1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
6.1. Public Presentations 6.1.(a)Tax Adjustments Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 Recommendation: Council authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $7,054.55 for adjustments affecting the 2018 and 2019 taxation years, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated October 22, 2019. 6.1. (b) Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Re: 2018 & 2019 Highlights Joe Papineau - Request to Extend Conditions for Building Permit 6.1(c) Related Report - 4202414 Canada Ltd. Request to Extend Conditions for Building Permit Recommendation: Direct administration to report back on the request by 4202414 Canada Ltd to extend conditions related to the development of 770 Comber Road.
8.(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 8.(b) BIA Board of Management Meeting Draft Minutes for September 9, 2019 8.(c) Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes for September 10, 2019 8.(d) Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for October 7, 2019 8.(e) Special Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for October 9, 2019 8.(f) Police Services Board Draft Minutes for September 30, 2019 Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.a and receive items 8.b through 8.f as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 22, 2019.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) Tile Loan Application - Raymond and Deborah Tracey 1762 Naylor Sideroad - (Roll No. 030-02500) Recommendation: Council approve the Tile Loan Application submitted by Raymond and Deborah Tracey for tiling work to be performed at 1762 Naylor Sideroad (Roll No. 030-00500) in the amount of $50,000.00 subject to Provincial funding. 12.(b) Tender Award - South Branch of the West Puce Road Drain and Outlet #1 Improvements Recommendation: 1. Council award the South Branch of the West Puce Road Drain and Outlet #1 Improvements to Quinlan Inc. in the amount of $130,030.00 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Council approve funding of $26,110.00 from the Roads Share of Drainage Works Reserve fund. 12.(c) Byrnedale Road Watermain Petition Recommendation: Approve and support the Byrnedale Road watermain petition to extend the 50mm watermain 120m from Lakeshore Road 123 to municipal address 574 Byrnedale Road 12.(d) Gracey Sideroad Watermain Petition Recommendation: 1. Approve and support the Gracey Sideroad watermain petition to extend the 50mm watermain 320m from County Road 8 to municipal address 11706 Gracey Sideroad. 2. Approve Environmental Services to install the remaining 660m of 50mm watermain in order to loop the existing watermain located 980m north of County Road 8.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Performance Review Procedure - Chief Administrative Officer Recommended: Council approve the revised Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation Process, attached as Schedule "A" to the report of the Manager of Human Resources entitled, Performance Review Procedure for the Chief Administrative Officer presented at the October 22, 2019 regular Council meeting. 14.(b) Amendment to the Procedural By-law to Effectively Manage Time in Meetings Recommended: Council adopt By-law 118-2019 being a By-law to Amend By-law 94-2017 being a Comprehensive By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members
Chief Administrative Officer 15.(a) West Beach / Marina / Lakeview Park Plan Recommendation: 1. Council direct Administration to finalize the West Beach/Marina/Lakeview Park Master Plan Design Brief, incorporating the following: a. Provide a phasing plan to implement the capital improvements in the Design Brief over six to eight years, subject to budget deliberations and as grant funding becomes available; b. Include elements of the passive concept plan for Lakeview Park and the active concept plan for West Beach, into the final Waterfront Park Master Plan Design Brief; and, c. Develop a strategy to reduce the overall cost to park redevelopment. 2. Council direct Administration to include in the Five Year Parks Action Plan strategies to balance regional park development with continued focus on advancing Community Parks, Neighbourhood Parks, and Parkettes across Lakeshore; and 3. Council direct Administration to develop a funding strategy that maximizes grant opportunities and leverages growth related revenue streams to fund park development throughout the Town, all as described in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer presented at the October 22, 2019 regular Council meeting.
Notices of Motion 18.(a) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor McKinlay Re: Name Change The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs Administration to bring forward a By-law to change the name of the Town of Lakeshore to the Municipality of Lakeshore.
21. Reading of the By-laws 21. Drainage By-laws 21 .(a) By-law 86-2019, Being a By-law for the 2nd Concession Road Drain North Branch (Bridge for Richard and Sara Fox) 21 .(b) By-law 87-2019, Being a By-law for the Graham Creek Drain (Replacement Bridge for Andrew Goegebeur) 21. (c) By-law 92-2019, Being a By-law for the North Talbot Road Branch of the Union Drain (Bridge for James and Jeannette Sylvestre) 21 .(d) By-law 99-2019, Being a By-law for the 4th Concession Drain - East (Janisse Bridges) 21 .(e) By-law 115-2019, Being a By-law Butler-Bracken Drain (Klie Bridge) Recommendation: That By-laws 86-2019, 87-2019, 92-2019 and 99-2019 be read a third and final time on this 22nd day of October 2019. That By-law 115-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 22nd day of October 2019. 21.1. General By-laws 21.1 .(a) By-law 117-2019 - Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council 21.1 .(b) By-law 118-2019, Being a By-law to Amend the Procedural By-law Recommendation: That By-law 117-2019 and 118-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 22nd day of October 2019. 23. Adjournment
1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Approval of Supplementary Agenda 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
6.1. Public Presentations 6.1.(a)Tax Adjustments Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.357 Recommendation: Council authorize the reduction of taxes under S. 357 of the Municipal Act, totaling $7,054.55 for adjustments affecting the 2018 and 2019 taxation years, as outlined in the schedule attached to the report from Finance Services dated October 22, 2019. 6.1. (b) Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Re: 2018 & 2019 Highlights Joe Papineau - Request to Extend Conditions for Building Permit 6.1(c) Related Report - 4202414 Canada Ltd. Request to Extend Conditions for Building Permit Recommendation: Direct administration to report back on the request by 4202414 Canada Ltd to extend conditions related to the development of 770 Comber Road.
