1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations Site Plan Control (File:SPC-10-2018) and Zoning By-law Amendment 6.(a) (File:ZBA-17-2018) Application, Pierre Amine, c/o Mary-Ann Keefner, 1965 Ellis Side Road, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-17-2018 (By-law No. 37 -2019, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 1965 Ellis Sideroad, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "CR, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone" to "CR-51, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone Exception 51" to permit a Single Detached Dwelling which is accessory to a non-residential use (i.e. Service Trade Establishment) and adopt the implementing by-law. 2. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-10-2018 to permit the placement of a new 223 m2 Service Trade Establishment and (257 m2) Single Detached Dwelling located at 1965 Ellis Sideroad, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 38 -2019 to execute the Site Plan Agreement.
8.(a) Special Council Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2019 8.(b) Budget Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2019 8.(c) Budget Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 8.(d) Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2019 8.(e) Special Council Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2019 8.(f) Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for March 20, 2019 8.(h) Ontario Public Works Association (OPWA) - Re: 2019 National Public Works Week May 19-25 , 2019 "It Starts Here" 8.(i) Town of Kingsville - Support of Resolution on Phragmites Control 8.(j) Quarterly Building Report as of March 31, 2019 8.(k) Rumble Strips and Street Lights on Old Tecumseh Road Recommendation: Council approve Items 8(a) through 8(e) and receive Items 8(f) through 8(k) as listed on the Consent Agenda
Community and Development Services 11 .(a) Communications and Public Engagement Services Recommendation: 1. That Council approve a one-time transfer of $8,200 from the Technology Software Reserve fund for an online community engagement program for 2019 as a trial basis and that any future requirement for an ongoing program be brought forward as part of the 2020 budget; and 2. That Council approve a one-time transfer of $20,000 from the Contingency reserve fund to establish a Communications support budget for 2019 to fund the costs of acquiring external support and that an annual communication plan be brought forward as part of the 2020 budget. 11 .(b) Comber Railway Station - Heritage Designation Recommendation: Council approve and adopt By-law 39-2019 to designate the Comber Railway Station to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) 12.(b) Tender Award - Lakeshore Road 107 Rehabilitation (County Road 42 to North Rear Road) Recommendation: 1. Award the tender for the rehabilitation of Lakeshore Road 107 to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $472,450.00 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project Tender Award - 2019 Supply and Place Gravel Program Recommendation: 1. Council award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the 2019 Supply and Place Gravel program in the revised tender amount of $243,941 plus HST. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2019 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the revised tender amount of $79,152.00 plus HST.
Finance Services 13.(a) Tax Adjustments Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 -(Reconsideration) Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore reconsider Council resolution 90-02-2019 for the reasons described in the report of the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of February 19, 2019. (Above recommendation requires 2/3 majority.) If the motion for reconsideration is passed, the following recommendation will be presented for consideration: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore authorize the reduction of taxes under s. 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 for adjustments affecting the 2015, 2017 and 2018 taxation years, with the exception of those adjustments for assessment roll numbers 3751 210 000 07500 as described in the report from the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of February 19,2019 and as further described in the report of the same name by the Supervisor of Revenue presented at the Council meeting of April 9, 2019. 13.(b) Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program; Rural and Northern Communities Funding Stream Recommendation Council direct Administration to apply for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Rural and Northern Communities Funding Stream for reconstruction and enhancement of Patillo Road.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Adoption of Council - Pregnancy and Parental Leave Pursuant to Sections 259 and 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 Recommendation: The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs the Manager of Human Resources to draft a policy for Pregnancy and Parental Leave for Council Members in accordance with Option # as described in the report of the Manager of Human Resources presented at the Regular Council Meeting on April 9, 2019. 14(b) Request for Temporary Licence Extension - Mr. Biggs Restaurant and Sportsbar Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride and Splashpad Weekend Recommendation: The Manager of Legislative Services be directed to provide a letter stating that the Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the temporary extension of the liquor licence of Mr. Biggs Restaurant & Sportsbar, 405 Notre Dame Street, commencing May 26th 2019 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM for participation in the Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride and between July 11th 2019 and July 14th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM daily for participation in the Sunsplash Weekend, on the condition that the conduct of the events is in compliance with the provisions of the Liquor Licence Act and associated rules and directive of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
21. Reading of the By-laws 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 37-2019, being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, ZBA-17-208 21.1(b) By-law 38-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Amine Construction 21.1(c) By-law 39-2019, being a By-law to Designate the Comber Railway Station to be of Cultural Value and Interest Pursuant to Part IV of Ontario Heritage Act. 21.1(d) By-law 40-2019, being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for January 30, February 11, February 12, March 19 and April 1st 2019. Recommendation: That By-laws 37-2019, 38-2019, 39-2019 and 40-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 9th day of April, 2019. 23. Adjournment Recommendation: That Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.
