1. Call to Order 6: 00 p.m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereo
Recognition a) Windsor Essex Community Foundation — Canada' s 150th Grant Program — Cheque Presentation to support the Town of Lakeshore 2017 Canada Day Celebration.
Delegations a) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act i) Zoning By- law Amendment ( ZBA-23-2016), Jim Maitre — 1304 Lakeshore Road 103 Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-23- 2016 ( By-law No. 48 - 2017, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 1304 Lakeshore Road 103, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A, Agriculture" to A-1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling. b) Cynthia Swift of KPMG — 2016 Year End Audit Finding Report. Financial Services - 2016 Year End Reporting: Audited Financial Statements, Development Charges Statement, and Building Services Annual Statement It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve and adopt the audited 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 as presented; and 2. Receive the Development Charge Reserve Funds Statement for the year ended December 31, 2016 for information; and 3. Authorize publication of the 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements and Development Charge Reserve Funds Statement for the year ended December 31, 2016 on the Town of Lakeshore website (www.lakeshore. ca); and 4. Receive the Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Accumulated Net Revenue ( Expense) for Building Services for the year ended December 31, 2016. c) Tom Bateman, Director of Transportation Services and Peter Bziuk, Manager of Design and Construction - County of Essex — Re: County Road 22 and County Road 19 — Intersection Improvements. d) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ouellette — Re: Brule Drain Charges. Financial Services - Drainage Construction — OMAFRA Grant Denial — Ouellette It is recommended that Council: 1. Receive this report for information.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item( s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item( s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 13, 2017. b) Lakeshore Accessibility Advisory Committee — Minutes of January 24, 2017 c) Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for May 17, 2017 d) Canada Day Planning Committee Meeting Draft Minutes — April 27, 2017 e) Office of the Prime Minister — Re: Restoration of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. f) Town of Amherstburg — Support of Resolution Re: Overview of EMS Services. g) County of Essex — Response to the Request for Speed Limit Revisions. h) Municipality of Brockton — Support of Resolution Re: Oppose Amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act. i) Community and Development Services - Development along the Highway # 401 Corridor It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 23, 2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -1- 2017), Seasons Retirement Communities ( Oak Park Lakeshore Inc.), c/o Amico Properties Inc., 1688 County Road 22, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore. It is recommended that: 1. Council approve site plan application SPC -1- 2017 to permit the construction of 12 new " townhouse type dwelling units" expansion to the existing Seasons Retirement Home) together with any necessary ancillary facilities, located at 1688 County Road 22; and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law ( 49- 2017) to execute the Site Plan Agreement. b) Belle River Marina — Extension of Restaurant Lease Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council approve a one year extension of the Restaurant Lease Agreement with Lorraine McCann at the Belle River Marina, for the period of June15, 2017 to December 31, 2017, in the annual amount of $11, 139, plus HST.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tile Loan Application — David Armstrong — 2550 Lakeshore Road 233, Concession 4, Part Lot 25 and 26 — (Roll no. 470-00410) It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Tile Loan Application submitted by David Armstrong for tiling work to be performed at 2550 Lakeshore Rd 233 ( Roll No. 470- 00410) in the amount of $ 50, 000. 00 subject to Provincial funding. b) Tender Award — St. Pierre Street ( W. Belle River Rd. to Willowwood Dr.) Watermain Replacement and Resurfacing. FA It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the tender for the St. Pierre St. Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing project to Shea Rock Construction Group Inc. in the amount of $659, 575 plus HST. c) Tender Award — Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 — Maintenance of Various Bridges It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 tender to Facca Inc. in the amount of $314,636 plus applicable taxes for maintenance repairs of various bridges; and 2. Approve application of the 2017 Budget allocations for seven bridge projects to the four projects identified in the report from the Manager of Public Works dated May 19, 2017. d) Soccer Fencing at Atlas Tube Centre (ATC) — Additional Works It is recommended that: 1. Council approve an adjusted total project cost for fencing adjacent to the Soccer Fields at the Atlas Tube Centre not to exceed $29, 000, and 2. Approve an over -expenditure not to exceed $ 4,000 ( including applicable HST) for hydro -vac services to support installation of the fence abutting the soccer fields at the ATC, which is included in the adjusted total project cost. e) Lakeshore Estate Subdivision Modifications to Tecumseh Road Branch No. 2 Requesting Abandonment under Drainage Act It is recommended that: 1. Council give notice of its intention to abandon the Tecumseh Road Branch No 2 in accordance with Section 84( 1) of the Municipal Drainage Act R. S.O. 1990. f) Facility Needs and Condition Assessment Study — Expanded Scope It is recommended that: 1. Council approve an over expenditure not to exceed $ 17, 600 bringing the approved total contract for completion of a Facility Needs and Condition Assessment Study to an upset limit of 157, 600 including net HST.
