*This meeting was joined in progress* 1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations a. Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and WSP - Employment Lands 6 Strategy, Phase 1 1. Employment Lands Strategy 30 Recommendation: 1. Council receive the report entitled “Employment Lands Strategy – Phase 1, Town of Lakeshore, Final Report” prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., dated January 31, 2020, and attached to this report as Appendix A, and; 2. Council accept, and adopt, the population projections provided in the report entitled “Employment Lands Strategy – Phase 1, Town of Lakeshore, Final Report” prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., dated January 31, 2020, and attached to this report as Appendix A. b. Stantec - Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion 125 Environmental Study Report 1. Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion EA Update Recommendation: Direct Administration to issue a Notice of Completion and place the Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion (WPCP) Class Environmental Assessment on the public record for the 30-day mandatory review period, at its regular Council meeting on April 28, 2020 for information purpose in finalizing the Class EA for the Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Expansion Environmental Assessment Update.
Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at accordance with: PM in a. Paragraph 239(2)(e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 relating to potential litigation affecting the municipality, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and positions, plans, procedures, criteria or instruction to be applied to negotiations carried out on behalf of the municipality, relating to infrastructure development in Lighthouse Cove; and b. Paragraph 239(2)(d), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing labour relations or employee negotiations, positions and plans to be applied to negotiations to be carried on by the Town and solicitor-client privileged advice relating to collective bargaining.
a. Special Council Meeting Minutes - April 6, 2020 b. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - April 7, 2020 c. Township of Mapleton - Request to Review Farm Property Class Tax Rate Programme 141 143 149 d. Town of Gravenhurst - Request to add Community Gardens, Garden Centres and Nurseries as essential services during the COVID-19 Pandemic 160 e. District Municipality of Muskoka - Request to add Community Gardens, Garden Centres and Nurseries as essential services during the COVID-19 Pandemic 161 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
10. Reports for Information a. Aquatics Safety Audit - WFCU Pool/Lakeview Park/West Beach b. 2020 Recruiting Program c. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - April 7, 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 20. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.
Reports for Direction a. Municipal Cannabis Policy Statement Recommendation: Adopt By-law 34-2020 to delegate to the Director of Community and Development Services, the authority to provide municipal comments on Cannabis Retail Store Authorization requests to the AGCO, in accordance with the Municipal Cannabis Policy Statement attached as Appendix 1 and adopt the policy. b. Relief from Sign By-Law for 19 Amy Croft Drive Recommendation: Approve the request for the increased height and area of the proposed pylon sign at 19 Amy Croft Drive. c. Amendments to the Town’s Purchasing Policy (By-law 58-2010, the Town’s Purchasing By-law) to Remove the Requirement for a Public Tender Opening Recommendation: Adopt By-law 36-2020, an amendment to the Purchasing Policy contained in Purchasing By-Law 58-2010, to discontinue public tender openings.
18. Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 6-2020, Being a By-law for the Reaume Drain Enclosure b. By-law 10-2020, Being a By-law for the South 3rd Concession Road Drain - RC (Never Rest Farms) c. By-law 11-2020, Being a By-law for the Tecumseh Road Drain (1903286 Ontario Inc.) d. By-law 18-2020, Being a By-law for the Government Drain #2 (Enbridge Bridge) e. By-law 25-2020, Being a By-law Imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates Upon Land in Respect of Which Money is Borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act f. By-law 27-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge Over the North Townline Drain g. By-law 34-2020, Being a By-Law to Adopt a Municipal Cannabis Policy and Delegate Authority to the Director of Community & Development Services to Make Submissions regarding Cannabis Retail Store Authorizations h. By-law 36-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 58-2010 being a Comprehensive By-law Governing Procurement Policies and Procedures of the Town of Lakeshore to Remove the Requirement for Public Tender Openings i. By-law 39-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for April 6 and April 7, 2020 Recommendation: By-law 27-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 6-2020, 10-2020, 11-2020 and 18-2020 be read a third time and adopted; and By-laws 25-2020, 34-2020, 36-2020 and 39-2020 be read and passed in open session on April 28, 2020. 20. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.
