1. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. (Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
Delegations a) Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 It is recommended that: Council authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $8,985.54 for the 2016 taxation year, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated March 27, 2017. b) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-02-2016 & Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-15-2016, 1156756 Ontario Limited, Phase 6 of the River Ridge Residential Development, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex File: 37-T-16003 • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-02-2016 (County File 37-T-16003) attached as Appendix "1"; 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex; and 3. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-15-2016 (By-law No.33 -2017, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Land" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Oakwood Avenue, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "R1(h4), Residential - Low Density, Holding" to a site-specific "R1- 35(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone which shall permit a front yard setback of 6 metres (20 feet) and adopt the implementing by-law.
Consent Agenda All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated April 11, 2017. b) Minutes of the Drainage Board from March 6, 2017 c) Town of Kingsville - Support of Resolution - Re: Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in all Ontario Schools. d) Minister of Seniors' Affairs- Re: 2017 Senior of the Year Award. e) Town of Northeastern Manitoulin & the Islands - Support of Resolution - Re: Waiving Delivery Fees for Residents of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands. f) Hon. Kathleen Wynne - Premier of Ontario - Re: Town of Lakeshore's Support of the Town of Fort Frances Resolution. g) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration - 30th Anniversary of the Order of Ontario h) Peel Regional Council - Support of Resolution - To Reduce the Concentration of Fluoride in Peel's Lake Based Municipal Water Supply. i) Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) 2016 Annual Report. j) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Photo Radar k) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Organic Based Winter Control De-icer Product I) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Majestic Drive No Parking Review m) Town of Lakeshore Drinking Water System - Stoney Point MOECC Inspection Report 2016-2017 It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8m as listed on the Consent Agenda dated April 11,2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Draft Plan of Subdivision, County: file 37-T-07002, Jack Moceri & Sons Contracting Ltd., Location: Part of Lot 1, Concession east of Pike Creek, community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore. / It is recommended that: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law 017 - 2017, to execute a Subdivision Agreement with the Owner, subject to the inclusion of the following provision: a. The agreement covers Blocks 1 to 4 of the subdivision for townhouse dwellings and (1) Block for right-of-way conveyance (Block 5) and (3) Blocks for 0.3 metre reserves (Blocks 6, 7 & 8), as shown on Draft Plan of Subdivision 37-T-07002, prepared and certified by Andrew Mantha, O.L.S., VHSBB Inc., dated July 23, 2015, as approved by the County of Essex, June 2, 2016. b) Amending Heritage Designation By-law 32 - 2017, The Church of Annunciation, 7119Tecumseh Road, Community of Stoney Point / It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 32-2017, which amends By-law 84-2007, (Heritage Designation By-law for the Annunciation Church in the Community of Stoney Point) in order to correct a legal description; and 2. Council authorize and direct the Town's Solicitor to register the By-law(s) in the land registry office and take the necessary steps to remove the designation from the rectory lands located at 7025 Tecumseh Road.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Elmgrove Sidewalk Missing Link It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the construction of a sidewalk between Russell Woods Road and Old Tecumseh Road (along the east side of Elmgrove Drive) as part of the 2017 Elmgrove Phase 2 construction project. b) Tender Award - Elmgrove Drive Reconstruction / It is recommended that: Council award the tender for Elmgrove Drive Reconstruction to D'Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. in the amount of $758,077 plus HST. c) Lefler Drain It is recommended that: Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to undertake an assessment of the Lefler Drain.
Report from administration re: a) 2017 Budget - Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area It is recommended that: Approve the BIA Budget as set out by the Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board for the year ending December 31,2017.
