1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations Public Meeting under Planning Act 6. (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-2-2015 & Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-15-2015,1903286 Ontario Inc. and Jack Moceri and Sons Contracting Ltd. c/o Dillon Consulting Limited, Walkerview Residential Development, 299 Old Tecumseh Road/0 Jordan Land Recommendation: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-02-2015 (County File 37-T-15001) attached as Appendix 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex; and 3. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-15-2015 (By-law No. 6-2019, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Land", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 299 Old Tecumseh Road/ 0 Jordan Lane, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "R1, Residential - Low Density" to "R1(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone for single detached units and a site-specific "R2-25(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone which shall amend certain regulations to permit semi-detached and townhome units and adopt the implementing by-law. (See Item 21.1 (e) for By-law #6-2019) Public Presentations Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) - 2018 Year-End Assessment Report
Delegations JP Thompson - Preliminary Design/Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena Site (See Item 12 (c) for report)
Consent Agenda 8A. Regular Council Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2018 (Draft) 8B. Regular Council Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019 - Council Orientation (Draft) 8C. Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Minutes for December 12, 2018 (Draft) 8D. BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2018 8E. Police Services Board Meeting Draft Minutes for November 26, 2018 8G. Wallace Woods Secondary Plan - Update #1 8H. Line Fences Act Recommendation: Council approve Items 8(a) and 8(b) and receive items 8(c) through 8(h) as listed on the Consent Agenda.
Community and Development Services 11 .(a) Earth Day Celebration Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse the Earth Day Celebration program as laid out in this report and name the trail north of the ATC 'Earth Walk Trail'. 11.(b) Exemption from Noise By-law 106-2007 Ministry of Transportation Recommendation: 1. Council grant The Ministry of Transportation, Exemption from Noise Bylaw 106-2007, to allow for 24 hour construction activity, (between 8:00 pm and 7:00 am) commencing May 1, 2019 through to November 30, 2019.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) County Road 27 Speed Reduction Petition Recommendation: In accordance with the County's policy, administration recommends that Council by resolution request the County of Essex to investigate the petitioned speed reduction on County Road 27 from County Road 42 northerly to Canadian Pacific Railway corridor. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Top Grant Amending 12.(b) Agreement (OCIF AC3-2190) - West River Street Project and By-law 5-2019 Recommendation: l. Adopt By-law 5-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Amendment to a grant funding agreement (AC3-3190) with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) Top-Up Application Component for up to $485,037 in funding toward the West River Street Project and any amendments or related agreements, all as described in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services presented at the January 15, 2018 Council meeting entitled "Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Top-Up Grant Amending Agreement (OCIF AC3-3190) - West River Street Project and By-law 5-2019" (See Item 21.1 .(d) for By-law 5-2019) .... Preliminary Design/Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena 1^(c) Site Recommendation: 1. Council approve the re-purposing the Rourke Line Arena as an operations facility for Parks and Facilities and Water Distribution; and 2. Council adopt By-law 8-2019 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a lease agreement with 2535658 Ontario Inc. for the lease of 2177 County Road 42 as an interim facility site for Parks and Facilities Operations for an 18 month period, all as described in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services entitled "Preliminary Design / Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena Site" presented at the January 15, 2019 Council meeting.
Finance Services 13.(a) 2019 Interim Levy By-law Recommendation: 1. Receive the Interim Levy By-law report; 2. Authorize an interim tax levy for 2019; and 3. Adopt the Interim Levy By-law 3-2019 attached to this report.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Procedure for Appointment of Alternate Member to County Council Recommended: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore adopt Bylaw 4-2019 amending By-law 94-2017, the Town's Procedural Bylaw, to include a secret ranked ballot election procedure for the election of an Alternate Member of County Council, as described in the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled, Procedure for Appointment of Alternate Member to County Council, presented at the January 15, 2018 Council meeting. (See Item 21.1 (c) for By-law 4-2019) 14.(b) Adoption of Boards and Committees Terms of Reference Recommendation: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore adopt Schedules "A" and "B" to the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled Adoption of Boards and Committees Terms of Reference presented at the January 15, 2019 Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Notice of Motion Submitted By Deputy Mayor Tracey Bailey Whereas it is desirable to continue to grow Lakeshore as a place where families choose to live work and play; A destination where people choose to come and visit and return to vacation and shop; A place to call home that offers diversified housing options, excellent education and medical facilities, comprehensive municipal services, exceptional recreational amenities and a vibrant community spirit; And whereas it is recognized that Lakeshore offers insufficient affordable and diversified integrated housing options and can take an active role in the design of positive housing options allowing people to live in diverse and livable neighborhoods, contributing to their community; And whereas there is a shared responsibility and Lakeshore can help to structure shared responsibility; Therefore, be it resolved that Administration bring back a report to Council on how a percentage of new home builds can include an affordable housing component; And further, that the Official Plan Review/Secondary Plan include a percentage of non-standard and affordable housing; And further, that the Official Plan review include a strategy for diversified and affordable integrated housing; And further, that the report recognize that new zoning may be required to allow for an integrated housing component. 18. (b) Notice of Motion Submitted By Councillor John Kerr Whereas, Lakeshore, along with all communities across Canada, enjoy the freedoms our Canadian Veterans have provided; And Whereas, Lakeshore Veterans are an aging demographic that is deeply interwoven into the fabric of our Community; And Whereas, The Town of Lakeshore needs to continually demonstrate its commitment to our veterans; Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore's administration designate a courtesy parking spot for veterans in each municipally-owned parking lot, which spot shall be located next to or near the designated handicap parking spaces.