1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations Site Plan Control (File:SPC-10-2018) and Zoning By-law Amendment 6.(a) (File:ZBA-17-2018) Application, Pierre Amine, c/o Mary-Ann Keefner, 1965 Ellis Side Road, Community of Maidstone Recommendation: 1. Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-17-2018 (By-law No. 37 -2019, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 1965 Ellis Sideroad, in the Town of Lakeshore, from "CR, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone" to "CR-51, Rural Commercial / Employment Zone Exception 51" to permit a Single Detached Dwelling which is accessory to a non-residential use (i.e. Service Trade Establishment) and adopt the implementing by-law. 2. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-10-2018 to permit the placement of a new 223 m2 Service Trade Establishment and (257 m2) Single Detached Dwelling located at 1965 Ellis Sideroad, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and 3. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 38 -2019 to execute the Site Plan Agreement.
8.(a) Special Council Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2019 8.(b) Budget Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2019 8.(c) Budget Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2019 8.(d) Regular Council Meeting Minutes March 19, 2019 8.(e) Special Council Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2019 8.(f) Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for March 20, 2019 8.(h) Ontario Public Works Association (OPWA) - Re: 2019 National Public Works Week May 19-25 , 2019 "It Starts Here" 8.(i) Town of Kingsville - Support of Resolution on Phragmites Control 8.(j) Quarterly Building Report as of March 31, 2019 8.(k) Rumble Strips and Street Lights on Old Tecumseh Road Recommendation: Council approve Items 8(a) through 8(e) and receive Items 8(f) through 8(k) as listed on the Consent Agenda
Community and Development Services 11 .(a) Communications and Public Engagement Services Recommendation: 1. That Council approve a one-time transfer of $8,200 from the Technology Software Reserve fund for an online community engagement program for 2019 as a trial basis and that any future requirement for an ongoing program be brought forward as part of the 2020 budget; and 2. That Council approve a one-time transfer of $20,000 from the Contingency reserve fund to establish a Communications support budget for 2019 to fund the costs of acquiring external support and that an annual communication plan be brought forward as part of the 2020 budget. 11 .(b) Comber Railway Station - Heritage Designation Recommendation: Council approve and adopt By-law 39-2019 to designate the Comber Railway Station to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) 12.(b) Tender Award - Lakeshore Road 107 Rehabilitation (County Road 42 to North Rear Road) Recommendation: 1. Award the tender for the rehabilitation of Lakeshore Road 107 to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $472,450.00 plus applicable taxes. 2. Authorize the Manager of Public Works Services to adjust the contract amount based on actual quantities of emulsion, aggregate and granular materials required for the completion of this project Tender Award - 2019 Supply and Place Gravel Program Recommendation: 1. Council award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the 2019 Supply and Place Gravel program in the revised tender amount of $243,941 plus HST. 2. Council award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2019 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the revised tender amount of $79,152.00 plus HST.
Finance Services 13.(a) Tax Adjustments Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 -(Reconsideration) Recommendation: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore reconsider Council resolution 90-02-2019 for the reasons described in the report of the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Tax Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of February 19, 2019. (Above recommendation requires 2/3 majority.) If the motion for reconsideration is passed, the following recommendation will be presented for consideration: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore authorize the reduction of taxes under s. 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 for adjustments affecting the 2015, 2017 and 2018 taxation years, with the exception of those adjustments for assessment roll numbers 3751 210 000 07500 as described in the report from the Supervisor of Revenue entitled, Adjustments under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357, presented at the Council meeting of February 19,2019 and as further described in the report of the same name by the Supervisor of Revenue presented at the Council meeting of April 9, 2019. 13.(b) Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program; Rural and Northern Communities Funding Stream Recommendation Council direct Administration to apply for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Rural and Northern Communities Funding Stream for reconstruction and enhancement of Patillo Road.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Adoption of Council - Pregnancy and Parental Leave Pursuant to Sections 259 and 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 Recommendation: The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs the Manager of Human Resources to draft a policy for Pregnancy and Parental Leave for Council Members in accordance with Option # as described in the report of the Manager of Human Resources presented at the Regular Council Meeting on April 9, 2019. 14(b) Request for Temporary Licence Extension - Mr. Biggs Restaurant and Sportsbar Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride and Splashpad Weekend Recommendation: The Manager of Legislative Services be directed to provide a letter stating that the Town of Lakeshore has no objection to the temporary extension of the liquor licence of Mr. Biggs Restaurant & Sportsbar, 405 Notre Dame Street, commencing May 26th 2019 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM for participation in the Ride for Dad Motorcycle Ride and between July 11th 2019 and July 14th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM daily for participation in the Sunsplash Weekend, on the condition that the conduct of the events is in compliance with the provisions of the Liquor Licence Act and associated rules and directive of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
21. Reading of the By-laws 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 37-2019, being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, ZBA-17-208 21.1(b) By-law 38-2019, being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Amine Construction 21.1(c) By-law 39-2019, being a By-law to Designate the Comber Railway Station to be of Cultural Value and Interest Pursuant to Part IV of Ontario Heritage Act. 21.1(d) By-law 40-2019, being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for January 30, February 11, February 12, March 19 and April 1st 2019. Recommendation: That By-laws 37-2019, 38-2019, 39-2019 and 40-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 9th day of April, 2019. 23. Adjournment Recommendation: That Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.