Chief Administrative Officer Report from administration re: a) Method of Voting for the 2018 Municipal Election It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the use of Internet/Telephone Voting System for the October 22, 2018 Municipal Election, and; 2. Council give three readings to By-law 36-2017 to approve the alternative voting method selected for the 2018 Municipal Election. b) Mr. Biggs Restaurant and Sportsbar request for temporary licence extensions -2017. / It is recommended that: 1. The Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the extension of the license by Mr. Biggs Restaurant & Sportsbar to conduct an outdoor event for Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride on Sunday May 28, 2017 and for the annual Sunsplash Weekend scheduled for July 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2017. 2. These events are to be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws / That By-law 112-2016, By-law 113-2016, By-law 8-2017, By-law 14-2017 and By-law 15-2017 be read a third time and finally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. / That By-law 26-2017, By-law 29-2017, By-law 30-2017 and By-law 31-2017 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. a) By-law 112-2016, being a by-law for repair and improvement to the North Townline Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. b) By-law 113-2016, being a by-law for construction of enclosure access bridge for the St. Clair Road Drain. b) By-law 8-2017, being a by-law for the repair and improvement to the Graham Creek drain in the Town of Lakeshore. c) By-law 14-2017, being a by-law to construct a shared replacement access bridge to the 3rd Concession Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. d) By-law 15-2017, being a by-law to install a new access bridge over the 8th Concession Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. e) By-law 26-2017, being a by-law to construct a new access bridge over the 4th Concession Drain the Town of Lakeshore f) By-law 29-2017, being a by-law to provide the repair and improvement to Manning Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. g) By-law 30-2017, being a by-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Marentette Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. h) By-law 31 -2017, being a by-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the ii) General By-laws / That By-law 17-2017, 32-2017, 33-2017, 34-2017 35-2017 and 36-2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. a) By-law 17-2017, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a subdivision agreement pertaining to Moceri Subdivision. b) By-law 32-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 84-2007, being a by-law to designate part of the land and buildings at 7025 Tecumseh Road, in the Village of Stoney Point to be of architectural and historical value. c) By-law 33-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-15-2016) d) By-law 34-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 103-2016 to appoint the statutory officers and enforcement personnel of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. e) By-law 35-2017, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council. f) By-law 36-2017, being a by-law to authorize the use of Internet and telephone voting for the 2018 Municipal Election
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment / Council move into closed session at in accordance with section 239 2 (b) of the Municipal Act to review a personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.. / Council move out of closed session at . / That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.
1. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. (Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof
Delegations a) Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 It is recommended that: Council authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $8,985.54 for the 2016 taxation year, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated March 27, 2017. b) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-02-2016 & Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-15-2016, 1156756 Ontario Limited, Phase 6 of the River Ridge Residential Development, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex File: 37-T-16003 • Presentation by Administration/Planning Consultant • Public Input/Comments • Presentation by the Applicant • Council Discussion • Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-02-2016 (County File 37-T-16003) attached as Appendix "1"; 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex; and 3. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-15-2016 (By-law No.33 -2017, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Land" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Oakwood Avenue, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "R1(h4), Residential - Low Density, Holding" to a site-specific "R1- 35(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone which shall permit a front yard setback of 6 metres (20 feet) and adopt the implementing by-law.
Consent Agenda All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated April 11, 2017. b) Minutes of the Drainage Board from March 6, 2017 c) Town of Kingsville - Support of Resolution - Re: Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in all Ontario Schools. d) Minister of Seniors' Affairs- Re: 2017 Senior of the Year Award. e) Town of Northeastern Manitoulin & the Islands - Support of Resolution - Re: Waiving Delivery Fees for Residents of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands. f) Hon. Kathleen Wynne - Premier of Ontario - Re: Town of Lakeshore's Support of the Town of Fort Frances Resolution. g) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration - 30th Anniversary of the Order of Ontario h) Peel Regional Council - Support of Resolution - To Reduce the Concentration of Fluoride in Peel's Lake Based Municipal Water Supply. i) Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) 2016 Annual Report. j) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Photo Radar k) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Organic Based Winter Control De-icer Product I) Engineering and Infrastructure - Public Works