Delegations a. Gilbert Lanoue - Petition to Restrict Daily Vacation Rentals in Residential Areas
Completion of Unfinished Business a. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Santarossa - West Beach Recommendation: Whereas the Town of Lakeshore's Strategic Plan prioritizes sustainable community development, which includes the maintenance of a clean and accessible beach and access to Lake St. Clair; Whereas the West Beach provides equal access to recreation opportunities, which has been an integral part in reopening our communities; Whereas Council has closed the West Beach for safety reasons related to access and misuse of facilities provided; Now Therefore be it Resolved that further measures must be taken to improve the quality and safety of the West Beach and lake access for residents prior to re-opening: Be it Further Resolved that a safe swimming area be designated or marked with buoy lines or buoy markers, or a combination of the two, as per a primary recommendation in the Comprehensive Aquatic Safety Audit Report; Be it Further Resolved that enough sand be added to the beach to address beach flooding by raising the overall level of the beach to that of the grass; Be it Further Resolved that additional signs be installed to indicate designated overflow and additional parking areas; Be it Further Resolved that the volleyball net and accessible matting be reinstalled for the season; Be it Further Resolved that the monthly rent payment, including HST, for the operator at the West Beach be waived for the month of July; Be it Further Resolved that a letter be sent to the OPP demanding increased patrols and surveillance of West Beach, including on holidays; Be it Further Resolved that the by-law enforcement officers be scheduled to survey the West Beach regularly, including weekends; Be it Further Resolved that a budget of $35,000 be established to cover the costs of new sand and buoys for the West Beach, and that Administration determine where financial resources are to be allocated from. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Parking on Oriole Park Drive Recommendation: Whereas parking has been prohibited on either side of Oriole Park Drive due to the construction of the new homes on the street which created serious traffic flow issues; And whereas all of the new home construction is now complete; And whereas many of the residents who reside on Oriole Park Drive have requested that the municipality permit parking on only one side only of the street; Therefore, be it resolved that the municipality permit parking on only the west side of Oriole Park Drive.
Notices of Motion a. Notice of Motion submitted by Deputy Mayor Bailey - Comber Agricultural Society Grant Recommendation: Whereas every year the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore supports the Comber Agricultural Society with the Comber Fair; And whereas the 2020 Comber Fair was cancelled due to COVID-19; And whereas historically, the Comber Agricultural Society presents 4 post-secondary students with a $2,000 bursary each for a total of $8,000; And whereas the Society recognizes the importance of education in the agricultural field and has decided to continue its bursary commitment; Therefore be it resolved that Council approve a grant of $1,000 to be provided to the Comber Agricultural Society, in lieu of funding for the Comber Fair, and that the grant go towards the post-secondary bursaries provided by the Society. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor McKinlay - Reconstruction of Melody Drive Recommendation: Reconsider motion #180-06-2020, passed June 16, 2020, as relates to the reduction of the budget and tar & chipping of Melody Drive; and Further, reconsider motion #181-06-2020, passed June 16, 2020, as relates to the $200,000 allocated to the Melody Drive project. Recommendation: Approve the deferral of the reconstruction of Melody Drive to 2021. c. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr - Backup Generators 249 Recommendation: Whereas high water levels have increased potential flooding; And whereas pumps are an effective tool to help mitigate flooding during storms; And whereas electricity is needed to run the pumps; And whereas power gets knocked out during storms; And whereas no electricity to pumps equals increased flooding; And whereas increased flooding creates increased basement and property flooding; And whereas only one drainage pump station in all of Lakeshore is equipped with a standby backup generator to ensure pumps can continue to work during power outages of electricity; And whereas residents are asking for backup generators for the pumps; And whereas under the Drainage Act, residents are stakeholders on the drainage pump pay for the pump and any upgrades; And whereas the Drainage Act allows for a resident drive campaign and initiate process to do upgrades such as backup generators; And whereas the municipality under the Act is also a stakeholder on the drainage system; Therefore be it resolved that Council direct Administration to include funding in the 2021 draft budget to implement a backup generator upgrade program to all municipal storm pumps and pumps that fall under the drainage act, including any resourcing requests necessary to undertake the work. d. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr - Reconsideration of Water Quality Testing Recommendation: Reconsider motion #243-07-2020, which was not approved at the July 14, 2020, as relates to the testing of water quality at the Lakeview Park West Beach. Recommendation: Whereas the Windsor Essex County Health Unit has cancelled its historic testing of water quality at the Lakeshore Park West Beach; And whereas the recent closure has had the beach closed several weeks during the summer due to potential risks of unsafe levels of E.coli; Therefore be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore make arrangements upon beach opening to start testing the beach water quality levels weekly as the WECHU has historically done and implement the same measures for beach closure orders that the WECHU did based on the contamination level findings.
