Public Presentation - 5:00 PM 1. Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Project Update
Public Meetings under the Planning Act - 6:00 PM 1. ZBA-2-2021 – Wylie Surplus Farm Dwelling - 12560 Lakeshore Road 309 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-2-2021 (By-law 49- 2021, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the “Retained Farmland” on the Key Map, Appendix A, located at 12560 Lakeshore Road 309, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, from “Agriculture (A) Zone” to a site-specific “Agriculture Zone Exception (A-1)”, which prohibits a single detached dwelling, as presented in the June 22, 2021 Council report.
Public Presentations 1. Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island - Regional Tourism and 2021/2022 Visitor Guide 2. Watson & Associates Economists Ltd - User Fee Review Process
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. June 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of St. Catharines - Lyme Disease
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Community Services Advisory Committee – Draft Minutes April 15 2021 (deferred from June 8, 2021 meeting with updated attachment) 2. June 10, 2021 Draft Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 3. Infectious Disease Emergency Leave 4. Lakeshore Reopening Plan 5. Council Requested Report Tracking - June 2021
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award – Strong Road Watermain Replacement Project Recommendation: Award the tender for the Strong Road Watermain Replacement Project to D’Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. in the amount of $469,385 (plus HST). 2. Draft Plan of Condominium S-A-02-2020 – King Homes & Developments 114 Recommendation: Direct Administration to notify the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan approval for the King Homes & Developments condominium as described in the report “Draft Plan of Condominium S-A-02-2020 – King Homes & Developments” from the Interim Manager of Planning presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting; Direct Administration to forward the comments from the public meeting to the County of Essex; Direct the Clerk to read By-law 51-2021 to remove the holding provision from the subject property during the “Consideration of the By-laws”; and Delegate Site Plan Approval authority to the Director of Community and Development Services for SPC-13-2020. 3. Draft Animal Care and Control By-law 136 Recommendation: Direct Administration to publish the draft Animal Care and Control By-law as presented June 22, 2021 for public consultation for 2 weeks; and Present a report at the August 11, 2021 Council meeting summarizing the public commentary and present recommendations for Council consideration. 4. Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy 174 Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare a by-law to adopt the Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy, as presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting. 5. Investment Policy 187 Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to prepare a by-law adopting the Investment Policy for the Municipality of Lakeshore to establish a reporting structure to govern the investment activities of general, capital, and reserve funds to achieve the Municipality’s investment objectives, as presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting.
19. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-law 48-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 40-2021 and 41-2021 be read a third time and adopted; and By-laws 49-2021, 51-2021 and 54-2021 be read and passed in open session on June 22, 2021. 1. By-law 40-2021, Being a By-law for the Middle Road Drain Enclosure Improvements 213 2. By-law 41-2021, Being a By-law for the Moisson Creek Drain 3. By-law 48-2021, Being a By-law for the No. 3 Government Drain 4. By-law 49-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-2-2021) 216 5. By-law 51-2021, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2021) 6. By-law 54-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for June 8th, 2021 21. Adjournment
Public Presentation - 5:00 PM 1. Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Project Update
Public Meetings under the Planning Act - 6:00 PM 1. ZBA-2-2021 – Wylie Surplus Farm Dwelling - 12560 Lakeshore Road 309 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-2-2021 (By-law 49- 2021, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the “Retained Farmland” on the Key Map, Appendix A, located at 12560 Lakeshore Road 309, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, from “Agriculture (A) Zone” to a site-specific “Agriculture Zone Exception (A-1)”, which prohibits a single detached dwelling, as presented in the June 22, 2021 Council report.
Public Presentations 1. Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island - Regional Tourism and 2021/2022 Visitor Guide 2. Watson & Associates Economists Ltd - User Fee Review Process
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. June 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of St. Catharines - Lyme Disease
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Community Services Advisory Committee – Draft Minutes April 15 2021 (deferred from June 8, 2021 meeting with updated attachment) 2. June 10, 2021 Draft Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 3. Infectious Disease Emergency Leave 4. Lakeshore Reopening Plan 5. Council Requested Report Tracking - June 2021
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award – Strong Road Watermain Replacement Project Recommendation: Award the tender for the Strong Road Watermain Replacement Project to D’Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. in the amount of $469,385 (plus HST). 2. Draft Plan of Condominium S-A-02-2020 – King Homes & Developments 114 Recommendation: Direct Administration to notify the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan approval for the King Homes & Developments condominium as described in the report “Draft Plan of Condominium S-A-02-2020 – King Homes & Developments” from the Interim Manager of Planning presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting; Direct Administration to forward the comments from the public meeting to the County of Essex; Direct the Clerk to read By-law 51-2021 to remove the holding provision from the subject property during the “Consideration of the By-laws”; and Delegate Site Plan Approval authority to the Director of Community and Development Services for SPC-13-2020. 3. Draft Animal Care and Control By-law 136 Recommendation: Direct Administration to publish the draft Animal Care and Control By-law as presented June 22, 2021 for public consultation for 2 weeks; and Present a report at the August 11, 2021 Council meeting summarizing the public commentary and present recommendations for Council consideration. 4. Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy 174 Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare a by-law to adopt the Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy, as presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting. 5. Investment Policy 187 Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to prepare a by-law adopting the Investment Policy for the Municipality of Lakeshore to establish a reporting structure to govern the investment activities of general, capital, and reserve funds to achieve the Municipality’s investment objectives, as presented at the June 22, 2021 Council meeting.
19. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-law 48-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 40-2021 and 41-2021 be read a third time and adopted; and By-laws 49-2021, 51-2021 and 54-2021 be read and passed in open session on June 22, 2021. 1. By-law 40-2021, Being a By-law for the Middle Road Drain Enclosure Improvements 213 2. By-law 41-2021, Being a By-law for the Moisson Creek Drain 3. By-law 48-2021, Being a By-law for the No. 3 Government Drain 4. By-law 49-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-2-2021) 216 5. By-law 51-2021, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2021) 6. By-law 54-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for June 8th, 2021 21. Adjournment