Services - Majestic Drive No Parking Review m) Town of Lakeshore Drinking Water System - Stoney Point MOECC Inspection Report 2016-2017 It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8m as listed on the Consent Agenda dated April 11,2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Draft Plan of Subdivision, County: file 37-T-07002, Jack Moceri & Sons Contracting Ltd., Location: Part of Lot 1, Concession east of Pike Creek, community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore. / It is recommended that: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law 017 - 2017, to execute a Subdivision Agreement with the Owner, subject to the inclusion of the following provision: a. The agreement covers Blocks 1 to 4 of the subdivision for townhouse dwellings and (1) Block for right-of-way conveyance (Block 5) and (3) Blocks for 0.3 metre reserves (Blocks 6, 7 & 8), as shown on Draft Plan of Subdivision 37-T-07002, prepared and certified by Andrew Mantha, O.L.S., VHSBB Inc., dated July 23, 2015, as approved by the County of Essex, June 2, 2016. b) Amending Heritage Designation By-law 32 - 2017, The Church of Annunciation, 7119Tecumseh Road, Community of Stoney Point / It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 32-2017, which amends By-law 84-2007, (Heritage Designation By-law for the Annunciation Church in the Community of Stoney Point) in order to correct a legal description; and 2. Council authorize and direct the Town's Solicitor to register the By-law(s) in the land registry office and take the necessary steps to remove the designation from the rectory lands located at 7025 Tecumseh Road.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Elmgrove Sidewalk Missing Link It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the construction of a sidewalk between Russell Woods Road and Old Tecumseh Road (along the east side of Elmgrove Drive) as part of the 2017 Elmgrove Phase 2 construction project. b) Tender Award - Elmgrove Drive Reconstruction / It is recommended that: Council award the tender for Elmgrove Drive Reconstruction to D'Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. in the amount of $758,077 plus HST. c) Lefler Drain It is recommended that: Council direct administration to sign a Section 78 request under the provincial Drainage Act to undertake an assessment of the Lefler Drain.
Report from administration re: a) 2017 Budget - Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area It is recommended that: Approve the BIA Budget as set out by the Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board for the year ending December 31,2017.
Chief Administrative Officer Report from administration re: a) Method of Voting for the 2018 Municipal Election It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the use of Internet/Telephone Voting System for the October 22, 2018 Municipal Election, and; 2. Council give three readings to By-law 36-2017 to approve the alternative voting method selected for the 2018 Municipal Election. b) Mr. Biggs Restaurant and Sportsbar request for temporary licence extensions -2017. / It is recommended that: 1. The Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the extension of the license by Mr. Biggs Restaurant & Sportsbar to conduct an outdoor event for Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride on Sunday May 28, 2017 and for the annual Sunsplash Weekend scheduled for July 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2017. 2. These events are to be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws / That By-law 112-2016, By-law 113-2016, By-law 8-2017, By-law 14-2017 and By-law 15-2017 be read a third time and finally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. / That By-law 26-2017, By-law 29-2017, By-law 30-2017 and By-law 31-2017 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. a) By-law 112-2016, being a by-law for repair and improvement to the North Townline Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. b) By-law 113-2016, being a by-law for construction of enclosure access bridge for the St. Clair Road Drain. b) By-law 8-2017, being a by-law for the repair and improvement to the Graham Creek drain in the Town of Lakeshore. c) By-law 14-2017, being a by-law to construct a shared replacement access bridge to the 3rd Concession Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. d) By-law 15-2017, being a by-law to install a new access bridge over the 8th Concession Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. e) By-law 26-2017, being a by-law to construct a new access bridge over the 4th Concession Drain the Town of Lakeshore f) By-law 29-2017, being a by-law to provide the repair and improvement to Manning Road Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. g) By-law 30-2017, being a by-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Marentette Drain in the Town of Lakeshore. h) By-law 31 -2017, being a by-law to provide for the repair and improvement to the ii) General By-laws / That By-law 17-2017, 32-2017, 33-2017, 34-2017 35-2017 and 36-2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 11th day of April, 2017. a) By-law 17-2017, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a subdivision agreement pertaining to Moceri Subdivision. b) By-law 32-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 84-2007, being a by-law to designate part of the land and buildings at 7025 Tecumseh Road, in the Village of Stoney Point to be of architectural and historical value. c) By-law 33-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-15-2016) d) By-law 34-2017, being a by-law to amend By-law 103-2016 to appoint the statutory officers and enforcement personnel of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore. e) By-law 35-2017, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council. f) By-law 36-2017, being a by-law to authorize the use of Internet and telephone voting for the 2018 Municipal Election
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment / Council move into closed session at in accordance with section 239 2 (b) of the Municipal Act to review a personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.. / Council move out of closed session at . / That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.