*This meeting was joined in progress* Public Meetings under the Planning Act 1. ZBA-13-2021 – Waites Farms Inc. Surplus Farm Dwelling – 9705Lakeshore Rd. 311 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-13-2021 (By-law64-2021, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the “Retained Farmland” on the Key Map, Appendix A, located at 9705 Lakeshore Rd. 311, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, from “Agriculture (A) Zone” to a site-specific “Agriculture Zone Exception (A-1)”, which prohibits a single detached dwelling, as presented in the August 10, 2021 Council report. 2. ZBA-17-2021, Ryan Marentette, 970 West Belle River Road Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-17-2021 (By-law 62- 2021), to delete and replace the current zone category from RW1-19,Residential Waterfront – Watercourse Zone Exception 19 (RW1-19) to anew RW1-19, Residential Waterfront – Watercourse Zone Exception 19(RW1-19), to permit a second driveway and an accessory building with a gross floor area of 178.38 m2 and a height of 5.334 metres that is setback9.14 metre from the south side lot line, for a parcel of land indicated as the “Subject Land” on the Key Map, Figure 1 (Appendix 1) located at 970West Belle River Road, in the Community of Maidstone and adopt the implementing by-law as presented at the August 10, 2021 Council Meeting. 3. Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-21-2021 re: Float Homes Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-21-2021 (By-law63-2021, Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to add the definition of Float Home to the Zoning By-law and to add this use to Section 6.62,Uses Prohibited in all Zones as presented at the August 10, 2021,Regular Council meeting.
Delegations 1. Updated Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-14-2021 – Forest Hill Phase4B Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-14-2021 (By-law65-2021, Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to increase the maximum lotcoverage of Lots 62, 65, 67, 83, 86 and 94, 12M-654 as indicated as the“Subject Property”, on the Key Map, Appendix A, located in theMunicipality of Lakeshore, from “Residential Low Density (R1) Zone” to“Residential Low Density Zone Exception 38 (R1-38)” to increase themaximum lot coverage from 35% to 40%. 1. Karl Tanner, Dillon Consulting - Representing the Applicant
Completion of Unfinished Business 1. Municipal Election 2022 – Alternate Methods of Voting Recommendation: Approve the voting method of telephone/internet for the 2022 municipal election, as described in the report presented August 10, 2021; and Direct the Clerk to prepare a by-law authorizing the alternate voting method as required by Section 42(1b) of the Municipal Elections Act,1996.
Consent Agenda Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. July 13, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of Toronto - Bill 177 Stronger Fairer Ontario Act Changes to Provincial Offenses Act 3. City of Toronto - Building the Early Learning and Child Care System 4. Town of Cochrane - request to Include the PSA Test for Men into the Medical Care System 5. Town of Halton Hills - Elimination of Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2021 2. Quarterly Building Activity Report – 2021 Q2 3. Council Requested Report Tracking - July 2021
Reports for Direction 1. Request for Support for Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence –Belle River Brewhouse
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 62-2021, 63-2021, 64-2021, 65-2021, 66-2021 and 69-2021 be readand passed in open session on August 10, 2021. 1. By-law 62-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-17-2021) 3. By-law 64-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-13-2021) 5. By-law 66-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for the July 13, 2021 Meeting
2. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr regarding a Request for a Special Meeting of Council Recommendation: Whereas Lakeshore has had many 1 in a 100 Year Storms over the past 3 years; And whereas residents have shared their frustration with Council and Administration and basement flooding and sewage backups; And whereas resident share that information from the Municipality to concerns on these topics create more questions than answers; And whereas residents have asked many times for a Special Meeting of Council to share their concerns and personal stories; Be it resolved that Council through the Mayor call for a Special Meeting Of Council in September 2021 to hear from the residents directly about their concerns of sewage backups, basement flooding’s and listen to their recommendations as to how to stop these issues from happening again; and Be it further resolved that Stantec and all other companies that Lakeshore has hired to consult or help with flood mitigation be on hand to answer questions. 20. Adjournment