Reading of the By-laws Drainage By-laws 21. (a) By-law 103-2018, being a By-law for the 12-13 Drain (Myers Bridge, Belle River Wind CR-071) 21 .(b) By-law 104-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Relief Drain (Byrne Bridge Belle River Wind CR-077) 21 .(c) By-law 105-2018, being a By-law for the Girard Drain (Damphouse Bridge, Belle River Wind CR-065) 21 .(d) By-law 110-2018, being a By-law for the Minney Drian (Creation of New Municipal Drain) 21 .(e) By-law 120-2018, being a By-law for the McKenzie Drain (Whittle Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 .(f) By-law 121-2018, being a By-law for the 5th concession Road Drain Extension TN (Middle Road Farms Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 .(g) By-law 123-2018, being a By-law for North 6th Concession Drain (Trepanier Bridge CR-085 Belle River Wind) 21 .(h) By-law 124-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Drain (Jumacre Bridge CR-078 & Byrne Bridge 21 .(i) Recommendation: That By-laws 103-2018, 104-2018, 105-2018, 110-2018, 120-2018, 121-2018,123-2018 and 124-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 15th day of January, 2019. By-law 9-2019, being a By-law for the North Talbot Road Drain (Bethel United Church Enclosure) 21 .(J) By-law 10-2019, being a By-law for the Bellemore Drain (Lassaline Bridge) 21 .(k) By-law 11 -2019, being a By-law for the Ellis Drain (Thomas Bridge) 21.(1) By-law 12-2019, being a By-law for 3rd Cone. Drain East of Little Creek (Gagnier Enclosure) 21 .(m) By-law 14-2019, being a By-law for Duck Creek (Byrne Bridge CR-044 and Marentette Bridge CR049 Belle River Wind) Recommendation: That By-laws 9-2019, 10-2019, 11-2019, 12-2019 and 14-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 15th day of January 2019. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 1-2019, being a By-law imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates upon Land 21.1(b) By-law 3-2019, being a By-law to Authorize an Interim Tax levy Prior to the Adoption of the Estimates for the Year 2019. 21.1(c) By-law 4-2019, being a By-law to Amend By-law 94-2017 Being a By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Town of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members. 21.1(d) By-law 5-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Amending Agreement between Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(e) By-law 6-2019, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-15-2018). 21.1(f) By-law 8-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Lease Agreement between 2535658 Ontario Inc. and the Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(h) By-law 13-2019, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. Recommendation: That By-laws 1-2019, 3-2019, 4-2019, 5-2019, 6-2019, 8-2019 and 13-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 15th day of January 2019.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Recommendation: Council move into closed session at a.m.: (a) in accordance with paragraphs 239(2)(k), (e) and (f) and (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing positions and instructions to be applied to negotiations, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and litigation affecting the municipality in relation to Amy Croft Drive development; and (b) in accordance with paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing personal matters about identifiable individuals regarding the recommendations of Administration in relation to Board and committee member appointments. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at Recommendation: p.m. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m.
