Public Meetings - 6:00 PM a. Development Charges Study 1. Gary Scanlon and Daryl Abbs, Watson & Associates - Development Charges Study and By-law Update 2. 2019 Development Charges Background Study Recommendation: Receive the Development Charges Background Study, including the proposed Development Charges By-law 89-2020; and Direct Administration to present the proposed By-law 89-2020 at the December 8, 2020 Council meeting. 3. Implementation of Interest Rate on Development Charge 252 Deferrals Required Pursuant to Bill 108 Recommendation: Approve the charging of interest pursuant to sections 26.1 and 26.2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997: a. Effective as at November 1, 2020; b. At a rate of the annual Infrastructure Ontario rate plus 0.5% compounded annually; and, c. A rate of 0% be used for payments under section 26.1, beginning at building permit, for site plan amendments that have taken place prior November 1, 2020; and, Approve the Development Charge Interest Policy (Attachment 1), presented at the October 27, 2020 Council meeting.
AT 3:27 THE MEETING IS CONCLUDED FOR 10/27 AND THE CONTINUED MEETING FROM 11/3 BEGINS. Public Presentations a. Nigel Bellchamber and Fred Dean, Amberley Gavel - Council Meetings b. Council Roles and Responsibilities
a. September 29,2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes b. October 6,2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes c. October 20,2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings.
Reports for Information a. Pavilion Des Jeunes - Crossing Guard Warrant Analysis - Oakwood Avenue/Rourke Line b. Notre Dame and Duck Creek Pedestrian Walkway c. Patillo Rd / CR22 Stormwater Pond - Geese Management d. Railway Avenue Parking e. Postal Addresses Assigned by Canada Post f. Regulatory By-law Updates g. Quarterly Building Activity Report - As of September 2020 h. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for September 14,2020 i. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for September 21,2020 j. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for October 5,2020 k. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - October 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
Reports for Direction a. 2021 Meeting Calendar Recommendation: Approve the 2021 schedule of Regular Council Meetings as described in the report by the Manager of Legislative Services presented at the October 27, 2020 Council meeting. b. Municipal Operating Funding - Safe Restart Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Director of Finance to apply for Phase 2 of the Municipal Operating Funding stream of the Safe Restart Agreement. c. County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) 2021 Project, 344 County Rd 2 Lake-9 Segment Recommendation: Approve the construction of a bike lane/trail link at Lake-9 Tecumseh Road (along County Road 2) between the Moison Creek Bridge to Strong Road for submission to the CWATS Committee for consideration in 2021
Notices of Motion a. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Reduce Speed Limits on Lakeshore Roads with Highway 401 Overpasses Recommendation: Whereas traffic has greatly increased on many of the municipalities roads, including the roads that cross Highway 401; And whereas there are safety concerns because of children boarding and exiting school buses in close proximity to many of these overpasses; And whereas slow moving farm machinery can be difficult to see when approaching these overpasses; Therefore, Administration be directed to prepare an amendment to the Traffic By-law to reduce the speed limit to 50 kilometers per hour on all of the Highway 401 overpasses on roads under the jurisdiction of the municipality. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Reduce Speed Limits on County Roads with Highway 401 Overpasses Recommendation: Whereas traffic has greatly increased on many of County roads, including the roads that cross Highway 401; And whereas there have been a number of serious accidents on the overpasses; And whereas farm machinery and other licensed slow moving vehicles can be difficult to see when approaching these overpasses; Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore hereby petitions the County of Essex to reduce the speed limit to 50 kilometers per hour on all of the Highway 401 overpasses on roads under the jurisdiction of the County of Essex for the safety of all those who travel on them.
Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 65-2020, Being a By-law for the Little Creek Drain Dykes and Mongeon Drain and Pumping Schemes b. By-law 80-2020, Being a By-law for the Goatbe Drain c. By-law 82-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge over the 7th Concession 354 Road Branch of the Base Line Drain d. By-law 83-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge Over the McKeown Drain e. By-law 91-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for the September 29, October 6 and October 20,2020 Meetings Recommendation: By-laws 80-2020, 82-2020 and 83-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-law 65-2020 be read a third time and adopted; and By-law 91-2020 be read and passed in open session on October 27, 2020.