Finance Services Report from administration re: a) Proposed Tax Policy Change — Vacancy Tax Rebate and Vacant/ Excess Land Subclasses. It is recommended that Council: 1. Support a collective county -wide public consultation for the proposed elimination of the Vacancy Tax Rebate Program in Essex County to be effective starting in the 2018 taxation year; and 2. Be advised that changes to policy for tax ratios ( discounts) for vacant and or excess land sub -classes are under review, for future consideration. C) 2016 Year End Results — 4th Quarter Variances It is recommended that Council: 1. Receive the report regarding 2016 Year End Results — 4th Quarter Variances for the general ( taxation funded), wastewater ( sanitary sewer) and water funds; and 2. That the taxation supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred to reserves as follows: a. $ 565, 396 to Building Services — Operating reserve fund 84.03. 0811. 0114) to transfer the 2016 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2016 Building Services Statement, and b. $ 200, 000 to Working Funds reserve ( 01. 04. 0901. 0401) to move toward the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy; and c. $ 200, 000 to Assessment Stabilization reserve 01. 04.0901. 1205) to move toward the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy; and d. $ 75,000 to Roads Share Drainage Works reserve 01. 04.0901. 3114) for future completion of the Webbwood Drain improvements; and e. $ 54,825 to Building Repairs and Maintenance reserve 01. 04. 0901. 1206) to provide funding for future operational repairs and maintenance to municipal facilities. 3. That the Wastewater ( sanitary sewer) rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred to the Wastewater ( Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund ( account 84. 03. 0811. 0118); and 4. That the Water rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred as follows: a. $ 169,000 to Water Working Funds reserve ( 04.04.0902. 4301) to achieve the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy, and b. $ 232,000 to Water Contingency reserve ( 04. 04. 0903.4301) to achieve the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy, and c. $ 456,589 to Water Reserve Fund ( 84.03. 0811. 0105).
Chief Administrative Officer a) 2016 — 2018 Strategic Action Work Plan — 2017 Actions Status It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report for information regarding the 2016- 2018 Strategic Action Work Plan — 2017 Actions Status. b) Comber Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 241 Request for Temporary Liquor License Extension — 2017 It is recommended that: 1. The Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the extension of the license by Comber Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 241 to conduct an outdoor event on Saturday July 8, 2017 for their Annual Pig Roast and Saturday August 12, 2017 during the Comber Fair. 2. The events are to be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.
Notice of Motion a) Notice of Motion regarding Softwood Lumber submitted by Councillor Bailey for consideration on June 13, 2017. WHEREAS, Canada' s forestry industry is vital to our economy; hundreds of thousands of workers and more than 650 communities depend on good forestry jobs, including in softwood lumber; and WHEREAS, although Canada' s softwood lumber is a key resource for the U. S. economy and housing industry, the imposition of U. S. duties on Canada' s exports deals a serious blow to in -forest harvesting and domestic wood, pulp and paper production, along with the jobs associated with it; if past disputes are any indication, tens of thousands of our jobs are at risk; and WHEREAS, all national stakeholders, including municipalities, must speak out in defence of Canada' s forestry industry — the nation' s third largest export sector — as well as forest -dependent communities and affected workers in the face of another damaging trade dispute. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council urges the federal government to negotiate a new softwood lumber agreement with the United States that guarantees access to the U. S. market for Canada' s softwood lumber exports and that retains the right of Quebec and all Canadian provinces to manage forest lands. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council calls on the Minister of Natural Resources to act immediately in mitigating the impact of U. S.- imposed softwood lumber duties by providing emergency loan guarantees to assist affected facilities, and to ensure adequate supports are provided to affected communities and workers, including enhanced income and transition supports as well as special Employment Insurance provisions, extended benefit periods and retraining supports for advance technologies in the forestry industry. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council call on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to re- establish its Softwood Lumber Taskforce responsible for coordinating a response among municipal councils in Canada and a comprehensive campaign strategy, bringing attention to this issue among our U. S. municipal counterparts.