Road 113 and apply the 60,000 funding from the gravel conversion reserve instead towards the completion of the following roads: Richardson Sideroad from LR#310 to LR#311, LR#311 from Richardson SR to Tilbury/Wheatley & Romney Townline Tilbury/Wheatley & Romney Townline from LR#311 to Kent Rd # 1 h) Tender Award — 2017 Supply and Place Gravel Program It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2017 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of $215,705 plus applicable taxes. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2017 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $92,500 plus applicable taxes. i) Quotation Award — Fencing Near Soccer Fields (ATC) It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Atlas Tube Centre to Imperial Fence in the total amount of $25, 142.03 plus applicable taxes; and 2. That a related over -expenditure not to exceed $2, 000 be approved under the 2017 Public Works budget centre.
Finance Services Report from administration re: a) Discontinue Water Shutoff for Account Arrears II It is recommended that: 1. Authorize the discontinuance of water shut-off for non-payment of the water bill; and 2. Direct that the Water Arrears Collection policy and procedure, adopted May 22, 2001, be amended accordingly; and 3. That the process changes be effective for water bill due dates on or after March 31, 2017. b) Elimination of Tenant Water Billing FA It is recommended that: 1. Authorize administration to discontinue the process of registering water accounts in the name of a property tenant(s); and 2. Direct that water accounts be established under registered property owners; and 3. Rescind the Tenant Water Deposit policy; and 4. Approve the above actions to be effective as outlined in this report. c) 2017 Budget Adoption and Final Levy by- law 21- 2017 It is recommended that: Council approve and adopt the 2017 Budget and By-law 21- 2017, establishing the 2017 Municipal Tax Levy and Tax Rates.
Notice of Motion a) Notice of Motion presented by Councillor Monk on February 14, 2017 and deferred to the March 21, 2017 Meeting of Council. b) Notice of motion presented by Councillor McKinlay on February 14, 2017 and deferred to the March 21, 2017 meeting of Council. 9 It is recommended that: Council move into closed session following the regular order of business on the agenda for the March 21, 2017 meeting of Council to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual in accordance with the Municipal Act Section 239 2) ( b) .
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non- Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non -Agenda Business.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 24-2017, 25-2017 and 26-2017 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 21St day of March, 2017. a) By- law 24-2017, being a by-law to install a new bridge access within the Renaud Line Drain. b) By-law 25-2017, being a by-law to construct a bridge replacement in the Tecumseh Road Drain ( North Branch). c) By-law 26- 2017, being a by- law to construct a new access bridge in the 4t" Concession Drain. ii) General By-laws That By-law 21- 2017, 27-2017 and 28-2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 21St day of March, 2017. a) By- law 21- 2017, being a by-law to adopt the budget estimates, tax rates and further to provide for penalty and interest in default of any payment for the year 2017 b) By- law 27-2017, being a by-law to delegate sit plan approval for Reko International Group Inc. (469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive -SPC -4-2017) b) By-law 28-2017, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of Council.