Public Meetings - 6:00 PM a. Development Charges Study 1. Gary Scanlon and Daryl Abbs, Watson & Associates - Development Charges Study and By-law Update 2. 2019 Development Charges Background Study Recommendation: Receive the Development Charges Background Study, including the proposed Development Charges By-law 89-2020; and Direct Administration to present the proposed By-law 89-2020 at the December 8, 2020 Council meeting. 3. Implementation of Interest Rate on Development Charge 252 Deferrals Required Pursuant to Bill 108 Recommendation: Approve the charging of interest pursuant to sections 26.1 and 26.2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997: a. Effective as at November 1, 2020; b. At a rate of the annual Infrastructure Ontario rate plus 0.5% compounded annually; and, c. A rate of 0% be used for payments under section 26.1, beginning at building permit, for site plan amendments that have taken place prior November 1, 2020; and, Approve the Development Charge Interest Policy (Attachment 1), presented at the October 27, 2020 Council meeting.
AT 3:27 THE MEETING IS CONCLUDED FOR 10/27 AND THE CONTINUED MEETING FROM 11/3 BEGINS. Public Presentations a. Nigel Bellchamber and Fred Dean, Amberley Gavel - Council Meetings b. Council Roles and Responsibilities
a. September 29,2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes b. October 6,2020 Regular Council Meeting Minutes c. October 20,2020 Special Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings.
Reports for Information a. Pavilion Des Jeunes - Crossing Guard Warrant Analysis - Oakwood Avenue/Rourke Line b. Notre Dame and Duck Creek Pedestrian Walkway c. Patillo Rd / CR22 Stormwater Pond - Geese Management d. Railway Avenue Parking e. Postal Addresses Assigned by Canada Post f. Regulatory By-law Updates g. Quarterly Building Activity Report - As of September 2020 h. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for September 14,2020 i. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for September 21,2020 j. Drainage Board Meeting draft Minutes for October 5,2020 k. Council Assignments Monthly Tracking Report - October 2020 Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda.
Reports for Direction a. 2021 Meeting Calendar Recommendation: Approve the 2021 schedule of Regular Council Meetings as described in the report by the Manager of Legislative Services presented at the October 27, 2020 Council meeting. b. Municipal Operating Funding - Safe Restart Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Director of Finance to apply for Phase 2 of the Municipal Operating Funding stream of the Safe Restart Agreement. c. County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) 2021 Project, 344 County Rd 2 Lake-9 Segment Recommendation: Approve the construction of a bike lane/trail link at Lake-9 Tecumseh Road (along County Road 2) between the Moison Creek Bridge to Strong Road for submission to the CWATS Committee for consideration in 2021
Notices of Motion a. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Reduce Speed Limits on Lakeshore Roads with Highway 401 Overpasses Recommendation: Whereas traffic has greatly increased on many of the municipalities roads, including the roads that cross Highway 401; And whereas there are safety concerns because of children boarding and exiting school buses in close proximity to many of these overpasses; And whereas slow moving farm machinery can be difficult to see when approaching these overpasses; Therefore, Administration be directed to prepare an amendment to the Traffic By-law to reduce the speed limit to 50 kilometers per hour on all of the Highway 401 overpasses on roads under the jurisdiction of the municipality. b. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt - Reduce Speed Limits on County Roads with Highway 401 Overpasses Recommendation: Whereas traffic has greatly increased on many of County roads, including the roads that cross Highway 401; And whereas there have been a number of serious accidents on the overpasses; And whereas farm machinery and other licensed slow moving vehicles can be difficult to see when approaching these overpasses; Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Lakeshore hereby petitions the County of Essex to reduce the speed limit to 50 kilometers per hour on all of the Highway 401 overpasses on roads under the jurisdiction of the County of Essex for the safety of all those who travel on them.
Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 65-2020, Being a By-law for the Little Creek Drain Dykes and Mongeon Drain and Pumping Schemes b. By-law 80-2020, Being a By-law for the Goatbe Drain c. By-law 82-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge over the 7th Concession 354 Road Branch of the Base Line Drain d. By-law 83-2020, Being a By-law for the Bridge Over the McKeown Drain e. By-law 91-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for the September 29, October 6 and October 20,2020 Meetings Recommendation: By-laws 80-2020, 82-2020 and 83-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-law 65-2020 be read a third time and adopted; and By-law 91-2020 be read and passed in open session on October 27, 2020.