Deeming, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Emily Street Unopened Road Allowance 47 Recommendation: The portion of land known as Emily Street and legally known as Emily Street, Plan 203; Tilbury West; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75067-0187(LT) be deemed not to be a lot on a registered plan of subdivision, and that the road allowance be closed, stopped up and declared surplus; Administration proceed with seeking an appraisal, offering Emily Street for sale and conveying the land through a public sale process pursuant to Town Policy AD – 227, Sale and Disposition of Land; and, Administration present draft By-law 47-2020 at a future Council meeting, all as presented in the report entitled, Deeming, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Emily Street Unopened Road Allowance, presented at the June 6, 2020 Council meeting.
Consent Agenda a. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - May 26, 2020 7 b. Belle River On the Lake Business Improvement Area Meeting Minutes - March 2, 2020 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
a. Impact of Local Newspaper Closures on Town of Lakeshore Business 20 b. Amy Croft Road Traffic Upgrades 26 c. Roads Capital and Lifecycle 5 Year Plan 29 d. Gravel Roads Conversion - 10 Year Plan 41 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
b. 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan Update 57 Recommendation: Administration revise the 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan as identified in the report entitled, 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Update, presented at the June 9, 2020 Council meeting. c. Financial Impacts of COVID 19 - Cost Containment Strategies 64 Recommendation: Direct Administration to proceed with the recommended deferrals for 2020; and; Approve the deferred projects as a first charge to the 2021 budget. d. 2019 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances 69 Recommendation: Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,229,687 for the year ended December 31, 2019 to be transferred to the Working Funds Reserve; 1. Approve the establishment of a Legal Services Reserve and a transfer to this reserve of $96,622 representing the 2019 surplus in the Legal expense account budget; 2. Approve a transfer of $194,286 from Building Services – Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2019 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2019 Building Services Statement; 3. That the Wastewater (sanitary sewer) deficit of ($372,874) for the year ended December 31, 2019 be funded by a transfer from the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund; and, 4. That the Water deficit of ($486,901) for the year ended December 31, 2019 be funded by a transfer from the Water Reserve Fund. 5. e. Tender Award – 2020 Supply and Place Gravel Program 79 Recommendation: Award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the 2020 Supply and Place Gravel program in the amount of $242,455.00 plus HST for Schedule 1A using the crushed dolomite stone; and, 1. Award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2020 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $87,975.00 plus HST. 2. f. Governmental Permits and Works Delegated Authority 84 Recommendation: Direct the Director of Legislative & Legal Services to present draft By-law 46-2020, for reading at the next Council meeting, in accordance with the report entitled, Governmental Permits and Work Delegated Authority, presented at the June 9, 2020 Council meeting.
Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Wilder - Elimination of Internet Overage Charges Recommendation: Whereas there has been a recent and sudden influx in the number of Canadians who are working or attending school remotely; Whereas access to reliable, high-speed internet is a vital component in enabling Canadians to work and attend school remotely; Whereas many parts of Canada, especially rural communities, have a limited number of providers to obtain an internet connection from, resulting in a higher cost for service than more urbanized areas, as well as data usage caps and overage fees; Whereas the recent and sudden influx of Canadians who are working or attending school remotely has necessitated an increase in the amount of data being transmitted through their internet connections, leading to unprecedented overage fees for Canadians that do not have internet connections with unlimited data. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Government of Canada be urged to immediately work with internet connection providers to ensure that all Canadians are paying a fair and similar price for their internet connections, including the elimination of data usage caps and overage fees; Be It Further Resolved that that a copy of this motion be sent to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Andrew Sheer, Leader of the Official Opposition, and all MPs in Canada; and Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this Motion be sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and all Canadian municipalities for their consideration.
18. Question Period 23. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.
Deeming, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Emily Street Unopened Road Allowance 47 Recommendation: The portion of land known as Emily Street and legally known as Emily Street, Plan 203; Tilbury West; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75067-0187(LT) be deemed not to be a lot on a registered plan of subdivision, and that the road allowance be closed, stopped up and declared surplus; Administration proceed with seeking an appraisal, offering Emily Street for sale and conveying the land through a public sale process pursuant to Town Policy AD – 227, Sale and Disposition of Land; and, Administration present draft By-law 47-2020 at a future Council meeting, all as presented in the report entitled, Deeming, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Emily Street Unopened Road Allowance, presented at the June 6, 2020 Council meeting.
Consent Agenda a. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - May 26, 2020 7 b. Belle River On the Lake Business Improvement Area Meeting Minutes - March 2, 2020 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
a. Impact of Local Newspaper Closures on Town of Lakeshore Business 20 b. Amy Croft Road Traffic Upgrades 26 c. Roads Capital and Lifecycle 5 Year Plan 29 d. Gravel Roads Conversion - 10 Year Plan 41 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
b. 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan Update 57 Recommendation: Administration revise the 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan as identified in the report entitled, 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Update, presented at the June 9, 2020 Council meeting. c. Financial Impacts of COVID 19 - Cost Containment Strategies 64 Recommendation: Direct Administration to proceed with the recommended deferrals for 2020; and; Approve the deferred projects as a first charge to the 2021 budget. d. 2019 Year End Results - 4th Quarter Variances 69 Recommendation: Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,229,687 for the year ended December 31, 2019 to be transferred to the Working Funds Reserve; 1. Approve the establishment of a Legal Services Reserve and a transfer to this reserve of $96,622 representing the 2019 surplus in the Legal expense account budget; 2. Approve a transfer of $194,286 from Building Services – Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2019 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2019 Building Services Statement; 3. That the Wastewater (sanitary sewer) deficit of ($372,874) for the year ended December 31, 2019 be funded by a transfer from the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund; and, 4. That the Water deficit of ($486,901) for the year ended December 31, 2019 be funded by a transfer from the Water Reserve Fund. 5. e. Tender Award – 2020 Supply and Place Gravel Program 79 Recommendation: Award the tender to Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd. for the 2020 Supply and Place Gravel program in the amount of $242,455.00 plus HST for Schedule 1A using the crushed dolomite stone; and, 1. Award the tender to Rene Blain Trucking Ltd. for the 2020 Stockpiling of Gravel, as per Schedule 2, in the amount of $87,975.00 plus HST. 2. f. Governmental Permits and Works Delegated Authority 84 Recommendation: Direct the Director of Legislative & Legal Services to present draft By-law 46-2020, for reading at the next Council meeting, in accordance with the report entitled, Governmental Permits and Work Delegated Authority, presented at the June 9, 2020 Council meeting.
Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Wilder - Elimination of Internet Overage Charges Recommendation: Whereas there has been a recent and sudden influx in the number of Canadians who are working or attending school remotely; Whereas access to reliable, high-speed internet is a vital component in enabling Canadians to work and attend school remotely; Whereas many parts of Canada, especially rural communities, have a limited number of providers to obtain an internet connection from, resulting in a higher cost for service than more urbanized areas, as well as data usage caps and overage fees; Whereas the recent and sudden influx of Canadians who are working or attending school remotely has necessitated an increase in the amount of data being transmitted through their internet connections, leading to unprecedented overage fees for Canadians that do not have internet connections with unlimited data. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Government of Canada be urged to immediately work with internet connection providers to ensure that all Canadians are paying a fair and similar price for their internet connections, including the elimination of data usage caps and overage fees; Be It Further Resolved that that a copy of this motion be sent to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Andrew Sheer, Leader of the Official Opposition, and all MPs in Canada; and Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this Motion be sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and all Canadian municipalities for their consideration.
18. Question Period 23. Adjournment Recommendation: Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.