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 24-2017, 25-2017, 26-2017, 29-2017, 30- 2017 and 31- 2017 be read a third time and finally adopted this 13th day of June, 2017. a) By- law 24-2017, being a By- law to install a new bridge access within the Renaud Line Drain. b) By-aw 25- 2017, being a By- law to construct a bridge replacement in the Tecumseh Road Drain ( North Branch). c) By- law 26- 2017, being a By- law to construct a new aces bridge over the 4th Concession Drain. d) By- law 29- 2017, being a By- law to provide the repair and improvement to Manning Road Drain. e) By- law 30- 2017, being a By- law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Marentette Drain. f) By- law 31- 2017, being a By- law to provide for the repair and improvement to the West 2nd Concession North of County Road 46 Drain. ii) General By-laws That By-law 47-2017, 48- 2017, 49- 2017, 50-2017 and 51- 2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 13th day of June, 2017. a) By-law 47-2017, being a By- law to amend By- law 16- 2016 to appoint pump commissioner for the better maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. b) By- law 48-2017, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore. C) By- law 49-2017, being a By- law to authorize the execution of a Site plan Agreement with Oak Park Lakeshore. d) By-law 50- 2017, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. e) By- law 51- 2017, being a By- law to amend By- law 29-2015 to establish a Municipal Heritage Committee.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Council move into closed session at p. m. in accordance with the Municipal Act section 239 ( 2) e) and f) to review a matter of potential litigation and obtain advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege regarding the Belle River Minor Soccer Club lease. Council move out of closed session at p. m. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p. m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.
1. Call to Order 6: 00 p.m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereo
Recognition a) Windsor Essex Community Foundation — Canada' s 150th Grant Program — Cheque Presentation to support the Town of Lakeshore 2017 Canada Day Celebration.
Delegations a) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act i) Zoning By- law Amendment ( ZBA-23-2016), Jim Maitre — 1304 Lakeshore Road 103 Presentation by Administration/ Planning Consultant Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-23- 2016 ( By-law No. 48 - 2017, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 1304 Lakeshore Road 103, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A, Agriculture" to A-1, Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling. b) Cynthia Swift of KPMG — 2016 Year End Audit Finding Report. Financial Services - 2016 Year End Reporting: Audited Financial Statements, Development Charges Statement, and Building Services Annual Statement It is recommended that Council: 1. Approve and adopt the audited 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 as presented; and 2. Receive the Development Charge Reserve Funds Statement for the year ended December 31, 2016 for information; and 3. Authorize publication of the 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements and Development Charge Reserve Funds Statement for the year ended December 31, 2016 on the Town of Lakeshore website (www.lakeshore. ca); and 4. Receive the Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Accumulated Net Revenue ( Expense) for Building Services for the year ended December 31, 2016. c) Tom Bateman, Director of Transportation Services and Peter Bziuk, Manager of Design and Construction - County of Essex — Re: County Road 22 and County Road 19 — Intersection Improvements. d) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ouellette — Re: Brule Drain Charges. Financial Services - Drainage Construction — OMAFRA Grant Denial — Ouellette It is recommended that Council: 1. Receive this report for information.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item( s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item( s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2017. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2017 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated June 13, 2017. b) Lakeshore Accessibility Advisory Committee — Minutes of January 24, 2017 c) Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for May 17, 2017 d) Canada Day Planning Committee Meeting Draft Minutes — April 27, 2017 e) Office of the Prime Minister — Re: Restoration of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. f) Town of Amherstburg — Support of Resolution Re: Overview of EMS Services. g) County of Essex — Response to the Request for Speed Limit Revisions. h) Municipality of Brockton — Support of Resolution Re: Oppose Amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act. i) Community and Development Services - Development along the Highway # 401 Corridor It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8i as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 23, 2017.