1. Call to Order 6: 00 p.m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
Delegations a) Belle River Log Cabin Committee — Anne Anderson and Guillaume Teasdale — Re: Relocation of the log cabin to Optimist Park. b) Belle River Minor Soccer Club — Rad Stevanovic, President — Re: Club' s position on soccer field lease.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 21, 2017. b) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2017. c) Belle River -On the Lake BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2017. d) Minutes of the Drainage Board — November 7, 2016 e) Minutes of the Drainage Board — January 9, 2017 f) Minutes of the Drainage Board — February 6, 2017 g) Ministry of Education — Re: Importance of School Board and Municipal Partnerships. h) Municipal Property Assessment Corporation ( MPAC) — Re: Assessing Properties in Proximity to Industrial Wind Turbines. i) Attorney General — Yasir Naqvi Re: Sustainable Funding Formula for Ontario' s Child and Youth Advocacy Centres. j) Molson Canadian Project - Re: Seeking Nominees k) Town of Tecumseh — Support of Resolution Re: Marijuana Controls Under bill 178, Smoke -Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016 l) Minister of Science — Re: Town of Lakeshore' s resolution in support of a Comprehensive Ban on Asbestos in Canada n) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — The Cost of Supplying Drinking Water to Lakeshore o) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Services at Marinas for Bird Control Measures and WiFi p) Administration — Clerk' s Division — Insurance, SOLTRA Lawn Mower Races and Practices q) Community and Development Services — Committee of Adjustment, draft minutes for March 15, 2017 r) Council Assignments/ Monthly Tracking Report It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8r as listed on the Consent Agenda dated March 21, 2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -4- 2017), Reko International Inc., c/o Rosati Group, 0 & 469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive, New Building Addition ( Manufacturing Plant & Office), Community of Maidstone. It is recommended that: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC -4-2017 to permit the construction of a new plant addition and office totaling 4,301. 27 sq. m. ( 46,300 sq. ft.) on a 2.27 hectare (5.61 acre) portion of land, together with any necessary ancillary facilities, on the south side of Silver Creek Industrial Drive; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC - 4 -2017 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 27-2017, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. b) RED Grant Application — Lakeshore Branding and Marketing It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration Development ( RED) Grant for a initiative in the amount of $30,000. to apply to the Rural Economic Lakeshore Branding & Marketing c) Access4All Barrier Buster Grant Application It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration to apply for the Access4All Barrier Buster Grant to provide 50% funding of $ 25,000 to install an accessible pathway at West Beach. d) By- law Compliance Service Delivery Model It is recommended that: 1. Council receive and endorse the By -Law Compliance Service Delivery Model as outlined in this report; and, 2. Council direct administration to proceed with the development of Short Form Wording of appropriate By -Laws and set fines for approval by the Provincial Court. e) Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to advise the Municipality of Chatham—Kent before June 30, 2017, that the Town of Lakeshore does not intend to renew the Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement upon its expiry December 31, 2017.
Gravel Road Conversion Program Additional Criteria It is recommended that: 1. The current Gravel Road Conversion Program not be amended to include additional criteria for the selection of roads in the multiyear plan of conversion of gravel roads to surface treatment.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -4- 2017), Reko International Inc., c/o Rosati Group, 0 & 469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive, New Building Addition ( Manufacturing Plant & Office), Community of Maidstone. It is recommended that: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC -4-2017 to permit the construction of a new plant addition and office totaling 4,301. 27 sq. m. ( 46,300 sq. ft.) on a 2.27 hectare (5.61 acre) portion of land, together with any necessary ancillary facilities, on the south side of Silver Creek Industrial Drive; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC - 4 -2017 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 27-2017, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. b) RED Grant Application — Lakeshore Branding and Marketing It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration Development ( RED) Grant for a initiative in the amount of $30,000. to apply to the Rural Economic Lakeshore Branding & Marketing c) Access4All Barrier Buster Grant Application It is recommended that: Council authorize Administration to apply for the Access4All Barrier Buster Grant to provide 50% funding of $ 25,000 to install an accessible pathway at West Beach. d) By- law Compliance Service Delivery Model It is recommended that: 1. Council receive and endorse the By -Law Compliance Service Delivery Model as outlined in this report; and, 2. Council direct administration to proceed with the development of Short Form Wording of appropriate By -Laws and set fines for approval by the Provincial Court. e) Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to advise the Municipality of Chatham—Kent before June 30, 2017, that the Town of Lakeshore does not intend to renew the Tilbury Memorial Arena User Agreement upon its expiry December 31, 2017.