1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations 6.1(a) Brentwood Recovery Home and Lakepoint Homes Re: Brentwood ' Lottery Dream Home
Community and Development Services 11.(a) Site Plan Control Application SPC-1 -2019 & ZBA-16-2018 (Removal of Holding Symbol), Modern Solution Group Inc., c/o Jeremy St. John, 272 Renaud Line, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore 1. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-1-2019, to permit the construction of a new multi-tenant residential building, known as a Dwelling, Stacked, housing a maximum of 6 dwelling units, located at 272 Renaud Line Road, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 59-2019 to execute the required Site Plan Agreement, and 3. That Council adopt By-law # 60-2019 to remove the h2 holding symbol. 11.(b) Removal of Holding Symbol (File: ZBA-12-2019), Todd and Cherie Wood, 515 Markham Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove Recommendation: Council adopt By-law 56-2019 (ZBA-12-2019) to remove the Holding Symbol (h6) from 515 Markham Drive, from Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair, RW2 (h6) "Holding Zone", to Residential Waterfront - Lake St Clair, RW2 Zone.
8.(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2019 8.(b) Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes of March 26, 2019
Town of Aurora - Re: Support of Resolution Re: Response to Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act
Engineering and Infrastructure Services - 2019 Additional Road Works Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.a and receive items 8.b through 8.g as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 21, 2019.
11.(c) Atlas Tube Centre Additional Storage Space Recommendation: Council approve up to a maximum of $45,000 inclusive of non-refundable HST to be funded from the Facilities Reserve to construct an additional new storage room at the Atlas Tube Centre to replace the temporary storage facility that was not in compliance with Fire and Building Codes. 11.(d) Brentwood Lottery House, 152 Summer Street Recommendation: 1. Council declines to waive the development charges and building permit fees; and 2. Council defer payment of the development charges and building permit fees until closing of the construction of the home. 11.(e) Official Plan Review Recommendation: Council direct Administration to proceed to public engagement on the Official Plan Review updates as described in this May 21st 2019 Official Plan Review report.
12.(a) Tender Award - 2019 Inflow and Infiltration Exploration Program Recommendation: Council award the tender for the 2019 Inflow and Infiltration Exploration to Sewer Technologies Inc. in the total amount of $136,434.00 plus applicable taxes. 12.(b) Tender Award - Hardtop Road Repair Recommendation: Award the tender for the Hardtop Road Repair to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $96,655 plus applicable taxes. 12.(c) 2019 Optimist Park Playground Structure Request for Proposal Recommendation: Council award the contract for the Optimist Playground Structure to New World Park Solutions in the amount of $89,851 plus non recoverable HST.
13.(a) Temporary Borrowing By-law Recommendation: Adopt and give three readings to By-law 57-2019 to allow for temporary borrowing for current expenditure purposes for 2019. 13.(b) Amending Regulation of Water Supply By-law 97-2004 Recommendation: Council to adopt By-Law 58-2019, which amends By-Law 97-2004 Regulation of Water Supply in the Town of Lakeshore, to incorporate changes approved by Council at its March 21, 2017 meeting regarding discontinuing water shutoff for account arrears.
14.(a) Request for Designation of Municipally Significant Event and Grant for Policing and Security Costs - Sunsplash Festival Recommended: 1. Designate the Sunsplash Festival hosted by the Belle River Knights of Columbus, scheduled for July 11-14th 2019 in Belle River, as "municipally significant"; and 2. Provide a maximum grant of $2,500.00 to assist with policing and security at the Sunsplash Festival. 14.(b) Adoption of Chief Administrative Officer By-law Recommendation: Council adopt By-law 62-2019, Being a By-Law to Establish the Role of Chief Administrative Officer for The Corporation of The Town of Lakeshore, presented by the Director of Legislative & Legal Services at the May 14, 2019 regular Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Notice of Submitted by Councillor Wilder Motion Supporting the Location of a New Hospital in Windsor-Essex County in an Area That Serves All Residents of Windsor-Essex County WHEREAS a new hospital in Windsor-Essex County is desperately needed and would help improve the quality of healthcare in Windsor-Essex County; and WHEREAS Windsor-Essex County has an opportunity to obtain a new hospital, which will serve all of the region for decades to come; and WHEREAS almost half of the population of Windsor-Essex County, currently reside in the County of Essex / outside of the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS growth statistics indicate that the municipalities in the County of Essex are increasing in size and population, which is a trend that is expected to continue and will likely result in the majority of the population of Windsor-Essex County residing in the County of Essex / outside of the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS the current location of the majority of hospital services in the extreme northwest corner of Windsor-Essex County, does not adequately serve the residents living in the County of Essex / outside the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS the share of local funding for any new hospital in Windsor-Essex County is to be shared equally between the City of Windsor and the County of Essex. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT that the Town of Lakeshore supports placing any new hospital services, in a location that serves the majority of the residents of Windsor-Essex County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT that the Town of Lakeshore supports moving forward with the proposed location for the new hospital, which will serve the region as a whole, and should help improve healthcare for the majority of residents in Windsor-Essex County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the City of Windsor, County of Essex, Town of Tecumseh, Town of Lasalle, Town of Amherstburg, Town Essex, Town of Kingsville, Municipality of Leamington, the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Andrea Horwath, Leader of the New Democratic Party, the Honourable Christine Elliott, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Ms. Lisa Gretzky, MPP for Windsor West, Mr. Taras Natyshak, MPP for Essex, Mr. Percy Hatfield, MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh, and Mr. Rick Nicholls, MPP for Chatham-Kent-Leamington.