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Site Plan Control ( SPC -1- 2017), Seasons Retirement Communities ( Oak Park Lakeshore Inc.), c/o Amico Properties Inc., 1688 County Road 22, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore. It is recommended that: 1. Council approve site plan application SPC -1- 2017 to permit the construction of 12 new " townhouse type dwelling units" expansion to the existing Seasons Retirement Home) together with any necessary ancillary facilities, located at 1688 County Road 22; and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law ( 49- 2017) to execute the Site Plan Agreement. b) Belle River Marina — Extension of Restaurant Lease Agreement It is recommended that: 1. Council approve a one year extension of the Restaurant Lease Agreement with Lorraine McCann at the Belle River Marina, for the period of June15, 2017 to December 31, 2017, in the annual amount of $11, 139, plus HST.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tile Loan Application — David Armstrong — 2550 Lakeshore Road 233, Concession 4, Part Lot 25 and 26 — (Roll no. 470-00410) It is recommended that: 1. Council approve the Tile Loan Application submitted by David Armstrong for tiling work to be performed at 2550 Lakeshore Rd 233 ( Roll No. 470- 00410) in the amount of $ 50, 000. 00 subject to Provincial funding. b) Tender Award — St. Pierre Street ( W. Belle River Rd. to Willowwood Dr.) Watermain Replacement and Resurfacing. FA It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the tender for the St. Pierre St. Watermain Replacement and Road Resurfacing project to Shea Rock Construction Group Inc. in the amount of $659, 575 plus HST. c) Tender Award — Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 — Maintenance of Various Bridges It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the Bridge Rehabilitation 2017 tender to Facca Inc. in the amount of $314,636 plus applicable taxes for maintenance repairs of various bridges; and 2. Approve application of the 2017 Budget allocations for seven bridge projects to the four projects identified in the report from the Manager of Public Works dated May 19, 2017. d) Soccer Fencing at Atlas Tube Centre (ATC) — Additional Works It is recommended that: 1. Council approve an adjusted total project cost for fencing adjacent to the Soccer Fields at the Atlas Tube Centre not to exceed $29, 000, and 2. Approve an over -expenditure not to exceed $ 4,000 ( including applicable HST) for hydro -vac services to support installation of the fence abutting the soccer fields at the ATC, which is included in the adjusted total project cost. e) Lakeshore Estate Subdivision Modifications to Tecumseh Road Branch No. 2 Requesting Abandonment under Drainage Act It is recommended that: 1. Council give notice of its intention to abandon the Tecumseh Road Branch No 2 in accordance with Section 84( 1) of the Municipal Drainage Act R. S.O. 1990. f) Facility Needs and Condition Assessment Study — Expanded Scope It is recommended that: 1. Council approve an over expenditure not to exceed $ 17, 600 bringing the approved total contract for completion of a Facility Needs and Condition Assessment Study to an upset limit of 157, 600 including net HST.
Finance Services Report from administration re: a) Proposed Tax Policy Change — Vacancy Tax Rebate and Vacant/ Excess Land Subclasses. It is recommended that Council: 1. Support a collective county -wide public consultation for the proposed elimination of the Vacancy Tax Rebate Program in Essex County to be effective starting in the 2018 taxation year; and 2. Be advised that changes to policy for tax ratios ( discounts) for vacant and or excess land sub -classes are under review, for future consideration. C) 2016 Year End Results — 4th Quarter Variances It is recommended that Council: 1. Receive the report regarding 2016 Year End Results — 4th Quarter Variances for the general ( taxation funded), wastewater ( sanitary sewer) and water funds; and 2. That the taxation supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred to reserves as follows: a. $ 565, 396 to Building Services — Operating reserve fund 84.03. 0811. 0114) to transfer the 2016 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2016 Building Services Statement, and b. $ 200, 000 to Working Funds reserve ( 01. 04. 0901. 0401) to move toward the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy; and c. $ 200, 000 to Assessment Stabilization reserve 01. 04.0901. 1205) to move toward the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy; and d. $ 75,000 to Roads Share Drainage Works reserve 01. 04.0901. 3114) for future completion of the Webbwood Drain improvements; and e. $ 54,825 to Building Repairs and Maintenance reserve 01. 04. 0901. 1206) to provide funding for future operational repairs and maintenance to municipal facilities. 3. That the Wastewater ( sanitary sewer) rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred to the Wastewater ( Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund ( account 84. 03. 0811. 0118); and 4. That the Water rate supported surplus for the year ended December 31, 2016 be transferred as follows: a. $ 169,000 to Water Working Funds reserve ( 04.04.0902. 4301) to achieve the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy, and b. $ 232,000 to Water Contingency reserve ( 04. 04. 0903.4301) to achieve the targeted reserve balance per FN -398 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy, and c. $ 456,589 to Water Reserve Fund ( 84.03. 0811. 0105).
