Delegations 1. Reconsideration of Motion #341-10-2021 1. Paul Crack and April Adan 2. Benjamin Leblanc-Beaudoin 3. Jean Tremblay 4. GeriLynn Mineau 5. David Tremblay 6. Jennifer Tremblay 7. Samantha Mineau 8. Anne Belleperche 9. Max Fernbach 10. Kalyn Belleperche 11. Wayne Zimney
15.1 Councillor Wilder - Reconsideration of Motion #341-10-2021 76 Recommendation: Reconsider motion #341-10-2021 regarding library services. 15.3 Councillor Wilder - Stoney Point Library 78 Recommendation: Whereas Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore passed resolution 341-10-2021 to effectively close the physical library located in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches; Whereas the residents of Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches feel that they were not made aware of, consulted, or given an opportunity to voice their concerns, regarding the proposed changes to the levels of service for the library located in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches; Whereas the library in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches is an important community asset, which provides many vital services for the residents of Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches and surrounding areas; Whereas the library in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches has historically been well-used and has higher circulation statistics than other libraries in Essex County, which will remain physically open; Whereas new information has been provided to the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, which was not available at the time that resolution 341-10-2021 was passed; and Whereas the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, has the ability to keep the physical library open in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches. Now therefore be it resolved that resolution 341-10-2021 passed by the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore on October 26, 2021, is hereby rescinded; and Be it further resolved that the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore reconsider its previous decision to not provide a physical library with community space in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches, as identified in a report to the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, dated October 14, 2021 and considered at the meeting that occurred on October 26, 2021.
Deputy Mayor Bailey - Stoney Point Park 77 Recommendation: Direct Administration to bring a report outlining the cost of installing an AODA-compliant portable in Stoney Point Park.
Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Annual Review 64 Recommendation: Approve Council Policy – Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy CAD-331 as part of the annual review process, as presented at the November 23, 2021 Council meeting and prepare the necessary by-law for adoption.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 100-2021 and 101-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 86-2021 and 87-2021 be read a third and adopted; and By-laws 107-2021, 108-2021 and 109-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 23, 2021. 1. By-law 86-2021, Being a By-law for the Access Bridge Replacement over the Ellis Drain 80 2. By-law 87-2021, Being a By-law for the South Talbot Road Bridge Over the Hyland Drain 81 3. By-law 100-2021, Being a By-law for the Charron line Drain (171 County Road 22 Bridge) 82 4. By-law 101-2021, Being a By-law for the Chauvin-Blanchette Drain & the Kennedy Drain 83 5. By-law 107-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt of Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy 84 6. By-law 108-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize the Use of Optical Scan Vote Tabulators and Accessible Voting Equipment for the 2022 Municipal Elections 88 7. By-law 109-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for the November 9, 2021 Meeting
19. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations, relating to employees. b. Paragraph 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations, relating to a compensation request and compensation review for volunteer firefighters. c. Paragraph 239(2)(d), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing labour relations or employee negotiations, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and positions and plans to be applied to negotiations to be carried on by the Municipality relating to collective bargaining. d. Paragraph 239(2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation before the Ontario Land Tribunal and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege regarding Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal of Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-9-2020 (1654 Manning Road). e. Paragraph 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition of land in Lighthouse Cove. 20. Adjournment
Delegations 1. Reconsideration of Motion #341-10-2021 1. Paul Crack and April Adan 2. Benjamin Leblanc-Beaudoin 3. Jean Tremblay 4. GeriLynn Mineau 5. David Tremblay 6. Jennifer Tremblay 7. Samantha Mineau 8. Anne Belleperche 9. Max Fernbach 10. Kalyn Belleperche 11. Wayne Zimney
15.1 Councillor Wilder - Reconsideration of Motion #341-10-2021 76 Recommendation: Reconsider motion #341-10-2021 regarding library services. 15.3 Councillor Wilder - Stoney Point Library 78 Recommendation: Whereas Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore passed resolution 341-10-2021 to effectively close the physical library located in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches; Whereas the residents of Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches feel that they were not made aware of, consulted, or given an opportunity to voice their concerns, regarding the proposed changes to the levels of service for the library located in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches; Whereas the library in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches is an important community asset, which provides many vital services for the residents of Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches and surrounding areas; Whereas the library in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches has historically been well-used and has higher circulation statistics than other libraries in Essex County, which will remain physically open; Whereas new information has been provided to the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, which was not available at the time that resolution 341-10-2021 was passed; and Whereas the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, has the ability to keep the physical library open in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches. Now therefore be it resolved that resolution 341-10-2021 passed by the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore on October 26, 2021, is hereby rescinded; and Be it further resolved that the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore reconsider its previous decision to not provide a physical library with community space in Stoney Point / Pointe-aux-Roches, as identified in a report to the Council for the Municipality of Lakeshore, dated October 14, 2021 and considered at the meeting that occurred on October 26, 2021.
Deputy Mayor Bailey - Stoney Point Park 77 Recommendation: Direct Administration to bring a report outlining the cost of installing an AODA-compliant portable in Stoney Point Park.
Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Annual Review 64 Recommendation: Approve Council Policy – Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy CAD-331 as part of the annual review process, as presented at the November 23, 2021 Council meeting and prepare the necessary by-law for adoption.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 100-2021 and 101-2021 be read a first and second time and provisionally adopted; By-laws 86-2021 and 87-2021 be read a third and adopted; and By-laws 107-2021, 108-2021 and 109-2021 be read and passed in open session on November 23, 2021. 1. By-law 86-2021, Being a By-law for the Access Bridge Replacement over the Ellis Drain 80 2. By-law 87-2021, Being a By-law for the South Talbot Road Bridge Over the Hyland Drain 81 3. By-law 100-2021, Being a By-law for the Charron line Drain (171 County Road 22 Bridge) 82 4. By-law 101-2021, Being a By-law for the Chauvin-Blanchette Drain & the Kennedy Drain 83 5. By-law 107-2021, Being a By-law to Adopt of Preservation of Tree Canopy and Vegetation Policy 84 6. By-law 108-2021, Being a By-law to Authorize the Use of Optical Scan Vote Tabulators and Accessible Voting Equipment for the 2022 Municipal Elections 88 7. By-law 109-2021, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council for the November 9, 2021 Meeting
19. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations, relating to employees. b. Paragraph 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations, relating to a compensation request and compensation review for volunteer firefighters. c. Paragraph 239(2)(d), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing labour relations or employee negotiations, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and positions and plans to be applied to negotiations to be carried on by the Municipality relating to collective bargaining. d. Paragraph 239(2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation before the Ontario Land Tribunal and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege regarding Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal of Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-9-2020 (1654 Manning Road). e. Paragraph 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition of land in Lighthouse Cove. 20. Adjournment