1. Call to Order 6: 00 p. m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
Public Presentations Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council, provided they advise the Clerk of the particulars of the matter. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make a written request including the details of their presentation to the Clerk at least ten ( 10) working days preceding the council meeting. A maximum of ten minutes shall be allotted for each presenter to deliver his/her information. a) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act i) Zoning By- law Amendment (ZBA- 16- 2017), Edward and Karen Guilbeault 2026 Lakeshore Road 215. Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-16- 2017 ( By-law No. 77 - 2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 2026 Lakeshore Road 215, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A, Agriculture" to a site-specific " A- 101 Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and recognize the deficient lot area and adopt the implementing by-law. b) Rob Henry — Feral and Non Feral Cats Running at Large c) Doug Papak — Open Burn By- law Amendment d) Brent Klundert — Waive Development Charges and Permit Fees for House Construction " In Honour of the One' s we Love" Charity.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2018 It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2018 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated July 10, 2018. b) Community and Development Services — Committee of Adjustment — Draft Minutes for June 20, 2018. c) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for June 4, 2018. d) Community and Development Services — Quarterly Building Activity Report — As of June 30, 2018 e) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Emery Drive and County Road 22 Traffic Signalization. f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Ruston Drive Lake Access Options. g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8g as listed on the Consent Agenda dated July 10, 2018.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Removal of Holding Symbol ( File: ZBA- 12- 2018), Paul and Marilyn McMillan — 17420 Melody Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove. It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 76-2018 ( ZBA-13-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol ( h6) from 17420 Melody Drive, from Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 ( h6) " Holding Zone", to Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 Zone.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tender Award — 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility to 1866885 Ontario Ltd. ( o/a Quality Turf Group) in the total amount of $ 107,061. 70 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Council approve the transfer in the amount of $32,945.99 from the Community Benefit Reserve to fund the additional amount required for the 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility. b) Tender Award — Inflow and Infiltration Phase 7 It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Inflow and Infiltration Phase 7 to D. M. Robichaud Associates Ltd. in the amount of $517, 818.40 plus HST and; 2. Council approve an additional $ 21, 432 from the Wastewater Operating Budget to fund this project. c) 2018 Bridge Rehabilitation Program It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the 2018 Bridge Rehabilitation Program tender to Front Construction Industries Inc in the amount of $ 326,800.00 plus applicable taxes for maintenance repairs of various bridges; and 2. Approve an over -expenditure in the Public Works budget centre under the Bridge/Culvert Lifecycle Reserves account not to exceed $ 67,452.00. d) Amy Croft Intersection Improvements — Tender Award It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the Amy Croft Intersection Improvements to Rudak Excavating Inc. in the amount of $ 529,411. 00 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Approve an additional $ 120, 137 transfer from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve to fund this project. e) Lottery House, 324 Blake Street It is recommended that: 1. That Council declines to waive the development fees, building fees, and the indemnity charge; and, 2. That Council grant the applicant a delay of payment of the development fees, and the Building Fees until closing.
Chief Administrative Officer Report from administration re: a) Special Employment Program for Disadvantaged Persons FA It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to develop and implement a special employment program for disadvantaged persons. 2. Council direct Administration to bring forward funding for the special employment program for disadvantaged persons in the draft 2019 budget for Council consideration.
