*A portion of this video is without audio* 1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations - Public Meeting under Planning Act: (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-1-2018, 23312118 Ontario Inc., Phase 3 of the Lakeshore New Centre Estates Residential Development, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex File: 37-T-18002 Recommendation: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-01 -2018 (County File 37-T-18002) attached as Appendix "1"; and 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex. (b) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-21-2018), Mavis Minney/Estate of 6. (b) James E. Minney, 882 West Belle River Road, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-21-2018 (By-law No.126-2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the waterfront residential parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 882 West Belle River Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "RW1, Residential Waterfront - Watercourse Zone" to a site-specific "EP-1, Environmental Protection" zone to protect the lands susceptible to flooding or in the floodway of the Belle River and adopt the implementing by-law. (See section 21.1 (d)for By-law 126-2018) (c) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-22-2018), Pauline Lanoue, c/o A & L Wreckers Limited, 7525 County Road 42 Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-22-2018 (By-law No. 128-2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to amend the existing zone classification "CR-23, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone, Exception 23" for a parcel, indicated as the "Subject land" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 7525 County Road 42, in the Town of Lakeshore, to permit an Automobile Used Sales and Service Establishment and adopt the implementing bylaw: a. AUTOMOBILE USED SALES AND SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT - Shall mean premises where used vehicles are stored or displayed for the purpose of sale, lease or hire and shall include the storage and sale automotive accessories together with the repair and service of vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, vehicles shall not include motorized construction equipment, farm equipment, truck bodies, truck tractors or tractor trailers. (See section 21.1 (f) for By-law 128-2018) (d) Lakeshore Stormwater Master Plan Study - Stantec
Delegations (a) River Ridge Park Site Master Plan - Presented by Bezaire Partners Recommendation: 1. Council approve the site plan concept in principle for the River Ridge Park, all of which is further described in the presentation "River Ridge Park Site Master Plan" presented by Bezaire Partners and in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure entitled "River Ridge Park Site Master Plan" presented at the November 6, 2018 Council meeting.
(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 (b) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for September 19, 2018 (c) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for October 17, 2018 (d) Community and Development Services - Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes for September 25, 2018 (e) Community and Development Services - Heritage Committee Minutes for October 2, 2018 - Draft Minutes (f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Flood Prevention Task Force Draft Minutes for October 4, 2018 (g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for October 15, 2018 (h) Lower Thames Conservation - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2018 (i) Drinking Water Source Protection - Thames - Sydenham and Region Source Protection Region Minutes of October 18, 2018 Council Agenda - Regular Council Meeting, November 6, 2018 (J) Community and Development Services - Petition Regarding Camper Located at the Cove Marina (k) Community and Development Services Report - Quarterly Building Activity Report - As of September 30, 2018 Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.(a) through 8.(g) and receive Items 8.(h) through 8.(k) as listed on the Consent section of the November 6, 2018 Council Meeting Agenda.
