Public Meetings under the Planning Act a. ZBA-18-2020 – Kumar & Jain Secondary Dwelling Unit Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-18-2020 (By-law 99-2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to amend the current zone from “Residential – Low Density (R1)” to a site-specific “Residential Type 1 Zone Exception 37 (R1-37)”, to permit a Secondary Dwelling Unit in the basement of a Single Detached Dwelling as an additional permitted use for a parcel of land, indicated as the “Subject Land” on the Key Map, Figure 1 (Appendix 1) located at 955 Westwood Drive, in the Community of Belle River, Town of Lakeshore; and, Direct the Clerk to present for reading the implementing By-law 99-2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting. b. Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-23-2020) –Addition of a New Use to Employment Lands Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-23-2020 (By-law 102-2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Silver Creek Industrial Drive (Maidstone Con. EPC Pt Lot 5, RP 12R-14755 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4), in the Town of Lakeshore, as follows: To add the following definition, in alphabetical order to Part 4 of the Zoning By-law: Equipment sale, service and rental establishment, means development where equipment including farm equipment, commercial and industrial vehicles and equipment are kept for sale, lease, service or rental to the public. a. To rezone the subject land, indicated on the Appendix A – Key Map, from “General Employment Zone (M1)” to a site-specific “General Employment Exception (M1-8)” zone, which shall add as an additional permitted use an Equipment sale, service, and rental establishment; and, b.Direct the Clerk to present for reading the implementing By-law 102- 2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting. c. Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-9-2020) Beachside Developments Ltd 24 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-9-2020 (By-law 92- 2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Amy Croft Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, as follows: from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 32 (MU-32)(H24)” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions; a. from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 33 (MU-33)(H24)” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions; and b. from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 34 (MU-34)(H24) ” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions. c. Direct the Clerk to present the implementing By-law 92-2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting.
Reports for Information a. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – October 7, October 21, and November 18, 2020 Recommendation: Approve the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. b. Lighthouse Cove Secondary Plan and CIP Update Recommendation: This report is for information only.
Reports for Direction a. Site Plan Control Application SPC-11-2020 - 873737 Ontario Limited (Knapp Ford) Recommendation: Approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-11-2020 to permit the construction of a 148.64m² (1600ft²) accessory structure located at 430 Talbot Road, subject to the following condition: that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and, a. The Clerk present By-law 101-2020 to execute the Site Plan Agreement, all as described in the report presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting. b. Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2020 Valente Development Corp. Recommendation: Approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2020 to permit the construction of a new Medical Clinic and Pharmacy located at 18 Amy Croft Drive, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Amending Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and a. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law # 100-2020 to execute the Site Plan Agreement. c. Effects of Greenhouse Development Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare an interim control by-law to study the effects of greenhouse development in Lakeshore, as presented in the report of the Director of Community & Development Services presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting. d. Town of Lakeshore Official Plan Review Recommendation: The compiled comments submitted from the public regarding the Official Plan review be received (Attachments 1 and 2); The changes and amendments as recommended in this report, and as directed by Council, be incorporated into the final version of the Official Plan, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting; and, Administration prepare a final version of the Official Plan review and adopting By-law, to be presented at a future Council meeting.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 92-2020, 99-2020, 100-2020, 101-2020 and 102-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020. a. By-law 92-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-9-2020) b. By-law 99-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-18-2020) c. By-law 100-2020, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Valente Development Corporation d. By-law 101-2020, Being a By-law to authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 873737 Ontario Limited (430 Talbot Road – SPC- 11-2020) e. By-law 102-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-23-2020)
11. Completion of Unfinished Business - Deferred from Regular Council Meeting December 8, 2020 a. Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 89-2020, Being a By-law for the Imposition of Development Charges b. By-law 93-2020, Being a By-law for T Renaud Drain Trepanier Bridge c. By-law 97-2020, Being a By-law to By-law to Establish User Fees for Certain Services Provided by The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore d. By-law 98-2020, Being a By-law to Impose Water and Wastewater Charges to Recover the Capital Cost of Installing Water and Wastewater Services Necessary to Service New Users to the Systems e. By-law 103-2020, Being a By-law to Adopt the 2021 Budget f. By-law 104-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 67-2000, being a By-law to Designate Community Safety Zones within the Boundaries of the Town of Lakeshore g. By-law 105-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for November 10, 17, 23 and 24, 2020 Recommendation: By-law 93-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; and By-laws 89-2020, 97-2020, 98-2020, 103-2020, 104-2020 and 105-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020.
9. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 92-2020, 99-2020, 100-2020, 101-2020 and 102-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020. a. By-law 92-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-9-2020) b. By-law 99-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-18-2020) c. By-law 100-2020, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Valente Development Corporation d. By-law 101-2020, Being a By-law to authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 873737 Ontario Limited (430 Talbot Road – SPC- 11-2020) e. By-law 102-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-23-2020) 12. Adjournment
Public Meetings under the Planning Act a. ZBA-18-2020 – Kumar & Jain Secondary Dwelling Unit Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-18-2020 (By-law 99-2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to amend the current zone from “Residential – Low Density (R1)” to a site-specific “Residential Type 1 Zone Exception 37 (R1-37)”, to permit a Secondary Dwelling Unit in the basement of a Single Detached Dwelling as an additional permitted use for a parcel of land, indicated as the “Subject Land” on the Key Map, Figure 1 (Appendix 1) located at 955 Westwood Drive, in the Community of Belle River, Town of Lakeshore; and, Direct the Clerk to present for reading the implementing By-law 99-2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting. b. Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-23-2020) –Addition of a New Use to Employment Lands Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-23-2020 (By-law 102-2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Silver Creek Industrial Drive (Maidstone Con. EPC Pt Lot 5, RP 12R-14755 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4), in the Town of Lakeshore, as follows: To add the following definition, in alphabetical order to Part 4 of the Zoning By-law: Equipment sale, service and rental establishment, means development where equipment including farm equipment, commercial and industrial vehicles and equipment are kept for sale, lease, service or rental to the public. a. To rezone the subject land, indicated on the Appendix A – Key Map, from “General Employment Zone (M1)” to a site-specific “General Employment Exception (M1-8)” zone, which shall add as an additional permitted use an Equipment sale, service, and rental establishment; and, b.Direct the Clerk to present for reading the implementing By-law 102- 2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting. c. Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-9-2020) Beachside Developments Ltd 24 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-9-2020 (By-law 92- 2020, Town of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the parcel, indicated as the "Subject Property", on the Key Map, Appendix 1, located at 0 Amy Croft Drive, in the Town of Lakeshore, as follows: from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 32 (MU-32)(H24)” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions; a. from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 33 (MU-33)(H24)” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions; and b. from “Mixed Use Zone (MU)” to “Mixed Use Zone Exception 34 (MU-34)(H24) ” to permit relief for multiple zoning provisions. c. Direct the Clerk to present the implementing By-law 92-2020, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting.
Reports for Information a. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – October 7, October 21, and November 18, 2020 Recommendation: Approve the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. b. Lighthouse Cove Secondary Plan and CIP Update Recommendation: This report is for information only.
Reports for Direction a. Site Plan Control Application SPC-11-2020 - 873737 Ontario Limited (Knapp Ford) Recommendation: Approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-11-2020 to permit the construction of a 148.64m² (1600ft²) accessory structure located at 430 Talbot Road, subject to the following condition: that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and, a. The Clerk present By-law 101-2020 to execute the Site Plan Agreement, all as described in the report presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting. b. Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2020 Valente Development Corp. Recommendation: Approve Site Plan Control Application SPC-6-2020 to permit the construction of a new Medical Clinic and Pharmacy located at 18 Amy Croft Drive, in the Community of Maidstone, subject to the following conditions: that the Owner/Developer enter into a Site Plan Amending Agreement with the Town to provide for the installation, construction, and maintenance of driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping, grading, drainage, and any necessary service connections, easements and other items; and a. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law # 100-2020 to execute the Site Plan Agreement. c. Effects of Greenhouse Development Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare an interim control by-law to study the effects of greenhouse development in Lakeshore, as presented in the report of the Director of Community & Development Services presented at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting. d. Town of Lakeshore Official Plan Review Recommendation: The compiled comments submitted from the public regarding the Official Plan review be received (Attachments 1 and 2); The changes and amendments as recommended in this report, and as directed by Council, be incorporated into the final version of the Official Plan, as presented at the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting; and, Administration prepare a final version of the Official Plan review and adopting By-law, to be presented at a future Council meeting.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 92-2020, 99-2020, 100-2020, 101-2020 and 102-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020. a. By-law 92-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-9-2020) b. By-law 99-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-18-2020) c. By-law 100-2020, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Valente Development Corporation d. By-law 101-2020, Being a By-law to authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 873737 Ontario Limited (430 Talbot Road – SPC- 11-2020) e. By-law 102-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-23-2020)
11. Completion of Unfinished Business - Deferred from Regular Council Meeting December 8, 2020 a. Consideration of By-laws a. By-law 89-2020, Being a By-law for the Imposition of Development Charges b. By-law 93-2020, Being a By-law for T Renaud Drain Trepanier Bridge c. By-law 97-2020, Being a By-law to By-law to Establish User Fees for Certain Services Provided by The Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore d. By-law 98-2020, Being a By-law to Impose Water and Wastewater Charges to Recover the Capital Cost of Installing Water and Wastewater Services Necessary to Service New Users to the Systems e. By-law 103-2020, Being a By-law to Adopt the 2021 Budget f. By-law 104-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 67-2000, being a By-law to Designate Community Safety Zones within the Boundaries of the Town of Lakeshore g. By-law 105-2020, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for November 10, 17, 23 and 24, 2020 Recommendation: By-law 93-2020 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; and By-laws 89-2020, 97-2020, 98-2020, 103-2020, 104-2020 and 105-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020.
9. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 92-2020, 99-2020, 100-2020, 101-2020 and 102-2020 be read and passed in open session on December 15, 2020. a. By-law 92-2020, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-9-2020) b. By-law 99-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-18-2020) c. By-law 100-2020, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with Valente Development Corporation d. By-law 101-2020, Being a By-law to authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Agreement with 873737 Ontario Limited (430 Talbot Road – SPC- 11-2020) e. By-law 102-2020, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning Bylaw for the Town of Lakeshore (ZBA-23-2020) 12. Adjournment