Drainage By-laws 21. (a) By-law 42-2019, Being a By-law for the Buchanan-Fenner Drain -Buchanan Portion (New Bridge for George and David Buchanan) 21 .(b) By-law 45-2019, Being a By-law for the 4 & 5 Drain - BFC Branch F (Outlet Extension) 21 .(c) By-law 49-2019, Being a By-law for the 6-7 Sideroad Drain (for Mike Mailloux Ltd.) 21.(d) By-law 50-2019, Being a By-law for the Hyland Drain (Kopcok Bridge & Scott Enclosure) 21.(e) By-law 52-2019, Being a By-law for the Talbot Road South Drain (Enclosure for 2623220 Ont. Inc.) Recommendation: That By-law 42-2019, 45-2019, 49-2019, 50-2019 and 52-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 21st day of May, 2019. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 56-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012 Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-12-2019) 21.1(b) By-law 57-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize Temporary Borrowing From Time to Time to Meet Current Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 1, 2019. 21.1(c) By-law 58-2019, Being a By-law to Amend 97-2004, Being a By-law to Provide for the Regulation of Water Supply in the Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(d) By-law 59-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan with Modern Solutions Group Inc. (272 Renaud Line Road - SPC-1-2019) 21.1(e) By-law 60-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 2-2012 Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2019) 21.1(f) By-law 61-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 34-2019 To Appoint Statutory Officers and Enforcement Officers for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(g) By-law 62-2019, Being a By-law to Establish the Role of Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(h) By-law 63-2019, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council Recommendation: That By-law 56-2019, 57-2019, 58-2019, 59-2019, 60-2019, 61-2019, 62-2019 and 63-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 21st day of May 2019.
Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session at___p.m. in accordance with section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality related to Lighthouse Cove. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at___p.m.
1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations 6.1(a) Brentwood Recovery Home and Lakepoint Homes Re: Brentwood ' Lottery Dream Home
Community and Development Services 11.(a) Site Plan Control Application SPC-1 -2019 & ZBA-16-2018 (Removal of Holding Symbol), Modern Solution Group Inc., c/o Jeremy St. John, 272 Renaud Line, Community of Maidstone, Town of Lakeshore 1. Council approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-1-2019, to permit the construction of a new multi-tenant residential building, known as a Dwelling, Stacked, housing a maximum of 6 dwelling units, located at 272 Renaud Line Road, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: a) that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; 2. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By-law # 59-2019 to execute the required Site Plan Agreement, and 3. That Council adopt By-law # 60-2019 to remove the h2 holding symbol. 11.(b) Removal of Holding Symbol (File: ZBA-12-2019), Todd and Cherie Wood, 515 Markham Drive, Community of Lighthouse Cove Recommendation: Council adopt By-law 56-2019 (ZBA-12-2019) to remove the Holding Symbol (h6) from 515 Markham Drive, from Residential Waterfront - Lake St. Clair, RW2 (h6) "Holding Zone", to Residential Waterfront - Lake St Clair, RW2 Zone.
8.(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2019 8.(b) Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes of March 26, 2019
Town of Aurora - Re: Support of Resolution Re: Response to Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act
Engineering and Infrastructure Services - 2019 Additional Road Works Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.a and receive items 8.b through 8.g as listed on the Consent Agenda dated May 21, 2019.
11.(c) Atlas Tube Centre Additional Storage Space Recommendation: Council approve up to a maximum of $45,000 inclusive of non-refundable HST to be funded from the Facilities Reserve to construct an additional new storage room at the Atlas Tube Centre to replace the temporary storage facility that was not in compliance with Fire and Building Codes. 11.(d) Brentwood Lottery House, 152 Summer Street Recommendation: 1. Council declines to waive the development charges and building permit fees; and 2. Council defer payment of the development charges and building permit fees until closing of the construction of the home. 11.(e) Official Plan Review Recommendation: Council direct Administration to proceed to public engagement on the Official Plan Review updates as described in this May 21st 2019 Official Plan Review report.
12.(a) Tender Award - 2019 Inflow and Infiltration Exploration Program Recommendation: Council award the tender for the 2019 Inflow and Infiltration Exploration to Sewer Technologies Inc. in the total amount of $136,434.00 plus applicable taxes. 12.(b) Tender Award - Hardtop Road Repair Recommendation: Award the tender for the Hardtop Road Repair to Shepley Road Maintenance Ltd. in the total amount of $96,655 plus applicable taxes. 12.(c) 2019 Optimist Park Playground Structure Request for Proposal Recommendation: Council award the contract for the Optimist Playground Structure to New World Park Solutions in the amount of $89,851 plus non recoverable HST.