*This meeting was joined in progress* 1. Call to Order 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Public Presentations a. Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and WSP - Employment Lands 6 Strategy, Phase 1 1. Employment Lands Strategy 30 Recommendation: 1. Council receive the report entitled “Employment Lands Strategy – Phase 1, Town of Lakeshore, Final Report” prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., dated January 31, 2020, and attached to this report as Appendix A, and; 2. Council accept, and adopt, the population projections provided in the report entitled “Employment Lands Strategy – Phase 1, Town of Lakeshore, Final Report” prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., dated January 31, 2020, and attached to this report as Appendix A. b. Stantec - Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion 125 Environmental Study Report 1. Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion EA Update Recommendation: Direct Administration to issue a Notice of Completion and place the Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion (WPCP) Class Environmental Assessment on the public record for the 30-day mandatory review period, at its regular Council meeting on April 28, 2020 for information purpose in finalizing the Class EA for the Denis St. Pierre Water Pollution Control Expansion Environmental Assessment Update.
Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at accordance with: PM in a. Paragraph 239(2)(e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 relating to potential litigation affecting the municipality, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and positions, plans, procedures, criteria or instruction to be applied to negotiations carried out on behalf of the municipality, relating to infrastructure development in Lighthouse Cove; and b. Paragraph 239(2)(d), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing labour relations or employee negotiations, positions and plans to be applied to negotiations to be carried on by the Town and solicitor-client privileged advice relating to collective bargaining.
a. Special Council Meeting Minutes - April 6, 2020 b. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - April 7, 2020 c. Township of Mapleton - Request to Review Farm Property Class Tax Rate Programme 141 143 149 d. Town of Gravenhurst - Request to add Community Gardens, Garden Centres and Nurseries as essential services during the COVID-19 Pandemic 160 e. District Municipality of Muskoka - Request to add Community Gardens, Garden Centres and Nurseries as essential services during the COVID-19 Pandemic 161 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
10. Reports for Information a. Aquatics Safety Audit - WFCU Pool/Lakeview Park/West Beach b. 2020 Recruiting Program c. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - April 7, 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 20. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.
Reports for Direction a. Municipal Cannabis Policy Statement Recommendation: Adopt By-law 34-2020 to delegate to the Director of Community and Development Services, the authority to provide municipal comments on Cannabis Retail Store Authorization requests to the AGCO, in accordance with the Municipal Cannabis Policy Statement attached as Appendix 1 and adopt the policy. b. Relief from Sign By-Law for 19 Amy Croft Drive Recommendation: Approve the request for the increased height and area of the proposed pylon sign at 19 Amy Croft Drive. c. Amendments to the Town’s Purchasing Policy (By-law 58-2010, the Town’s Purchasing By-law) to Remove the Requirement for a Public Tender Opening Recommendation: Adopt By-law 36-2020, an amendment to the Purchasing Policy contained in Purchasing By-Law 58-2010, to discontinue public tender openings.
18. Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 6-2020, Being a By-law for the Reaume Drain Enclosure b. By-law 10-2020, Being a By-law for the South 3rd Concession Road Drain - RC (Never Rest Farms) c. By-law 11-2020, Being a By-law for the Tecumseh Road Drain (1903286 Ontario Inc.) d. By-law 18-2020, Being a By-law for the Government Drain #2 (Enbridge Bridge) e. By-law 25-2020, Being a By-law Imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates Upon Land in Respect of Which Money is Borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act f. By-law 27-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge Over the North Townline Drain g. By-law 34-2020, Being a By-Law to Adopt a Municipal Cannabis Policy and Delegate Authority to the Director of Community & Development Services to Make Submissions regarding Cannabis Retail Store Authorizations h. By-law 36-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 58-2010 being a Comprehensive By-law Governing Procurement Policies and Procedures of the Town of Lakeshore to Remove the Requirement for Public Tender Openings i. By-law 39-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for April 6 and April 7, 2020 Recommendation: By-law 27-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 6-2020, 10-2020, 11-2020 and 18-2020 be read a third time and adopted; and By-laws 25-2020, 34-2020, 36-2020 and 39-2020 be read and passed in open session on April 28, 2020. 20. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.