Chief Administrative Officer a) 2016 — 2018 Strategic Action Work Plan — 2017 Actions Status It is recommended that: 1. Council receive this report for information regarding the 2016- 2018 Strategic Action Work Plan — 2017 Actions Status. b) Comber Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 241 Request for Temporary Liquor License Extension — 2017 It is recommended that: 1. The Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the extension of the license by Comber Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 241 to conduct an outdoor event on Saturday July 8, 2017 for their Annual Pig Roast and Saturday August 12, 2017 during the Comber Fair. 2. The events are to be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission.
Notice of Motion a) Notice of Motion regarding Softwood Lumber submitted by Councillor Bailey for consideration on June 13, 2017. WHEREAS, Canada' s forestry industry is vital to our economy; hundreds of thousands of workers and more than 650 communities depend on good forestry jobs, including in softwood lumber; and WHEREAS, although Canada' s softwood lumber is a key resource for the U. S. economy and housing industry, the imposition of U. S. duties on Canada' s exports deals a serious blow to in -forest harvesting and domestic wood, pulp and paper production, along with the jobs associated with it; if past disputes are any indication, tens of thousands of our jobs are at risk; and WHEREAS, all national stakeholders, including municipalities, must speak out in defence of Canada' s forestry industry — the nation' s third largest export sector — as well as forest -dependent communities and affected workers in the face of another damaging trade dispute. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council urges the federal government to negotiate a new softwood lumber agreement with the United States that guarantees access to the U. S. market for Canada' s softwood lumber exports and that retains the right of Quebec and all Canadian provinces to manage forest lands. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council calls on the Minister of Natural Resources to act immediately in mitigating the impact of U. S.- imposed softwood lumber duties by providing emergency loan guarantees to assist affected facilities, and to ensure adequate supports are provided to affected communities and workers, including enhanced income and transition supports as well as special Employment Insurance provisions, extended benefit periods and retraining supports for advance technologies in the forestry industry. FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Town of Lakeshore Council call on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to re- establish its Softwood Lumber Taskforce responsible for coordinating a response among municipal councils in Canada and a comprehensive campaign strategy, bringing attention to this issue among our U. S. municipal counterparts.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation c) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 24-2017, 25-2017, 26-2017, 29-2017, 30- 2017 and 31- 2017 be read a third time and finally adopted this 13th day of June, 2017. a) By- law 24-2017, being a By- law to install a new bridge access within the Renaud Line Drain. b) By-aw 25- 2017, being a By- law to construct a bridge replacement in the Tecumseh Road Drain ( North Branch). c) By- law 26- 2017, being a By- law to construct a new aces bridge over the 4th Concession Drain. d) By- law 29- 2017, being a By- law to provide the repair and improvement to Manning Road Drain. e) By- law 30- 2017, being a By- law to provide for the repair and improvement to the Marentette Drain. f) By- law 31- 2017, being a By- law to provide for the repair and improvement to the West 2nd Concession North of County Road 46 Drain. ii) General By-laws That By-law 47-2017, 48- 2017, 49- 2017, 50-2017 and 51- 2017 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 13th day of June, 2017. a) By-law 47-2017, being a By- law to amend By- law 16- 2016 to appoint pump commissioner for the better maintenance of various municipal pumping systems throughout the Municipality of Lakeshore. b) By- law 48-2017, being a By- law to amend By- law No. 2- 2012, Zoning By- law for the Town of Lakeshore. C) By- law 49-2017, being a By- law to authorize the execution of a Site plan Agreement with Oak Park Lakeshore. d) By-law 50- 2017, being a By- law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. e) By- law 51- 2017, being a By- law to amend By- law 29-2015 to establish a Municipal Heritage Committee.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Council move into closed session at p. m. in accordance with the Municipal Act section 239 ( 2) e) and f) to review a matter of potential litigation and obtain advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege regarding the Belle River Minor Soccer Club lease. Council move out of closed session at p. m. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p. m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.