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tender Award — Lakeshore Road 101 Rehabilitation ( County Road 42 to North Rear Road) It is recommended that: 1. Award the tender for the rehabilitation of Lakeshore Road 101 to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $442,997. 50 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project. b) Purchase of Hydraulic Breaker Attachment for John Deere 310SJ Backhoe It is recommended that: 1. Approve the purchase of a 2015 NPK PH3 Hydraulic Breaker attachment from Nortrax at a cost of $ 15, 200 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Authorize the related over -expenditure not to exceed $8,500 to be funded from taxation revenue. c) Tender Award — Asphalt (Hardtop) Road Repairs It is recommended that: Award the tender for the 2017 Asphalt ( Hardtop) Road Repairs to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $86,725 plus applicable taxes. d) Tender Award — Silver Creek Pond Cleanup II It is recommended that: Award the tender for the Silver Creek Pond Cleanup to Shearock Construction Group Inc. in the total amount of $ 97,500 plus applicable taxes. e) 2017 Sidewalk Repairs — Additional Request It is recommended that: Council approve a 2017 over -expenditure not to exceed $ 15, 000 including net HST) in the Public Works budget centre for sidewalk repairs. g) 2017 Additional Road Work — Silver Creek Industrial Drive and Lakeshore Road 308 It is recommended that: 1. Council approve additional 2017 capital expenditures under the Public Works budget centre for Resurfacing Silver Creek Industrial Drive - Patillo Rd to approximately 300m West at a cost not to exceed $60, 000 including net HST; and 2. Approve additional 2017 capital expenditures under the Public Works budget centre for Gravel Road Conversion of Lakeshore Rd# 308 from Richardson Sideroad to Gracey Sideroad at a cost not to exceed $250, 000 including net HST; and 3. Authorize transfers of up to $ 250, 000 from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve account and $ 60,000 from the Gravel Road Conversion Reserve account to fund these projects; and 4. Approve the deferring of Walls Road third lift application work between Puce Road and Lakeshore Road 113 and apply the 60,000 funding from the gravel conversion reserve instead towards the completion of the following roads: Richardson Sideroad from LR#310 to LR#311, LR#311 from Richardson SR to Tilbury/Wheatley & Romney Townline Tilbury/Wheatley & Romney Townline from LR#311 to Kent Rd # 1 h) Tender Award — 2017 Supply and Place Gravel Program It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2017 Supply and Place Gravel program, as per Schedule 1, in the amount of $215,705 plus applicable taxes. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2017 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $92,500 plus applicable taxes. i) Quotation Award — Fencing Near Soccer Fields (ATC) It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Atlas Tube Centre to Imperial Fence in the total amount of $25, 142.03 plus applicable taxes; and 2. That a related over -expenditure not to exceed $2, 000 be approved under the 2017 Public Works budget centre.
Finance Services Report from administration re: a) Discontinue Water Shutoff for Account Arrears II It is recommended that: 1. Authorize the discontinuance of water shut-off for non-payment of the water bill; and 2. Direct that the Water Arrears Collection policy and procedure, adopted May 22, 2001, be amended accordingly; and 3. That the process changes be effective for water bill due dates on or after March 31, 2017. b) Elimination of Tenant Water Billing FA It is recommended that: 1. Authorize administration to discontinue the process of registering water accounts in the name of a property tenant(s); and 2. Direct that water accounts be established under registered property owners; and 3. Rescind the Tenant Water Deposit policy; and 4. Approve the above actions to be effective as outlined in this report. c) 2017 Budget Adoption and Final Levy by- law 21- 2017 It is recommended that: Council approve and adopt the 2017 Budget and By-law 21- 2017, establishing the 2017 Municipal Tax Levy and Tax Rates.
Notice of Motion a) Notice of Motion presented by Councillor Monk on February 14, 2017 and deferred to the March 21, 2017 Meeting of Council. b) Notice of motion presented by Councillor McKinlay on February 14, 2017 and deferred to the March 21, 2017 meeting of Council. 9 It is recommended that: Council move into closed session following the regular order of business on the agenda for the March 21, 2017 meeting of Council to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual in accordance with the Municipal Act Section 239 2) ( b) .
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non- Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non -Agenda Business.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 24-2017, 25-2017 and 26-2017 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 21St day of March, 2017. a) By- law 24-2017, being a by-law to install a new bridge access within the Renaud Line Drain. b) By-law 25-2017, being a by-law to construct a bridge replacement in the Tecumseh Road Drain ( North Branch). c) By-law 26- 2017, being a by- law to construct a new access bridge in the 4t" Concession Drain. ii) General By-laws That By-law 21- 2017, 27-2017 and 28-2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 21St day of March, 2017. a) By- law 21- 2017, being a by-law to adopt the budget estimates, tax rates and further to provide for penalty and interest in default of any payment for the year 2017 b) By- law 27-2017, being a by-law to delegate sit plan approval for Reko International Group Inc. (469 Silver Creek Industrial Drive -SPC -4-2017) b) By-law 28-2017, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of Council.