a. Special Council Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2020 12 b. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - July 14, 2020 22 c. Town of Essex - Request for COVID-19 Data 34 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
Reports for Information a. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Report – July 6, 2020 b. Police Services Board Meeting Minutes January 27, March 2 & June 22, 2020 c. Windsor-Essex Provincial Offences Annual Report- 2019 d. Requests for Reports e. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - July 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
Reports for Direction a. Community Benefit Fund Grant 102 Recommendation: Council authorize a onetime cash grant to the Community Support Centre in the amount of $10,170 to be funded from the 2020 Lakeshore Community Benefit Grant program in accordance with the Lakeshore Community Grant Fund policy C-FIN-00001, as described in the report of the Director of Finance presented at the July 14, 2020 Council meeting. b. Arts Advisory Committee Chain Link Fence Art Proposal 107 Recommendation: Approve the Arts Advisory Committee request to perform Chain Link Fence Art on the fence located at Optimist Park 705 Notre Dame St, Belle River. Recommendation #2 Receive the draft minutes of the Arts Advisory Committee of their June 18, 2020 meeting (Attachment 2). c. Mayor’s Arts Awards 2020 116 Recommendation: Defer the 2020 Mayor’s Arts Award program to 2021; and, Direct the Treasurer to apply the $6,000 budgeted for the Mayor’s Arts Awards to offset Town expenses at year end, as presented in the July 28, 2020 Council report. d. BIA Request to Redirect Sunsplash Grant for 2020 131 Recommendation: Direct the Treasurer to use the $1,000 budgeted for the 2020 Sunplash event to offset Town expenses at year end; and, Receive the minutes of the BIA Board of Management of May 4, 2020 (final) and July 6, 2020 (draft). e. Comber Agricultural Society Request to Redirect Grant for 2020 139 Recommendation: Direct the Treasurer to apply the $1,000 budgeted for the Comber Agricultural Fair to offset Town expenses at year end, as presented in the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. f. 2019-2020 MECP Drinking Water Inspections 142 Recommendation: Council receive the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Drinking Water Inspections for the following systems: Lakeshore Drinking Water System – Report dated November 12, 2019 1. 2. Tecumseh Distribution System – Report dated October 28, 2019 3. Union Distribution System – Report dated November 12, 2019 Stoney Point Drinking Water System – Report dated February 5, 2020, as presented at the July 22, 2020 Council meeting. 4. g. Tender Award – 2020 Inflow and Infiltration Remediation Program 232 Recommendation: Award the tender for the 2020 Inflow and Infiltration Remediation- Cleanout Replacements to Phoenix Drainage the total amount of $300,132 plus HST, as presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. h. Options for Mandatory Mask By-law 237 Recommendation: Direct Administration to draft a mandatory mask by-law as described in Option #3 of the report presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. i. Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Plan 290 Laneways Unopened Road Allowances 241 Recommendation: The portion of land known as Plan 290 Laneways and legally known as Lane Plan 290, Rochester, Abutting Lots 7 to 12, Plan 290, except R1463262; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75049- 0173(R), and Lane Plan 290, Rochester, Abutting Lots 1 to 6, Plan 290, except R1463262; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75049-0174(R), be closed, stopped up and declared surplus; Administration proceed with conveying the land pursuant to Town Policy CAD – 284, Closing Sale and Disposition of Streets and Alleys; and, Adopt By-law 62-2020, all as presented in the report entitled, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Plan 290 Laneways Unopened Road Allowances, presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting.