Legislative and Legal Services Report from administration re: a) Delegate Authority to Retain Legal Counsel for Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeals of OPA- 1- 2018 & ZBA-4- 2018 by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of London regarding ( Proposed New Cemetery at 494/ 496 Elmstead Road ( County Road 21) It is recommended that: 1. Council delegates authority to the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to retain Mr. James Renick to advise and provide legal representation before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal with respect to Official Plan Amendment Application ( File: OPA-1- 2018) and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ( ZBA-4-2018), Aird and Berlis LLP, c/ o The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of London, 494/496 Elmstead Road County Road 21) where the decision of Council has been appealed to the Tribunal; 2. Council delegates authority to the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to provide all instructions to Mr. Renick with respect to this planning matter before the Tribunal; and 3. The Clerk forward a copy of Council' s resolution thereon to Mr. Renick. b) Authorization to publish a " Notice of Decision" under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act. It is recommended that: 1. Council authorize the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to publish a " Notice of Decision" under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act (formerly the Cemeteries Act) in relevant local newspapers, in accordance with Council' s decision on May 18th 2018 to deny land use permissions ( OPA- 1- 2018 and ZBA-4- 2018) to permit a cemetery, mausoleum and columbarium at 494/496 Elmstead Road. c) Restricted Acts of Council ( Lame Duck) during the 2018 Election Period It is recommended that: a) Council give three readings to By-law 80- 2018 to delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer during any lame duck period as described in the report of the Director of Legislative and Legal Services entitled, Restricted Acts of Council ( Lame Duck) during the 2018 Election Period, presented at the Council meeting July 10, 2018.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non- Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non -Agenda Business.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 9-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 10th day of July, 2018. a) By- law 9- 2018, being a By- law to provide for the Quenneville & Third Line Drain Pump Station in the Town of Lakeshore. ii) General By-laws That By-law 76- 2018, 77-2018, 79-2018 and 80- 2018 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 10th day of July, 2018. a) By-law 76- 2018, being a By-law to Amend by- law no. 2- 2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 13- 2018). b) By-law 77-2018, being a By- law to Amend by- law no. 2- 2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 16- 2017). c) By- law 80-2018, being a By- law to Delegate Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer for Restricted Acts of Council. d) By- law 79-2018, being a By- law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with sections 239 ( 2) c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality. Council move out of closed session. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p. m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.
1. Call to Order 6: 00 p. m. Mayor) 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof
Public Presentations Public presentations will be allowed by individuals who want to address Council, provided they advise the Clerk of the particulars of the matter. Any person wishing to make a public presentation shall make a written request including the details of their presentation to the Clerk at least ten ( 10) working days preceding the council meeting. A maximum of ten minutes shall be allotted for each presenter to deliver his/her information. a) Public Meetings Under the Planning Act i) Zoning By- law Amendment (ZBA- 16- 2017), Edward and Karen Guilbeault 2026 Lakeshore Road 215. Public Input/Comments Presentation by the Applicant Council Discussion Action by Council It is recommended that: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-16- 2017 ( By-law No. 77 - 2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2- 2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the Retained Farmland" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 2026 Lakeshore Road 215, in the Town of Lakeshore, from " A, Agriculture" to a site-specific " A- 101 Agriculture" zone which shall prohibit a single detached dwelling and recognize the deficient lot area and adopt the implementing by-law. b) Rob Henry — Feral and Non Feral Cats Running at Large c) Doug Papak — Open Burn By- law Amendment d) Brent Klundert — Waive Development Charges and Permit Fees for House Construction " In Honour of the One' s we Love" Charity.
All items listed on the Consent Agenda shall be the subject of two motions. One motion to adopt the minutes and one motion to receive items listed on the Consent Agenda. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the consent Agenda to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Agenda without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2018 It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8a Regular Council Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2018 as listed on the Consent Agenda dated July 10, 2018. b) Community and Development Services — Committee of Adjustment — Draft Minutes for June 20, 2018. c) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for June 4, 2018. d) Community and Development Services — Quarterly Building Activity Report — As of June 30, 2018 e) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Emery Drive and County Road 22 Traffic Signalization. f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Ruston Drive Lake Access Options. g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services — Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update. It is recommended that: Council approve Item 8b through 8g as listed on the Consent Agenda dated July 10, 2018.
Community and Development Services Report from administration re: a) Removal of Holding Symbol ( File: ZBA- 12- 2018), Paul and Marilyn McMillan — 17420 Melody Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove. It is recommended that: 1. Council adopt By-law 76-2018 ( ZBA-13-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol ( h6) from 17420 Melody Drive, from Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 ( h6) " Holding Zone", to Residential Waterfront — Lake St. Clair, RW2 Zone.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services Report from administration re: a) Tender Award — 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility to 1866885 Ontario Ltd. ( o/a Quality Turf Group) in the total amount of $ 107,061. 70 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Council approve the transfer in the amount of $32,945.99 from the Community Benefit Reserve to fund the additional amount required for the 2018 Playground Surface Conversion for Accessibility. b) Tender Award — Inflow and Infiltration Phase 7 It is recommended that: 1. Council award the tender for the Inflow and Infiltration Phase 7 to D. M. Robichaud Associates Ltd. in the amount of $517, 818.40 plus HST and; 2. Council approve an additional $ 21, 432 from the Wastewater Operating Budget to fund this project. c) 2018 Bridge Rehabilitation Program It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the 2018 Bridge Rehabilitation Program tender to Front Construction Industries Inc in the amount of $ 326,800.00 plus applicable taxes for maintenance repairs of various bridges; and 2. Approve an over -expenditure in the Public Works budget centre under the Bridge/Culvert Lifecycle Reserves account not to exceed $ 67,452.00. d) Amy Croft Intersection Improvements — Tender Award It is recommended that Council: 1. Award the Amy Croft Intersection Improvements to Rudak Excavating Inc. in the amount of $ 529,411. 00 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Approve an additional $ 120, 137 transfer from the Roads Lifecycle Reserve to fund this project. e) Lottery House, 324 Blake Street It is recommended that: 1. That Council declines to waive the development fees, building fees, and the indemnity charge; and, 2. That Council grant the applicant a delay of payment of the development fees, and the Building Fees until closing.