*This meeting was joined in progress* Public Meetings under the Planning Act 1. ZBA-13-2021 – Waites Farms Inc. Surplus Farm Dwelling – 9705Lakeshore Rd. 311 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-13-2021 (By-law64-2021, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to rezone a portion of the farm parcel, indicated as the “Retained Farmland” on the Key Map, Appendix A, located at 9705 Lakeshore Rd. 311, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, from “Agriculture (A) Zone” to a site-specific “Agriculture Zone Exception (A-1)”, which prohibits a single detached dwelling, as presented in the August 10, 2021 Council report. 2. ZBA-17-2021, Ryan Marentette, 970 West Belle River Road Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-17-2021 (By-law 62- 2021), to delete and replace the current zone category from RW1-19,Residential Waterfront – Watercourse Zone Exception 19 (RW1-19) to anew RW1-19, Residential Waterfront – Watercourse Zone Exception 19(RW1-19), to permit a second driveway and an accessory building with a gross floor area of 178.38 m2 and a height of 5.334 metres that is setback9.14 metre from the south side lot line, for a parcel of land indicated as the “Subject Land” on the Key Map, Figure 1 (Appendix 1) located at 970West Belle River Road, in the Community of Maidstone and adopt the implementing by-law as presented at the August 10, 2021 Council Meeting. 3. Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-21-2021 re: Float Homes Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-21-2021 (By-law63-2021, Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to add the definition of Float Home to the Zoning By-law and to add this use to Section 6.62,Uses Prohibited in all Zones as presented at the August 10, 2021,Regular Council meeting.
Delegations 1. Updated Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-14-2021 – Forest Hill Phase4B Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-14-2021 (By-law65-2021, Lakeshore By-law 2-2012), to increase the maximum lotcoverage of Lots 62, 65, 67, 83, 86 and 94, 12M-654 as indicated as the“Subject Property”, on the Key Map, Appendix A, located in theMunicipality of Lakeshore, from “Residential Low Density (R1) Zone” to“Residential Low Density Zone Exception 38 (R1-38)” to increase themaximum lot coverage from 35% to 40%. 1. Karl Tanner, Dillon Consulting - Representing the Applicant
Completion of Unfinished Business 1. Municipal Election 2022 – Alternate Methods of Voting Recommendation: Approve the voting method of telephone/internet for the 2022 municipal election, as described in the report presented August 10, 2021; and Direct the Clerk to prepare a by-law authorizing the alternate voting method as required by Section 42(1b) of the Municipal Elections Act,1996.
Consent Agenda Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. July 13, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of Toronto - Bill 177 Stronger Fairer Ontario Act Changes to Provincial Offenses Act 3. City of Toronto - Building the Early Learning and Child Care System 4. Town of Cochrane - request to Include the PSA Test for Men into the Medical Care System 5. Town of Halton Hills - Elimination of Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2021 2. Quarterly Building Activity Report – 2021 Q2 3. Council Requested Report Tracking - July 2021
Reports for Direction 1. Request for Support for Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence –Belle River Brewhouse
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 62-2021, 63-2021, 64-2021, 65-2021, 66-2021 and 69-2021 be readand passed in open session on August 10, 2021. 1. By-law 62-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-17-2021) 3. By-law 64-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-13-2021) 5. By-law 66-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for the July 13, 2021 Meeting
2. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr regarding a Request for a Special Meeting of Council Recommendation: Whereas Lakeshore has had many 1 in a 100 Year Storms over the past 3 years; And whereas residents have shared their frustration with Council and Administration and basement flooding and sewage backups; And whereas resident share that information from the Municipality to concerns on these topics create more questions than answers; And whereas residents have asked many times for a Special Meeting of Council to share their concerns and personal stories; Be it resolved that Council through the Mayor call for a Special Meeting Of Council in September 2021 to hear from the residents directly about their concerns of sewage backups, basement flooding’s and listen to their recommendations as to how to stop these issues from happening again; and Be it further resolved that Stantec and all other companies that Lakeshore has hired to consult or help with flood mitigation be on hand to answer questions. 20. Adjournment