Public Meetings under the Planning Act Zoning By-law Application ZBA-30-2021, 2730 County Road 42 Recommendation: Approve Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-30-2021 (By-law 98-2021) to permit the temporary use of 2730 County Road42 to allow five (5) transport trailers as storage for three years, on aparcel of land, indicated as the “Subject Property” on the Key Map,Figure 1 (Appendix 1) and adopt the implementing by-law, as presentedat the November 9, 2021, Council meeting.
Public Presentations Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority - Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Project
Completion of Unfinished Business Reports for Direction 1. Draft Animal Care and Control By-law Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read draft By-law 85-2021, known as the Animal Care and Control By-law, during the Consideration of By-laws, as further described in the report presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-law 86-2021, 87-2021 and 88-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-law 67-2021 be read a third and adopted; and By-laws 70-2021, 83-2021, 85-2021, 93-2021, 95-2021, 96-2021 and 97-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 9, 2021. 1. By-law 67-2021, Being a By-law for the Brown Drain Enclosure 2. By-law 70-2021, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 97-2017 being a Comprehensive By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members 3. By-law 83-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt an Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for the Municipality of Lakeshore 4. By-law 85-2021, Being a By-law Respecting Animal Care and Control in the Municipality of Lakeshore 5. By-law-86-2021, Being a By-law for Access Bridge over the Ellis Drain 6. By-law 87-2021, Being a By-law for the South Talbot Road Bridge over the Hyland Drain 7. By-law 88-2021, Being a Bylaw for the Bridge over the West Townline Drain 8. By-law 93-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt a Paid Holiday Policy 9. By-law 95-2021, Being a By-law to Delegate Authority to the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Lease Agreement for Municipal-owned Farmland on Lakeshore Road 10. By-law 96-2021, Being a By-law to Delegate Authority to theMayor and Clerk to Execute a Lease Agreement for Municipal-owned Farmland on Columbus Drive 11. By-law 97-2021, Being a By-law Confirming the Proceedings ofCouncil for the October 12, 2021 Meeting
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. October 26, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. November 2, 2021 Special Council Meeting Minutes 3. City of Windsor - Food and Organic Waste Management
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. Drainage Board minutes October 4, 2021
Reports for Direction 2nd Concession Road Drain South of Malden Road – Gavaert/Cavers Bridges – Roll No. 010.000.02600 Recommendation: Award the tender for the 2nd Concession Road Drain South of Malden Road – Gavaert/Cavers Bridges to Shepley Excavating & Road Maintenance Limited in the amount of $93,305.00 (excluding HST) as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 104-2021 adopting Council Policy – Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Beachside Development Ltd. Vacant Land Condominium Amendment Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 99-2021 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Vacant Land Condominium Amendment Agreement between Beachside Development Ltd. and the Municipality of Lakeshore, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Mayor’s Art Awards 2021 – Artist in a Pandemic Grant Recipients Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 103-2021 to authorize grants to the 6recipients of the 2021 Mayor’s Art Awards – Artist in Pandemic Grant, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Atlas Tube Recreation Centre WFCU Pools Replacement of 22 Windows Recommendation: Approve the replacement of the existing 22 black tinted windows on theEast wall of the WFCU Pools with clear glass windows, as presented atthe November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Councillor Walstedt - Speed Limit on County Road 34 Recommendation: Whereas the residents who reside on Dawson Road and those who reside on County Road 34, from Dawson Road west to Manning Road, have petitioned the Municipality of Lakeshore and the County of Essex to have the speed limit reduced from 80 kilometers per hour to 50kilometers per hour from Dawson Road to Manning Road due to safety concerns for all residents, young and old; and Whereas the speed limit from Manning Road westerly to the Essex County Bypass is currently 50 kph; Therefore be it resolved that that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore hereby directs the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Lakeshore to put before Essex County Council a resolution to lower the aforementioned speed limit of 80 kph to 60kph from Dawson Road to Manning Road as requested by 100% of the residents who reside in this area.
Councillor McKinlay - Hydro One Chatham to Lakeshore Line Recommendation: Whereas Hydro One’s Chatham to Lakeshore preferred line cuts through220 acres of prime employment land situated on the 401 interchange, restricting the use of this land and strongly interfering with the Community of Comber; Whereas this engagement done by Hydro One in selecting their preferred route was insufficient; Whereas hydro lines in close proximity to residential districts lowers property value and creates health concerns; Whereas hydro lines seriously impede farm machinery from operating their GPS equipment; Whereas the proposed 2A line chosen by Hydro One affects far more commercial and residential stakeholders than the existing line north of the 401; Therefore, be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore will only accept an alignment travelling west along the existing Hydro One corridor North of the 401 to the West side of the Rochester Townline Road. From here, travel south to the Substation.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 94-2021, 98-2021, 99-2021, 103-2021, 104-2021 and 106-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 9, 2021. 1. By-law 94-2021, Being a By-law Imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates Under the Tile Drainage Act 2. By-law 98-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-30-2021) 3. By-law 99-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Condominium Amending Agreement pertaining to Beachside Condos 4. By-law 103-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize Grants by the Municipality of Lakeshore for the 2021 Mayor’s Art Awards: Artist in a Pandemic Grant Program 5. By-law 104-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt a Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy 6. By-law 106-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for October 26th and November 2nd, 2021
Public Meetings under the Planning Act Zoning By-law Application ZBA-30-2021, 2730 County Road 42 Recommendation: Approve Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-30-2021 (By-law 98-2021) to permit the temporary use of 2730 County Road42 to allow five (5) transport trailers as storage for three years, on aparcel of land, indicated as the “Subject Property” on the Key Map,Figure 1 (Appendix 1) and adopt the implementing by-law, as presentedat the November 9, 2021, Council meeting.