Community and Development Services (a) Removal of Holding Symbol (File: ZBA-24-2018), The Lally Group Ltd., c/o Vince Lally, 19242 Lakeside Drive, Community of Tilbury North, Lighthouse Cove Recommendation: 1. Council adopt By-law # 116-2018 (ZBA-24-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol (h22)from 19242 Lakeside Drive, from CT-8(h22), Recreational / Tourist Commercial, Exception 8 "Holding Zone", to CT-8, Recreational / Tourist Commercial Exception 8 Zone. (See section 21.1 (b)for By-law 116-2018) (b) Zoning By-law Amendment Application, ZBA-25-2018, Forest Hill Subdivision (County File: 37-T-02009), Cooper Estates Limited, Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, East of Belle River Recommendation: 1. Council adopt By-law # 127-2018 (ZBA-25-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol (h5) for the first phases of the Forest Hill Subdivision (See Appendix 1 & 2) , from Residential - Low Density, R1 (h5) "Holding Zone", to Residential - Low Density, R1 Zone. (See section 21.1 (e) for By-law 127-2018) (c) Site Plan Control (File: SPC-6-2018), 2452501 Ontario Ltd./Rapid Drainage, 504 Harvard Drive, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2018 to permit the construction of a new building or pole barn for dry storage (gross floor area: 409 m2), for a business (Rapid Drainage), located at 504 Harvard Drive, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into an amending Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 125-2018 to execute the required amending Site Plan Agreement. (See section 21.1 (c) for By-law 125-2018) (d) Site Plan Control (SPC-15-2018), Sernacon Holdings Inc. 0 Jutras Drive North, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC-15-2018 to permit the construction of a new Manufacturing Facility (11,148.36 m2), together with any necessary ancillary facilities, at 0 Jutras Drive North; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC-15-2018 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 129-2018, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. (d) Comber Railway Station - Heritage Designation Recommendation: 1. Council receive this report for information purposes; and 2. Council initialize the process of designating the historic Comber Railway Station under the Ontario Heritage Act, by directing staff to issue a Notice of Intention to Designate (e) 2018 Canada Day Celebration Event Recommendation: 1. Council receive this report on the 2018 Canada Day Celebration Event and consideration for future event planning.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services (a) Romney Energy Centre Limited Partnership - Road Use Agreement - Including the Community Benefit Agreement Recommendation: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-Law 115 - 2018 to sign the Road Use Agreement including the Community Benefit Agreement and all other attached schedules requiring signature between the Town of Lakeshore and Romney Wind Energy Centre; and 2. The proceeds from the Community Benefit Agreement be held in the Community Benefit Reserve, for use in accordance with the Agreement. (See section 21.1 (a) for By-law 115-2018)
Finance Services (a) Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore reconsider Council resolution 863-09-2018 for the reasons described in the report of the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of November 6, 2018. (Above recommendation requires 2/3 majority. If passed then the following recommendation may be read.) Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore authorize the reduction of taxes under s. 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 for adjustments affecting the 2016, 2017 and 2018 taxation years, with the exception of those adjustments for assessment roll numbers 3751 200 000 35100 and 3751 200 000 36200, as described in the report from the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of September 11, 2018 and as further described in the report of the same name by the Supervisor of Revenue presented at the Council meeting of November 6,2018.
Legislative and Legal Services (a) Approval of Terms of Reference for Committees and Advertising for Boards and Committees for the 2018 - 2022 Term of Council Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs the Director of Legislative & Legal Services to prepare a report for the first regular meeting of the 2018-2022 Council regarding approval of terms of reference for committees of Council and advertising for board and committee appointments, all as described in the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled, Approval of Terms of Reference for Committees and Advertising for Boards and Committees for the 2018-2022 Term of Council, presented at the November 6, 2018 Council meeting.