1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations Public Meeting under Planning Act 6. (a) Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-A-2-2015 & Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-15-2015,1903286 Ontario Inc. and Jack Moceri and Sons Contracting Ltd. c/o Dillon Consulting Limited, Walkerview Residential Development, 299 Old Tecumseh Road/0 Jordan Land Recommendation: 1. Council adopt the proposed draft conditions for draft plan of subdivision application S-A-02-2015 (County File 37-T-15001) attached as Appendix 2. The proposed draft conditions be submitted to the approval authority, the County of Essex; and 3. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-15-2015 (By-law No. 6-2019, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Land", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 299 Old Tecumseh Road/ 0 Jordan Lane, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "R1, Residential - Low Density" to "R1(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone for single detached units and a site-specific "R2-25(h4), Residential - Low Density, holding" zone which shall amend certain regulations to permit semi-detached and townhome units and adopt the implementing by-law. (See Item 21.1 (e) for By-law #6-2019) Public Presentations Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) - 2018 Year-End Assessment Report
Delegations JP Thompson - Preliminary Design/Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena Site (See Item 12 (c) for report)
Consent Agenda 8A. Regular Council Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2018 (Draft) 8B. Regular Council Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019 - Council Orientation (Draft) 8C. Community and Development Services - Committee of Adjustment Minutes for December 12, 2018 (Draft) 8D. BIA Board of Management Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2018 8E. Police Services Board Meeting Draft Minutes for November 26, 2018 8G. Wallace Woods Secondary Plan - Update #1 8H. Line Fences Act Recommendation: Council approve Items 8(a) and 8(b) and receive items 8(c) through 8(h) as listed on the Consent Agenda.
Community and Development Services 11 .(a) Earth Day Celebration Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse the Earth Day Celebration program as laid out in this report and name the trail north of the ATC 'Earth Walk Trail'. 11.(b) Exemption from Noise By-law 106-2007 Ministry of Transportation Recommendation: 1. Council grant The Ministry of Transportation, Exemption from Noise Bylaw 106-2007, to allow for 24 hour construction activity, (between 8:00 pm and 7:00 am) commencing May 1, 2019 through to November 30, 2019.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) County Road 27 Speed Reduction Petition Recommendation: In accordance with the County's policy, administration recommends that Council by resolution request the County of Essex to investigate the petitioned speed reduction on County Road 27 from County Road 42 northerly to Canadian Pacific Railway corridor. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Top Grant Amending 12.(b) Agreement (OCIF AC3-2190) - West River Street Project and By-law 5-2019 Recommendation: l. Adopt By-law 5-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Amendment to a grant funding agreement (AC3-3190) with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) Top-Up Application Component for up to $485,037 in funding toward the West River Street Project and any amendments or related agreements, all as described in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services presented at the January 15, 2018 Council meeting entitled "Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Top-Up Grant Amending Agreement (OCIF AC3-3190) - West River Street Project and By-law 5-2019" (See Item 21.1 .(d) for By-law 5-2019) .... Preliminary Design/Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena 1^(c) Site Recommendation: 1. Council approve the re-purposing the Rourke Line Arena as an operations facility for Parks and Facilities and Water Distribution; and 2. Council adopt By-law 8-2019 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a lease agreement with 2535658 Ontario Inc. for the lease of 2177 County Road 42 as an interim facility site for Parks and Facilities Operations for an 18 month period, all as described in the report of the Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services entitled "Preliminary Design / Feasibility Review - Conversion of Former Arena Site" presented at the January 15, 2019 Council meeting.