Delegations a. Gilbert Lanoue - Petition to Restrict Daily Vacation Rentals in Residential Areas
Completion of Unfinished Business a. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Santarossa - West Beach Recommendation: Whereas the Town of Lakeshore's Strategic Plan prioritizes sustainable community development, which includes the maintenance of a clean and accessible beach and access to Lake St. Clair; Whereas the West Beach provides equal access to recreation opportunities, which has been an integral part in reopening our communities; Whereas Council has closed the West Beach for safety reasons related to access and misuse of facilities provided; Now Therefore be it Resolved that further measures must be taken to improve the quality and safety of the West Beach and lake access for residents prior to re-opening: Be it Further Resolved that a safe swimming area be designated or marked with buoy lines or buoy markers, or a combination of the two, as per a primary recommendation in the Comprehensive Aquatic Safety Audit Report; Be it Further Resolved that enough sand be added to the beach to address beach flooding by raising the overall level of the beach to that of the grass; Be it Further Resolved that additional signs be installed to indicate designated overflow and additional parking areas; Be it Further Resolved that the volleyball net and accessible matting be reinstalled for the season; Be it Further Resolved that the monthly rent payment, including HST, for the operator at the West Beach be waived for the month of July; Be it Further Resolved that a letter be sent to the OPP demanding increased patrols and surveillance of West Beach, including on holidays; Be it Further Resolved that the by-law enforcement officers be scheduled to survey the West Beach regularly, including weekends; Be it Further Resolved that a budget of $35,000 be established to cover the costs of new sand and buoys for the West Beach, and that Administration determine where financial resources are to be allocated from. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Parking on Oriole Park Drive Recommendation: Whereas parking has been prohibited on either side of Oriole Park Drive due to the construction of the new homes on the street which created serious traffic flow issues; And whereas all of the new home construction is now complete; And whereas many of the residents who reside on Oriole Park Drive have requested that the municipality permit parking on only one side only of the street; Therefore, be it resolved that the municipality permit parking on only the west side of Oriole Park Drive.
Notices of Motion a. Notice of Motion submitted by Deputy Mayor Bailey - Comber Agricultural Society Grant Recommendation: Whereas every year the Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore supports the Comber Agricultural Society with the Comber Fair; And whereas the 2020 Comber Fair was cancelled due to COVID-19; And whereas historically, the Comber Agricultural Society presents 4 post-secondary students with a $2,000 bursary each for a total of $8,000; And whereas the Society recognizes the importance of education in the agricultural field and has decided to continue its bursary commitment; Therefore be it resolved that Council approve a grant of $1,000 to be provided to the Comber Agricultural Society, in lieu of funding for the Comber Fair, and that the grant go towards the post-secondary bursaries provided by the Society. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor McKinlay - Reconstruction of Melody Drive Recommendation: Reconsider motion #180-06-2020, passed June 16, 2020, as relates to the reduction of the budget and tar & chipping of Melody Drive; and Further, reconsider motion #181-06-2020, passed June 16, 2020, as relates to the $200,000 allocated to the Melody Drive project. Recommendation: Approve the deferral of the reconstruction of Melody Drive to 2021. c. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr - Backup Generators 249 Recommendation: Whereas high water levels have increased potential flooding; And whereas pumps are an effective tool to help mitigate flooding during storms; And whereas electricity is needed to run the pumps; And whereas power gets knocked out during storms; And whereas no electricity to pumps equals increased flooding; And whereas increased flooding creates increased basement and property flooding; And whereas only one drainage pump station in all of Lakeshore is equipped with a standby backup generator to ensure pumps can continue to work during power outages of electricity; And whereas residents are asking for backup generators for the pumps; And whereas under the Drainage Act, residents are stakeholders on the drainage pump pay for the pump and any upgrades; And whereas the Drainage Act allows for a resident drive campaign and initiate process to do upgrades such as backup generators; And whereas the municipality under the Act is also a stakeholder on the drainage system; Therefore be it resolved that Council direct Administration to include funding in the 2021 draft budget to implement a backup generator upgrade program to all municipal storm pumps and pumps that fall under the drainage act, including any resourcing requests necessary to undertake the work. d. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr - Reconsideration of Water Quality Testing Recommendation: Reconsider motion #243-07-2020, which was not approved at the July 14, 2020, as relates to the testing of water quality at the Lakeview Park West Beach. Recommendation: Whereas the Windsor Essex County Health Unit has cancelled its historic testing of water quality at the Lakeshore Park West Beach; And whereas the recent closure has had the beach closed several weeks during the summer due to potential risks of unsafe levels of E.coli; Therefore be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore make arrangements upon beach opening to start testing the beach water quality levels weekly as the WECHU has historically done and implement the same measures for beach closure orders that the WECHU did based on the contamination level findings.