Chief Administrative Officer Report from administration re: a) Special Employment Program for Disadvantaged Persons FA It is recommended that: 1. Council direct Administration to develop and implement a special employment program for disadvantaged persons. 2. Council direct Administration to bring forward funding for the special employment program for disadvantaged persons in the draft 2019 budget for Council consideration.
Legislative and Legal Services Report from administration re: a) Delegate Authority to Retain Legal Counsel for Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeals of OPA- 1- 2018 & ZBA-4- 2018 by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of London regarding ( Proposed New Cemetery at 494/ 496 Elmstead Road ( County Road 21) It is recommended that: 1. Council delegates authority to the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to retain Mr. James Renick to advise and provide legal representation before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal with respect to Official Plan Amendment Application ( File: OPA-1- 2018) and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ( ZBA-4-2018), Aird and Berlis LLP, c/ o The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of London, 494/496 Elmstead Road County Road 21) where the decision of Council has been appealed to the Tribunal; 2. Council delegates authority to the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to provide all instructions to Mr. Renick with respect to this planning matter before the Tribunal; and 3. The Clerk forward a copy of Council' s resolution thereon to Mr. Renick. b) Authorization to publish a " Notice of Decision" under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act. It is recommended that: 1. Council authorize the Director of Legislative and Legal Services to publish a " Notice of Decision" under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act (formerly the Cemeteries Act) in relevant local newspapers, in accordance with Council' s decision on May 18th 2018 to deny land use permissions ( OPA- 1- 2018 and ZBA-4- 2018) to permit a cemetery, mausoleum and columbarium at 494/496 Elmstead Road. c) Restricted Acts of Council ( Lame Duck) during the 2018 Election Period It is recommended that: a) Council give three readings to By-law 80- 2018 to delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer during any lame duck period as described in the report of the Director of Legislative and Legal Services entitled, Restricted Acts of Council ( Lame Duck) during the 2018 Election Period, presented at the Council meeting July 10, 2018.
Question Period Members shall be governed by the following rules: a) Each member shall be limited to 3 minutes b) Questions shall be of general municipal concern, which may require a report from administration and do not require public consultation C) Matters raised in question period shall not be debated d) A motion of council is required for all administrative reports to Council e) Administration will track council questions on the council tracking report f) The chair may not allow a question in question period that should more properly be addressed to administration during regular business hours.
Non- Agenda Business Matters of a minor and urgent nature that require a Council decision may be brought forward by a member of Council under Non -Agenda Business.
Reading of By-laws i) Drainage By-laws That By-law 9-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 10th day of July, 2018. a) By- law 9- 2018, being a By- law to provide for the Quenneville & Third Line Drain Pump Station in the Town of Lakeshore. ii) General By-laws That By-law 76- 2018, 77-2018, 79-2018 and 80- 2018 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 10th day of July, 2018. a) By-law 76- 2018, being a By-law to Amend by- law no. 2- 2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 13- 2018). b) By-law 77-2018, being a By- law to Amend by- law no. 2- 2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA- 16- 2017). c) By- law 80-2018, being a By- law to Delegate Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer for Restricted Acts of Council. d) By- law 79-2018, being a By- law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with sections 239 ( 2) c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality. Council move out of closed session. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p. m. and that Lakeshore Council authorize itself to meet in Closed Session prior to the next Regular Council Meeting to discuss any matters permitted by the Municipal Act to be considered at a Closed Meeting.