Finance Services 13.(a) 2019 Interim Levy By-law Recommendation: 1. Receive the Interim Levy By-law report; 2. Authorize an interim tax levy for 2019; and 3. Adopt the Interim Levy By-law 3-2019 attached to this report.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Procedure for Appointment of Alternate Member to County Council Recommended: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore adopt Bylaw 4-2019 amending By-law 94-2017, the Town's Procedural Bylaw, to include a secret ranked ballot election procedure for the election of an Alternate Member of County Council, as described in the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled, Procedure for Appointment of Alternate Member to County Council, presented at the January 15, 2018 Council meeting. (See Item 21.1 (c) for By-law 4-2019) 14.(b) Adoption of Boards and Committees Terms of Reference Recommendation: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore adopt Schedules "A" and "B" to the report of the Director of Legislative & Legal Services entitled Adoption of Boards and Committees Terms of Reference presented at the January 15, 2019 Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Notice of Motion Submitted By Deputy Mayor Tracey Bailey Whereas it is desirable to continue to grow Lakeshore as a place where families choose to live work and play; A destination where people choose to come and visit and return to vacation and shop; A place to call home that offers diversified housing options, excellent education and medical facilities, comprehensive municipal services, exceptional recreational amenities and a vibrant community spirit; And whereas it is recognized that Lakeshore offers insufficient affordable and diversified integrated housing options and can take an active role in the design of positive housing options allowing people to live in diverse and livable neighborhoods, contributing to their community; And whereas there is a shared responsibility and Lakeshore can help to structure shared responsibility; Therefore, be it resolved that Administration bring back a report to Council on how a percentage of new home builds can include an affordable housing component; And further, that the Official Plan Review/Secondary Plan include a percentage of non-standard and affordable housing; And further, that the Official Plan review include a strategy for diversified and affordable integrated housing; And further, that the report recognize that new zoning may be required to allow for an integrated housing component. 18. (b) Notice of Motion Submitted By Councillor John Kerr Whereas, Lakeshore, along with all communities across Canada, enjoy the freedoms our Canadian Veterans have provided; And Whereas, Lakeshore Veterans are an aging demographic that is deeply interwoven into the fabric of our Community; And Whereas, The Town of Lakeshore needs to continually demonstrate its commitment to our veterans; Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore's administration designate a courtesy parking spot for veterans in each municipally-owned parking lot, which spot shall be located next to or near the designated handicap parking spaces.
Reading of the By-laws Drainage By-laws 21. (a) By-law 103-2018, being a By-law for the 12-13 Drain (Myers Bridge, Belle River Wind CR-071) 21 .(b) By-law 104-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Relief Drain (Byrne Bridge Belle River Wind CR-077) 21 .(c) By-law 105-2018, being a By-law for the Girard Drain (Damphouse Bridge, Belle River Wind CR-065) 21 .(d) By-law 110-2018, being a By-law for the Minney Drian (Creation of New Municipal Drain) 21 .(e) By-law 120-2018, being a By-law for the McKenzie Drain (Whittle Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 .(f) By-law 121-2018, being a By-law for the 5th concession Road Drain Extension TN (Middle Road Farms Bridge for Romney Wind) 21 .(g) By-law 123-2018, being a By-law for North 6th Concession Drain (Trepanier Bridge CR-085 Belle River Wind) 21 .(h) By-law 124-2018, being a By-law for the Doran Drain (Jumacre Bridge CR-078 & Byrne Bridge 21 .(i) Recommendation: That By-laws 103-2018, 104-2018, 105-2018, 110-2018, 120-2018, 121-2018,123-2018 and 124-2018 be read a third time and finally adopted this 15th day of January, 2019. By-law 9-2019, being a By-law for the North Talbot Road Drain (Bethel United Church Enclosure) 21 .(J) By-law 10-2019, being a By-law for the Bellemore Drain (Lassaline Bridge) 21 .(k) By-law 11 -2019, being a By-law for the Ellis Drain (Thomas Bridge) 21.(1) By-law 12-2019, being a By-law for 3rd Cone. Drain East of Little Creek (Gagnier Enclosure) 21 .(m) By-law 14-2019, being a By-law for Duck Creek (Byrne Bridge CR-044 and Marentette Bridge CR049 Belle River Wind) Recommendation: That By-laws 9-2019, 10-2019, 11-2019, 12-2019 and 14-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 15th day of January 2019. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 1-2019, being a By-law imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates upon Land 21.1(b) By-law 3-2019, being a By-law to Authorize an Interim Tax levy Prior to the Adoption of the Estimates for the Year 2019. 21.1(c) By-law 4-2019, being a By-law to Amend By-law 94-2017 Being a By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Town of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members. 21.1(d) By-law 5-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Amending Agreement between Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(e) By-law 6-2019, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2-2012, as amended, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-15-2018). 21.1(f) By-law 8-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Lease Agreement between 2535658 Ontario Inc. and the Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(h) By-law 13-2019, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore. Recommendation: That By-laws 1-2019, 3-2019, 4-2019, 5-2019, 6-2019, 8-2019 and 13-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 15th day of January 2019.
Resolution Re: Council in Closed Session and Adjournment Recommendation: Council move into closed session at a.m.: (a) in accordance with paragraphs 239(2)(k), (e) and (f) and (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing positions and instructions to be applied to negotiations, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and litigation affecting the municipality in relation to Amy Croft Drive development; and (b) in accordance with paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing personal matters about identifiable individuals regarding the recommendations of Administration in relation to Board and committee member appointments. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at Recommendation: p.m. That Lakeshore Council adjourn its meeting at p.m.