Reading of the By-laws 21. Drainage By-laws 21 .(a) By-law 82-2018, being a By-law for the 2nd Concession Road Drain East (Strong Bridge) 21.(b) By-law 85-2018, being a By-law for the Lebert-Sauve Drain (Barrette Bridge CR-109) 21 .(c) By-law 86-2018, being a By-law for the Totten Drain (AG-CANADA Bridge) 21.(d) By-law 88-2018, being a By-law for the Beauchene Drain (Beneteau Bridge CR-045) 21.(e) By-law 94-2018, being a By-law for the Caza drain (Will Bridge) 21.(f) By-law 96-2018, being a By-law for the Marentette Drain (Lanoue Bridge CR-090) 21.(g) By-law 97-2018, being a By-law for the Tisdelle Drain (Lanoue Bridge CR-057) Recommendation: That By-laws 82-2018, 85-2018, 86-2018, 88-2018, 94-2018, 96-2018 and 97-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018. 21.(h) By-law 104-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Relief Drian (Byrne Bridge - Belle River Wind CR-077) 21.(i) By-law 105-2018, being a By-law for the Girard Drain (Damphouse Bridge - Belle River Wind CR-065) 21.(j) By-law 110-2018, being a By-law for the Minney Drain (Creation of New Municipal Drain 21.(k) By-law 119-2018, being a By-law for the Tecumseh Road Drain (Bridge for Cheung) 21.(l) By-law 120-2018, being a By-law for the McKenzie Drain (Whittle Bridge for Romney Wind) 21.(m) By-law 121-2018, being a By-law for the 5th Concession Road Drain Extension TN (Middle Road Farms Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 (n) By-law 123-2018, being a By-law for the North 6th Concession Drain (Trepanier Bridge CR-085 Belle River Wind) 21.(o) By-law 124-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Drain (Jumacre Bridge CR-078 & Byrne Bridge CR-051 - Belle River Wind) Recommendation: That By-laws 104-2018, 105-2018, 110-2018, 119-2018, 120-2018, 121-2018. 123-2018, and 124-2018 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 115-2018, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between Romney Energy Centre Limited Partnership and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(b) By-law 116-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-24-2018) 21.1(c) By-law 125-2018, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 2452501 Ontario Limited (Rapid Drainage - 504 Harvard -SPC-6-2018) 21.1(d) By-law 126-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-21-2018) 21.1(e) By-law 127-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-25-2018) 21.1(f) By-law 128-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-22-2018) 21.1(g) By-law 129-2018, being a By-law to Delegate Site Plan Approval for Sernacon Holdings Inc. (0 Jutras Drive - SPC-15-2018) 21.1(h) By-law 130-2018, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore Recommendation: That By-laws 115-2018, 116-2018, 125-2018, 126-2018, 127-2018, 128-2018, 129-2018, and 130-2018 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Recommendation: That Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a matter regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town for a water access on Lake St. Clair. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at___p.m. Recommendation: That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at___p.m.
*A portion of this video is without audio* 1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations - Public Meeting under Planning Act: (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-1-2018, 23312118 Ontario Inc., Phase 3 of the Lakeshore New Centre Estates Residential Development, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore, County of Essex File: 37-T-18002 Recommendation: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-01 -2018 (County File 37-T-18002) attached as Appendix "1"; and 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex. (b) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-21-2018), Mavis Minney/Estate of 6. (b) James E. Minney, 882 West Belle River Road, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-21-2018 (By-law No.126-2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone a portion of the waterfront residential parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 882 West Belle River Road, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "RW1, Residential Waterfront - Watercourse Zone" to a site-specific "EP-1, Environmental Protection" zone to protect the lands susceptible to flooding or in the floodway of the Belle River and adopt the implementing by-law. (See section 21.1 (d)for By-law 126-2018) (c) Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-22-2018), Pauline Lanoue, c/o A & L Wreckers Limited, 7525 County Road 42 Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-22-2018 (By-law No. 128-2018), Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to amend the existing zone classification "CR-23, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone, Exception 23" for a parcel, indicated as the "Subject land" on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 7525 County Road 42, in the Town of Lakeshore, to permit an Automobile Used Sales and Service Establishment and adopt the implementing bylaw: a. AUTOMOBILE USED SALES AND SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT - Shall mean premises where used vehicles are stored or displayed for the purpose of sale, lease or hire and shall include the storage and sale automotive accessories together with the repair and service of vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, vehicles shall not include motorized construction equipment, farm equipment, truck bodies, truck tractors or tractor trailers. (See section 21.1 (f) for By-law 128-2018) (d) Lakeshore Stormwater Master Plan Study - Stantec
Delegations (a) River Ridge Park Site Master Plan - Presented by Bezaire Partners Recommendation: 1. Council approve the site plan concept in principle for the River Ridge Park, all of which is further described in the presentation "River Ridge Park Site Master Plan" presented by Bezaire Partners and in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure entitled "River Ridge Park Site Master Plan" presented at the November 6, 2018 Council meeting.