8.(a) Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 8.(b) BIA Board of Management Meeting Draft Minutes for September 9, 2019 8.(c) Accessibility Committee Draft Minutes for September 10, 2019 8.(d) Drainage Board Meeting Draft Minutes for October 7, 2019 8.(e) Special Committee of Adjustment Draft Minutes for October 9, 2019 8.(f) Police Services Board Draft Minutes for September 30, 2019 Recommendation: Council approve Items 8.a and receive items 8.b through 8.f as listed on the Consent Agenda dated October 22, 2019.
Engineering and Infrastructure Services 12.(a) Tile Loan Application - Raymond and Deborah Tracey 1762 Naylor Sideroad - (Roll No. 030-02500) Recommendation: Council approve the Tile Loan Application submitted by Raymond and Deborah Tracey for tiling work to be performed at 1762 Naylor Sideroad (Roll No. 030-00500) in the amount of $50,000.00 subject to Provincial funding. 12.(b) Tender Award - South Branch of the West Puce Road Drain and Outlet #1 Improvements Recommendation: 1. Council award the South Branch of the West Puce Road Drain and Outlet #1 Improvements to Quinlan Inc. in the amount of $130,030.00 plus applicable taxes; and 2. Council approve funding of $26,110.00 from the Roads Share of Drainage Works Reserve fund. 12.(c) Byrnedale Road Watermain Petition Recommendation: Approve and support the Byrnedale Road watermain petition to extend the 50mm watermain 120m from Lakeshore Road 123 to municipal address 574 Byrnedale Road 12.(d) Gracey Sideroad Watermain Petition Recommendation: 1. Approve and support the Gracey Sideroad watermain petition to extend the 50mm watermain 320m from County Road 8 to municipal address 11706 Gracey Sideroad. 2. Approve Environmental Services to install the remaining 660m of 50mm watermain in order to loop the existing watermain located 980m north of County Road 8.
Legislative and Legal Services 14.(a) Performance Review Procedure - Chief Administrative Officer Recommended: Council approve the revised Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation Process, attached as Schedule "A" to the report of the Manager of Human Resources entitled, Performance Review Procedure for the Chief Administrative Officer presented at the October 22, 2019 regular Council meeting. 14.(b) Amendment to the Procedural By-law to Effectively Manage Time in Meetings Recommended: Council adopt By-law 118-2019 being a By-law to Amend By-law 94-2017 being a Comprehensive By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members
Chief Administrative Officer 15.(a) West Beach / Marina / Lakeview Park Plan Recommendation: 1. Council direct Administration to finalize the West Beach/Marina/Lakeview Park Master Plan Design Brief, incorporating the following: a. Provide a phasing plan to implement the capital improvements in the Design Brief over six to eight years, subject to budget deliberations and as grant funding becomes available; b. Include elements of the passive concept plan for Lakeview Park and the active concept plan for West Beach, into the final Waterfront Park Master Plan Design Brief; and, c. Develop a strategy to reduce the overall cost to park redevelopment. 2. Council direct Administration to include in the Five Year Parks Action Plan strategies to balance regional park development with continued focus on advancing Community Parks, Neighbourhood Parks, and Parkettes across Lakeshore; and 3. Council direct Administration to develop a funding strategy that maximizes grant opportunities and leverages growth related revenue streams to fund park development throughout the Town, all as described in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer presented at the October 22, 2019 regular Council meeting.
Notices of Motion 18.(a) Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor McKinlay Re: Name Change The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore directs Administration to bring forward a By-law to change the name of the Town of Lakeshore to the Municipality of Lakeshore.
21. Reading of the By-laws 21. Drainage By-laws 21 .(a) By-law 86-2019, Being a By-law for the 2nd Concession Road Drain North Branch (Bridge for Richard and Sara Fox) 21 .(b) By-law 87-2019, Being a By-law for the Graham Creek Drain (Replacement Bridge for Andrew Goegebeur) 21. (c) By-law 92-2019, Being a By-law for the North Talbot Road Branch of the Union Drain (Bridge for James and Jeannette Sylvestre) 21 .(d) By-law 99-2019, Being a By-law for the 4th Concession Drain - East (Janisse Bridges) 21 .(e) By-law 115-2019, Being a By-law Butler-Bracken Drain (Klie Bridge) Recommendation: That By-laws 86-2019, 87-2019, 92-2019 and 99-2019 be read a third and final time on this 22nd day of October 2019. That By-law 115-2019 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted this 22nd day of October 2019. 21.1. General By-laws 21.1 .(a) By-law 117-2019 - Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council 21.1 .(b) By-law 118-2019, Being a By-law to Amend the Procedural By-law Recommendation: That By-law 117-2019 and 118-2019 be read a first, second and third time and finally adopted this 22nd day of October 2019. 23. Adjournment