a. Special Council Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2020 12 b. Regular Council Meeting Minutes - July 14, 2020 22 c. Town of Essex - Request for COVID-19 Data 34 Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda.
Reports for Information a. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Report – July 6, 2020 b. Police Services Board Meeting Minutes January 27, March 2 & June 22, 2020 c. Windsor-Essex Provincial Offences Annual Report- 2019 d. Requests for Reports e. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - July 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
Reports for Direction a. Community Benefit Fund Grant 102 Recommendation: Council authorize a onetime cash grant to the Community Support Centre in the amount of $10,170 to be funded from the 2020 Lakeshore Community Benefit Grant program in accordance with the Lakeshore Community Grant Fund policy C-FIN-00001, as described in the report of the Director of Finance presented at the July 14, 2020 Council meeting. b. Arts Advisory Committee Chain Link Fence Art Proposal 107 Recommendation: Approve the Arts Advisory Committee request to perform Chain Link Fence Art on the fence located at Optimist Park 705 Notre Dame St, Belle River. Recommendation #2 Receive the draft minutes of the Arts Advisory Committee of their June 18, 2020 meeting (Attachment 2). c. Mayor’s Arts Awards 2020 116 Recommendation: Defer the 2020 Mayor’s Arts Award program to 2021; and, Direct the Treasurer to apply the $6,000 budgeted for the Mayor’s Arts Awards to offset Town expenses at year end, as presented in the July 28, 2020 Council report. d. BIA Request to Redirect Sunsplash Grant for 2020 131 Recommendation: Direct the Treasurer to use the $1,000 budgeted for the 2020 Sunplash event to offset Town expenses at year end; and, Receive the minutes of the BIA Board of Management of May 4, 2020 (final) and July 6, 2020 (draft). e. Comber Agricultural Society Request to Redirect Grant for 2020 139 Recommendation: Direct the Treasurer to apply the $1,000 budgeted for the Comber Agricultural Fair to offset Town expenses at year end, as presented in the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. f. 2019-2020 MECP Drinking Water Inspections 142 Recommendation: Council receive the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Drinking Water Inspections for the following systems: Lakeshore Drinking Water System – Report dated November 12, 2019 1. 2. Tecumseh Distribution System – Report dated October 28, 2019 3. Union Distribution System – Report dated November 12, 2019 Stoney Point Drinking Water System – Report dated February 5, 2020, as presented at the July 22, 2020 Council meeting. 4. g. Tender Award – 2020 Inflow and Infiltration Remediation Program 232 Recommendation: Award the tender for the 2020 Inflow and Infiltration Remediation- Cleanout Replacements to Phoenix Drainage the total amount of $300,132 plus HST, as presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. h. Options for Mandatory Mask By-law 237 Recommendation: Direct Administration to draft a mandatory mask by-law as described in Option #3 of the report presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting. i. Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Plan 290 Laneways Unopened Road Allowances 241 Recommendation: The portion of land known as Plan 290 Laneways and legally known as Lane Plan 290, Rochester, Abutting Lots 7 to 12, Plan 290, except R1463262; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75049- 0173(R), and Lane Plan 290, Rochester, Abutting Lots 1 to 6, Plan 290, except R1463262; Lakeshore, being all of the Property Identifier Number 75049-0174(R), be closed, stopped up and declared surplus; Administration proceed with conveying the land pursuant to Town Policy CAD – 284, Closing Sale and Disposition of Streets and Alleys; and, Adopt By-law 62-2020, all as presented in the report entitled, Permanent Closure, Stop Up and Declaration of Surplus for Plan 290 Laneways Unopened Road Allowances, presented at the July 28, 2020 Council meeting.