Public Presentations Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority - Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Project
Completion of Unfinished Business Reports for Direction 1. Draft Animal Care and Control By-law Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read draft By-law 85-2021, known as the Animal Care and Control By-law, during the Consideration of By-laws, as further described in the report presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-law 86-2021, 87-2021 and 88-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-law 67-2021 be read a third and adopted; and By-laws 70-2021, 83-2021, 85-2021, 93-2021, 95-2021, 96-2021 and 97-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 9, 2021. 1. By-law 67-2021, Being a By-law for the Brown Drain Enclosure 2. By-law 70-2021, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 97-2017 being a Comprehensive By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore and the Conduct of its Members 3. By-law 83-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt an Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for the Municipality of Lakeshore 4. By-law 85-2021, Being a By-law Respecting Animal Care and Control in the Municipality of Lakeshore 5. By-law-86-2021, Being a By-law for Access Bridge over the Ellis Drain 6. By-law 87-2021, Being a By-law for the South Talbot Road Bridge over the Hyland Drain 7. By-law 88-2021, Being a Bylaw for the Bridge over the West Townline Drain 8. By-law 93-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt a Paid Holiday Policy 9. By-law 95-2021, Being a By-law to Delegate Authority to the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Lease Agreement for Municipal-owned Farmland on Lakeshore Road 10. By-law 96-2021, Being a By-law to Delegate Authority to theMayor and Clerk to Execute a Lease Agreement for Municipal-owned Farmland on Columbus Drive 11. By-law 97-2021, Being a By-law Confirming the Proceedings ofCouncil for the October 12, 2021 Meeting
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. October 26, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. November 2, 2021 Special Council Meeting Minutes 3. City of Windsor - Food and Organic Waste Management
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. Drainage Board minutes October 4, 2021
Reports for Direction 2nd Concession Road Drain South of Malden Road – Gavaert/Cavers Bridges – Roll No. 010.000.02600 Recommendation: Award the tender for the 2nd Concession Road Drain South of Malden Road – Gavaert/Cavers Bridges to Shepley Excavating & Road Maintenance Limited in the amount of $93,305.00 (excluding HST) as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 104-2021 adopting Council Policy – Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Beachside Development Ltd. Vacant Land Condominium Amendment Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 99-2021 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Vacant Land Condominium Amendment Agreement between Beachside Development Ltd. and the Municipality of Lakeshore, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Mayor’s Art Awards 2021 – Artist in a Pandemic Grant Recipients Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 103-2021 to authorize grants to the 6recipients of the 2021 Mayor’s Art Awards – Artist in Pandemic Grant, as presented at the November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Atlas Tube Recreation Centre WFCU Pools Replacement of 22 Windows Recommendation: Approve the replacement of the existing 22 black tinted windows on theEast wall of the WFCU Pools with clear glass windows, as presented atthe November 9, 2021 Council meeting.
Councillor Walstedt - Speed Limit on County Road 34 Recommendation: Whereas the residents who reside on Dawson Road and those who reside on County Road 34, from Dawson Road west to Manning Road, have petitioned the Municipality of Lakeshore and the County of Essex to have the speed limit reduced from 80 kilometers per hour to 50kilometers per hour from Dawson Road to Manning Road due to safety concerns for all residents, young and old; and Whereas the speed limit from Manning Road westerly to the Essex County Bypass is currently 50 kph; Therefore be it resolved that that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore hereby directs the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Lakeshore to put before Essex County Council a resolution to lower the aforementioned speed limit of 80 kph to 60kph from Dawson Road to Manning Road as requested by 100% of the residents who reside in this area.
Councillor McKinlay - Hydro One Chatham to Lakeshore Line Recommendation: Whereas Hydro One’s Chatham to Lakeshore preferred line cuts through220 acres of prime employment land situated on the 401 interchange, restricting the use of this land and strongly interfering with the Community of Comber; Whereas this engagement done by Hydro One in selecting their preferred route was insufficient; Whereas hydro lines in close proximity to residential districts lowers property value and creates health concerns; Whereas hydro lines seriously impede farm machinery from operating their GPS equipment; Whereas the proposed 2A line chosen by Hydro One affects far more commercial and residential stakeholders than the existing line north of the 401; Therefore, be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore will only accept an alignment travelling west along the existing Hydro One corridor North of the 401 to the West side of the Rochester Townline Road. From here, travel south to the Substation.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 94-2021, 98-2021, 99-2021, 103-2021, 104-2021 and 106-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 9, 2021. 1. By-law 94-2021, Being a By-law Imposing Special Annual Drainage Rates Under the Tile Drainage Act 2. By-law 98-2021, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-30-2021) 3. By-law 99-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Condominium Amending Agreement pertaining to Beachside Condos 4. By-law 103-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize Grants by the Municipality of Lakeshore for the 2021 Mayor’s Art Awards: Artist in a Pandemic Grant Program 5. By-law 104-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt a Council Member COVID-19 Vaccination Policy 6. By-law 106-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for October 26th and November 2nd, 2021