*This meeting was joined in progress* Completion of Unfinished Business 1. Reports for Direction Recommendation: Support the Flood Mitigation and Protection Framework (FMPF)presented at the August 10, 2021 Council meeting; Direct Administration to operationalize a smoke testing program by utilizing the funding from the existing 2021 I & I budget; Direct Administration to redirect the encumbered $80,000 from the Community Improvement Plans in two communities to develop and formalize a Flood Rapid Response Plan; Direct Administration to fund $111,000 to create a Water Resources and Flood Response Team in 2021 and pre-commit$554,000 to the 2022 Budget, as described in the Staffing Plan; Direct Administration to hold public meeting(s), as required, in the fall to gather further feedback from the public on the July16th storm event and present the Flood Mitigation and Protection Framework; and Direct the Treasurer to transfer funds from the Contingency reserve for expenses for public meetings, if required. 2. Use of Council Chambers and Virtual Council Meetings Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare the necessary amendments to the Procedural By-law to allow for virtual Council meetings, as presented at the August 10, 2021 Council meeting. 3. 2020 Capital Variance Report Recommendation: Approve the net capital transfer to/from projects of ($62,402) as identified in Appendix A of the 2020 Capital Variance Report for the year ended December 31, 2020; and, Approve the transfer of $9,606,038 to the encumbrance reserve. 4. 2020 Year End Variance Reporting Recommendation: Receive the report regarding the 2020 Year End Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; and Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,578,084 for the year ended December 31, 2020, and Approve a transfer of $1,376,406 to the Working Funds Reserve, and Approve a transfer to the Legal reserve of $129,293representing the 2020 surplus in the Legal expense accountbudget, and Approve a transfer to the Insurance reserve of $73,384representing the 2020 surplus in the overall insurance claims expense account budget, and Approve a transfer of $283,375 to the Building Services –Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2020 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2020 Building Services Statement; and Approve a transfer of $491,562 representing a surplus from Wastewater (sanitary sewer) operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer)Reserve Fund; and Approve a transfer of $189,600 representing a surplus from Water operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund. 2. Notices of Motion 1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt regarding the John Freeman Walls Historic Site & Underground Railroad Museum Recommendation: Whereas the John Freeman Walls Historic Site & Underground Railroad Museum has been recognized as a national and international historic site since 1976 when Dr. Bryan Walls founded the Museum on his ancestral property; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore deems the site to bean important part of our heritage which must be preserved for future generations; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has continually provided financial assistance to the Comber Agricultural Museum and the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum in the form of annual grants; Therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Lakeshore hereby provide the John Freeman Walls Historic Site &Underground Railroad Museum with an annual financial grant in the same amount and under the same terms and conditions as provided to the Comber Agricultural Museum and the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum and that the grant for 2021 be funded from municipal reserves. 2. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr regarding a Request for a Special Meeting of Council Recommendation: Whereas Lakeshore has had many 1 in a 100 Year Storms over the past 3 years; And whereas residents have shared their frustration with Council and Administration and basement flooding and sewage backups; And whereas resident share that information from the Municipality to concerns on these topics create more questions than answers; And whereas residents have asked many times for a Special Meeting of Council to share their concerns and personal stories; Be it resolved that Council through the Mayor call for a Special Meeting Of Council in September 2021 to hear from the residents directly about their concerns of sewage backups, basement flooding’s and listen to their recommendations as to how to stop these issues from happening again; and Be it further resolved that Stantec and all other companies that Lakeshore has hired to consult or help with flood mitigation be on hand to answer questions. 3. Question Period 4. Non-Agenda Business 5. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, relating to the Chief Administrative Officer performance evaluation.
*This meeting was joined in progress* Completion of Unfinished Business 1. Reports for Direction Recommendation: Support the Flood Mitigation and Protection Framework (FMPF)presented at the August 10, 2021 Council meeting; Direct Administration to operationalize a smoke testing program by utilizing the funding from the existing 2021 I & I budget; Direct Administration to redirect the encumbered $80,000 from the Community Improvement Plans in two communities to develop and formalize a Flood Rapid Response Plan; Direct Administration to fund $111,000 to create a Water Resources and Flood Response Team in 2021 and pre-commit$554,000 to the 2022 Budget, as described in the Staffing Plan; Direct Administration to hold public meeting(s), as required, in the fall to gather further feedback from the public on the July16th storm event and present the Flood Mitigation and Protection Framework; and Direct the Treasurer to transfer funds from the Contingency reserve for expenses for public meetings, if required. 2. Use of Council Chambers and Virtual Council Meetings Recommendation: Direct Administration to prepare the necessary amendments to the Procedural By-law to allow for virtual Council meetings, as presented at the August 10, 2021 Council meeting. 3. 2020 Capital Variance Report Recommendation: Approve the net capital transfer to/from projects of ($62,402) as identified in Appendix A of the 2020 Capital Variance Report for the year ended December 31, 2020; and, Approve the transfer of $9,606,038 to the encumbrance reserve. 4. 2020 Year End Variance Reporting Recommendation: Receive the report regarding the 2020 Year End Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; and Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,578,084 for the year ended December 31, 2020, and Approve a transfer of $1,376,406 to the Working Funds Reserve, and Approve a transfer to the Legal reserve of $129,293representing the 2020 surplus in the Legal expense accountbudget, and Approve a transfer to the Insurance reserve of $73,384representing the 2020 surplus in the overall insurance claims expense account budget, and Approve a transfer of $283,375 to the Building Services –Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2020 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2020 Building Services Statement; and Approve a transfer of $491,562 representing a surplus from Wastewater (sanitary sewer) operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer)Reserve Fund; and Approve a transfer of $189,600 representing a surplus from Water operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund. 2. Notices of Motion 1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Walstedt regarding the John Freeman Walls Historic Site & Underground Railroad Museum Recommendation: Whereas the John Freeman Walls Historic Site & Underground Railroad Museum has been recognized as a national and international historic site since 1976 when Dr. Bryan Walls founded the Museum on his ancestral property; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore deems the site to bean important part of our heritage which must be preserved for future generations; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has continually provided financial assistance to the Comber Agricultural Museum and the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum in the form of annual grants; Therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Lakeshore hereby provide the John Freeman Walls Historic Site &Underground Railroad Museum with an annual financial grant in the same amount and under the same terms and conditions as provided to the Comber Agricultural Museum and the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum and that the grant for 2021 be funded from municipal reserves. 2. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Kerr regarding a Request for a Special Meeting of Council Recommendation: Whereas Lakeshore has had many 1 in a 100 Year Storms over the past 3 years; And whereas residents have shared their frustration with Council and Administration and basement flooding and sewage backups; And whereas resident share that information from the Municipality to concerns on these topics create more questions than answers; And whereas residents have asked many times for a Special Meeting of Council to share their concerns and personal stories; Be it resolved that Council through the Mayor call for a Special Meeting Of Council in September 2021 to hear from the residents directly about their concerns of sewage backups, basement flooding’s and listen to their recommendations as to how to stop these issues from happening again; and Be it further resolved that Stantec and all other companies that Lakeshore has hired to consult or help with flood mitigation be on hand to answer questions. 3. Question Period 4. Non-Agenda Business 5. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, relating to the Chief Administrative Officer performance evaluation.