(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 (b) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for September 19, 2018 (c) Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for October 17, 2018 (d) Community and Development Services - Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes for September 25, 2018 (e) Community and Development Services - Heritage Committee Minutes for October 2, 2018 - Draft Minutes (f) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Flood Prevention Task Force Draft Minutes for October 4, 2018 (g) Engineering and Infrastructure Services - Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for October 15, 2018 (h) Lower Thames Conservation - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2018 (i) Drinking Water Source Protection - Thames - Sydenham and Region Source Protection Region Minutes of October 18, 2018 Council Agenda - Regular Council Meeting, November 6, 2018 (J) Community and Development Services - Petition Regarding Camper Located at the Cove Marina (k) Community and Development Services Report - Quarterly Building Activity Report - As of September 30, 2018 Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.(a) through 8.(g) and receive Items 8.(h) through 8.(k) as listed on the Consent section of the November 6, 2018 Council Meeting Agenda.
Community and Development Services (a) Removal of Holding Symbol (File: ZBA-24-2018), The Lally Group Ltd., c/o Vince Lally, 19242 Lakeside Drive, Community of Tilbury North, Lighthouse Cove Recommendation: 1. Council adopt By-law # 116-2018 (ZBA-24-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol (h22)from 19242 Lakeside Drive, from CT-8(h22), Recreational / Tourist Commercial, Exception 8 "Holding Zone", to CT-8, Recreational / Tourist Commercial Exception 8 Zone. (See section 21.1 (b)for By-law 116-2018) (b) Zoning By-law Amendment Application, ZBA-25-2018, Forest Hill Subdivision (County File: 37-T-02009), Cooper Estates Limited, Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, East of Belle River Recommendation: 1. Council adopt By-law # 127-2018 (ZBA-25-2018) to remove the Holding Symbol (h5) for the first phases of the Forest Hill Subdivision (See Appendix 1 & 2) , from Residential - Low Density, R1 (h5) "Holding Zone", to Residential - Low Density, R1 Zone. (See section 21.1 (e) for By-law 127-2018) (c) Site Plan Control (File: SPC-6-2018), 2452501 Ontario Ltd./Rapid Drainage, 504 Harvard Drive, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2018 to permit the construction of a new building or pole barn for dry storage (gross floor area: 409 m2), for a business (Rapid Drainage), located at 504 Harvard Drive, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into an amending Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 125-2018 to execute the required amending Site Plan Agreement. (See section 21.1 (c) for By-law 125-2018) (d) Site Plan Control (SPC-15-2018), Sernacon Holdings Inc. 0 Jutras Drive North, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council receive site plan application SPC-15-2018 to permit the construction of a new Manufacturing Facility (11,148.36 m2), together with any necessary ancillary facilities, at 0 Jutras Drive North; 2. Council delegate approval authority for site plan application SPC-15-2018 to the Director of Community and Development Services; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by, By-law 129-2018, to execute the Site Plan Agreement, once the application has been approved by the Director of Community and Development Services. (d) Comber Railway Station - Heritage Designation Recommendation: 1. Council receive this report for information purposes; and 2. Council initialize the process of designating the historic Comber Railway Station under the Ontario Heritage Act, by directing staff to issue a Notice of Intention to Designate (e) 2018 Canada Day Celebration Event Recommendation: 1. Council receive this report on the 2018 Canada Day Celebration Event and consideration for future event planning.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services (a) Romney Energy Centre Limited Partnership - Road Use Agreement - Including the Community Benefit Agreement Recommendation: 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-Law 115 - 2018 to sign the Road Use Agreement including the Community Benefit Agreement and all other attached schedules requiring signature between the Town of Lakeshore and Romney Wind Energy Centre; and 2. The proceeds from the Community Benefit Agreement be held in the Community Benefit Reserve, for use in accordance with the Agreement. (See section 21.1 (a) for By-law 115-2018)
Finance Services (a) Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore reconsider Council resolution 863-09-2018 for the reasons described in the report of the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of November 6, 2018. (Above recommendation requires 2/3 majority. If passed then the following recommendation may be read.) Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore authorize the reduction of taxes under s. 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 for adjustments affecting the 2016, 2017 and 2018 taxation years, with the exception of those adjustments for assessment roll numbers 3751 200 000 35100 and 3751 200 000 36200, as described in the report from the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of September 11, 2018 and as further described in the report of the same name by the Supervisor of Revenue presented at the Council meeting of November 6,2018.