13.(a) Temporary Borrowing By-law Recommendation: Adopt and give three readings to By-law 57-2019 to allow for temporary borrowing for current expenditure purposes for 2019. 13.(b) Amending Regulation of Water Supply By-law 97-2004 Recommendation: Council to adopt By-Law 58-2019, which amends By-Law 97-2004 Regulation of Water Supply in the Town of Lakeshore, to incorporate changes approved by Council at its March 21, 2017 meeting regarding discontinuing water shutoff for account arrears.
14.(a) Request for Designation of Municipally Significant Event and Grant for Policing and Security Costs - Sunsplash Festival Recommended: 1. Designate the Sunsplash Festival hosted by the Belle River Knights of Columbus, scheduled for July 11-14th 2019 in Belle River, as "municipally significant"; and 2. Provide a maximum grant of $2,500.00 to assist with policing and security at the Sunsplash Festival. 14.(b) Adoption of Chief Administrative Officer By-law Recommendation: Council adopt By-law 62-2019, Being a By-Law to Establish the Role of Chief Administrative Officer for The Corporation of The Town of Lakeshore, presented by the Director of Legislative & Legal Services at the May 14, 2019 regular Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Notice of Submitted by Councillor Wilder Motion Supporting the Location of a New Hospital in Windsor-Essex County in an Area That Serves All Residents of Windsor-Essex County WHEREAS a new hospital in Windsor-Essex County is desperately needed and would help improve the quality of healthcare in Windsor-Essex County; and WHEREAS Windsor-Essex County has an opportunity to obtain a new hospital, which will serve all of the region for decades to come; and WHEREAS almost half of the population of Windsor-Essex County, currently reside in the County of Essex / outside of the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS growth statistics indicate that the municipalities in the County of Essex are increasing in size and population, which is a trend that is expected to continue and will likely result in the majority of the population of Windsor-Essex County residing in the County of Essex / outside of the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS the current location of the majority of hospital services in the extreme northwest corner of Windsor-Essex County, does not adequately serve the residents living in the County of Essex / outside the City of Windsor; and WHEREAS the share of local funding for any new hospital in Windsor-Essex County is to be shared equally between the City of Windsor and the County of Essex. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT that the Town of Lakeshore supports placing any new hospital services, in a location that serves the majority of the residents of Windsor-Essex County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT that the Town of Lakeshore supports moving forward with the proposed location for the new hospital, which will serve the region as a whole, and should help improve healthcare for the majority of residents in Windsor-Essex County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Motion be sent to the City of Windsor, County of Essex, Town of Tecumseh, Town of Lasalle, Town of Amherstburg, Town Essex, Town of Kingsville, Municipality of Leamington, the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Andrea Horwath, Leader of the New Democratic Party, the Honourable Christine Elliott, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Ms. Lisa Gretzky, MPP for Windsor West, Mr. Taras Natyshak, MPP for Essex, Mr. Percy Hatfield, MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh, and Mr. Rick Nicholls, MPP for Chatham-Kent-Leamington.
Drainage By-laws 21. (a) By-law 42-2019, Being a By-law for the Buchanan-Fenner Drain -Buchanan Portion (New Bridge for George and David Buchanan) 21 .(b) By-law 45-2019, Being a By-law for the 4 & 5 Drain - BFC Branch F (Outlet Extension) 21 .(c) By-law 49-2019, Being a By-law for the 6-7 Sideroad Drain (for Mike Mailloux Ltd.) 21.(d) By-law 50-2019, Being a By-law for the Hyland Drain (Kopcok Bridge & Scott Enclosure) 21.(e) By-law 52-2019, Being a By-law for the Talbot Road South Drain (Enclosure for 2623220 Ont. Inc.) Recommendation: That By-law 42-2019, 45-2019, 49-2019, 50-2019 and 52-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 21st day of May, 2019. 21.1 General By-laws 21.1(a) By-law 56-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012 Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-12-2019) 21.1(b) By-law 57-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize Temporary Borrowing From Time to Time to Meet Current Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 1, 2019. 21.1(c) By-law 58-2019, Being a By-law to Amend 97-2004, Being a By-law to Provide for the Regulation of Water Supply in the Town of Lakeshore. 21.1(d) By-law 59-2019, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan with Modern Solutions Group Inc. (272 Renaud Line Road - SPC-1-2019) 21.1(e) By-law 60-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 2-2012 Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2019) 21.1(f) By-law 61-2019, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 34-2019 To Appoint Statutory Officers and Enforcement Officers for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(g) By-law 62-2019, Being a By-law to Establish the Role of Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore 21.1(h) By-law 63-2019, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council Recommendation: That By-law 56-2019, 57-2019, 58-2019, 59-2019, 60-2019, 61-2019, 62-2019 and 63-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 21st day of May 2019.
Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session at___p.m. in accordance with section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality related to Lighthouse Cove. Recommendation: Council move out of closed session at___p.m.