1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
7.( a) Sylvain Gagnier — Re: Opposition to Changing the Primary Mailing Address to Lakeshore 7.( b) Jack Morris — Re: Opposition to Changing the Primary Mailing Address to Lakeshore
DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES THE END OF THIS MEETING IS UNAVAILABLE 18.( a) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Bailey That the motion carried at the September 11th, 2018 meeting requiring that Council inform Canada Post that it supports the use of the Town of Lakeshore as the primary mailing name for all addresses in Lakeshore and that Canada Post be requested to begin the process to change to one municipal mailing name for Canada Post customers in Lakeshore be rescinded. 18.( b) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Wilder Whereas Canada Post does not currently recognize Lakeshore as a municipal mailing address, which creates problems for residents, businesses and government services; Whereas on multiple occasions, in meetings open to the public and documented in official Town of Lakeshore archives, Lakeshore Council has previously discussed the lack of a municipal mailing address for Lakeshore and strategies to address the issue; Whereas other municipalities have also tried to address similar issues and have recently made progress in addressing those issues with Canada Post; Whereas Canada Post has recently advised the Town of Lakeshore that they are now willing to review the municipal mailing address issue in Lakeshore, on the condition that Lakeshore Council pass a resolution supporting such an undertaking; Whereas following Lakeshore Council' s passing of the resolution required by Canada Post, a number of residents expressed concerns regarding the municipal mailing address issue and the desire to receive more information on the review to be undertaken by Canada Post and the impact upon it may have on them; and Whereas there is a significant level of misunderstanding and misinformation being spread regarding the municipal mailing address issue, the beneficial opportunities that a Canada Post review of the issue provides, and the potential consequences of such a review proceeding. Now therefore be it resolved that Administration be directed to plan at least one Open House / Information Session, whereby facts can be presented to residents and comments can be received from residents.
1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
7.( a) Sylvain Gagnier — Re: Opposition to Changing the Primary Mailing Address to Lakeshore 7.( b) Jack Morris — Re: Opposition to Changing the Primary Mailing Address to Lakeshore
DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES THE END OF THIS MEETING IS UNAVAILABLE 18.( a) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Bailey That the motion carried at the September 11th, 2018 meeting requiring that Council inform Canada Post that it supports the use of the Town of Lakeshore as the primary mailing name for all addresses in Lakeshore and that Canada Post be requested to begin the process to change to one municipal mailing name for Canada Post customers in Lakeshore be rescinded. 18.( b) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Wilder Whereas Canada Post does not currently recognize Lakeshore as a municipal mailing address, which creates problems for residents, businesses and government services; Whereas on multiple occasions, in meetings open to the public and documented in official Town of Lakeshore archives, Lakeshore Council has previously discussed the lack of a municipal mailing address for Lakeshore and strategies to address the issue; Whereas other municipalities have also tried to address similar issues and have recently made progress in addressing those issues with Canada Post; Whereas Canada Post has recently advised the Town of Lakeshore that they are now willing to review the municipal mailing address issue in Lakeshore, on the condition that Lakeshore Council pass a resolution supporting such an undertaking; Whereas following Lakeshore Council' s passing of the resolution required by Canada Post, a number of residents expressed concerns regarding the municipal mailing address issue and the desire to receive more information on the review to be undertaken by Canada Post and the impact upon it may have on them; and Whereas there is a significant level of misunderstanding and misinformation being spread regarding the municipal mailing address issue, the beneficial opportunities that a Canada Post review of the issue provides, and the potential consequences of such a review proceeding. Now therefore be it resolved that Administration be directed to plan at least one Open House / Information Session, whereby facts can be presented to residents and comments can be received from residents.