Legislative and Legal Services (a) Approval of Terms of Reference for Committees and Advertising for Boards and Committees for the 2018 - 2022 Term of Council Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs the Director of Legislative & Legal Services to prepare a report for the first regular meeting of the 2018-2022 Council regarding approval of terms of reference for committees of Council and advertising for board and committee appointments, all as described in the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled, Approval of Terms of Reference for Committees and Advertising for Boards and Committees for the 2018-2022 Term of Council, presented at the November 6, 2018 Council meeting.
Reading of the By-laws 21. Drainage By-laws 21 .(a) By-law 82-2018, being a By-law for the 2nd Concession Road Drain East (Strong Bridge) 21.(b) By-law 85-2018, being a By-law for the Lebert-Sauve Drain (Barrette Bridge CR-109) 21 .(c) By-law 86-2018, being a By-law for the Totten Drain (AG-CANADA Bridge) 21.(d) By-law 88-2018, being a By-law for the Beauchene Drain (Beneteau Bridge CR-045) 21.(e) By-law 94-2018, being a By-law for the Caza drain (Will Bridge) 21.(f) By-law 96-2018, being a By-law for the Marentette Drain (Lanoue Bridge CR-090) 21.(g) By-law 97-2018, being a By-law for the Tisdelle Drain (Lanoue Bridge CR-057) Recommendation: That By-laws 82-2018, 85-2018, 86-2018, 88-2018, 94-2018, 96-2018 and 97-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018. 21.(h) By-law 104-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Relief Drian (Byrne Bridge - Belle River Wind CR-077) 21.(i) By-law 105-2018, being a By-law for the Girard Drain (Damphouse Bridge - Belle River Wind CR-065) 21.(j) By-law 110-2018, being a By-law for the Minney Drain (Creation of New Municipal Drain 21.(k) By-law 119-2018, being a By-law for the Tecumseh Road Drain (Bridge for Cheung) 21.(l) By-law 120-2018, being a By-law for the McKenzie Drain (Whittle Bridge for Romney Wind) 21.(m) By-law 121-2018, being a By-law for the 5th Concession Road Drain Extension TN (Middle Road Farms Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 (n) By-law 123-2018, being a By-law for the North 6th Concession Drain (Trepanier Bridge CR-085 Belle River Wind) 21.(o) By-law 124-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Drain (Jumacre Bridge CR-078 & Byrne Bridge CR-051 - Belle River Wind) Recommendation: That By-laws 104-2018, 105-2018, 110-2018, 119-2018, 120-2018, 121-2018. 123-2018, and 124-2018 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 115-2018, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between Romney Energy Centre Limited Partnership and The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(b) By-law 116-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-24-2018) 21.1(c) By-law 125-2018, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 2452501 Ontario Limited (Rapid Drainage - 504 Harvard -SPC-6-2018) 21.1(d) By-law 126-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-21-2018) 21.1(e) By-law 127-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-25-2018) 21.1(f) By-law 128-2018, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-22-2018) 21.1(g) By-law 129-2018, being a By-law to Delegate Site Plan Approval for Sernacon Holdings Inc. (0 Jutras Drive - SPC-15-2018) 21.1(h) By-law 130-2018, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore Recommendation: That By-laws 115-2018, 116-2018, 125-2018, 126-2018, 127-2018, 128-2018, 129-2018, and 130-2018 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 6th day of November, 2018.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Recommendation: That Council move into closed session at p.m. in accordance with section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a matter regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Town for a water access on Lake St. Clair. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at___p.m. Recommendation: That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at___p.m.