3. Return to Open Session If the closed session is finished prior to 6:00 PM, Council will continue with thematters listed on the open session agenda and return to the public meetings at6:00 PM. 4. Land Acknowledgement 5. Moment of Reflection
Mailloux Construction Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Recommendation: Adopt Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-1-2020, being OPANo. 17, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, concerning a portion of land,municipally known as 3810 Tecumseh Road (County Road 2) and 0Tecumseh Road (County Road 2) and to adopt the implementing by-law(By-law 47-2022); and submit the amendment to the County of Essexfor approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-22-2020, torezone a portion of 0 Tecumseh Road (County Road 2), CON BF PTLOT 3 RP 12R12257Part 1, as shown on Schedule A of theimplementing By-law 48-2022 from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘RuralCommercial/Employment Zone Exception 12 (CR-12)’ all as presentedat the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-7-2022, Gerard and Jonann Vandendiepstraten Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-7-2022 to remove the Holding Symbol (h6) from the lands known municipally as 565 Markham Drive and legally described as Lot 482, Plan 1620, Tilbury North; Part of Lots 481 & 483, Plan 1620, Tilbury North as in R1520151; subject to R455285; Lakeshore; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 54-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-3-2022 – 2110 Manning Road Recommendation: Approve Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-3- 2022 (By-law 55-2022, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to permit a transport terminal to continue operation on the subject property until June 18, 2023, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Public Meeting for Tracey Estates Phase 3 Comber Recommendation: Direct Administration to notify the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan approval for the Tracey Estates Subdivision Phase 3 as described in the report “Public Meeting for Tracey Estates Subdivision Phase 3, Comber” presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting; and, Direct Administration to forward any comments from the public meeting to the County of Essex.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 41-2022, 42-2022, 47-2022, 48-2022, 52-2022, 54-2022, 55-2022, 56-2022, 57-2022 and 58-2022 be read and passed in open session on May 31, 2022. 1. By-law 41-2022, Being a By-law to Stop Up, Close and Declare Surplus an Alley on Alley Plan 160, RochesterThis item has attachments. 2. By-law 42-2022, Being a By-law to Stop Up, Close and Declare Surplus an Alley on Alley Plan 284, TilburyThis item has attachments. 3. By-law 47-2022, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 17 to the Lakeshore Official Plan (3810 & 0 Tecumseh Road)This item has attachments. 4. By-law 48-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-22-2020)This item has attachments. 5. By-law 52-2022, Being a By-law to Adopt a Disconnect from Work Policy for the Municipality of LakeshoreThis item has attachments. 6. By-law 54-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-7-2022)This item has attachments. 7. By-law 55-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-3-2022)This item has attachments. 8. By-law 56-2022, Being a By-law to Amend By-Law 89-2020, Respecting Development ChargesThis item has attachments. 9. By-law 57-2022, Being a By-law to Adopt a Sports Field Allocation PolicyThis item has attachments. 10. By-law 58-2022, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for April 21, April 26, May 3 and May 10, 2022This item has attachments.
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award for Six VehiclesThis item has attachments. Recommendation: Award the vehicle tender contract to Lally Ford Sales in the total amount of $276,869.02 including applicable HST for the purchase of two 2022 Sports Utility Vehicles and four 2022 pickups trucks, with a total budget overage of $14,869.02 including applicable HST to be funded from both the vehicle & equipment reserve ($12,884.92) and the water reserve ($1,984.10), as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Award for Professional Services for Comber Sideroad Watermain ReplacementThis item has attachments. Recommendation: Award for Professional Services for Comber Sideroad Watermain Replacement to TYLin International Canada Inc. at a total cost of $260,307.17 including applicable HST, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting
Lakeshore Crest Recommendation: Direct Administration to proceed with Option 1 – Use of Lakeshore Logo to be used on the County of Essex Warden’s Chain of Office, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting. 22. Adjournment
3. Return to Open Session If the closed session is finished prior to 6:00 PM, Council will continue with thematters listed on the open session agenda and return to the public meetings at6:00 PM. 4. Land Acknowledgement 5. Moment of Reflection
Mailloux Construction Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Recommendation: Adopt Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-1-2020, being OPANo. 17, in the Municipality of Lakeshore, concerning a portion of land,municipally known as 3810 Tecumseh Road (County Road 2) and 0Tecumseh Road (County Road 2) and to adopt the implementing by-law(By-law 47-2022); and submit the amendment to the County of Essexfor approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-22-2020, torezone a portion of 0 Tecumseh Road (County Road 2), CON BF PTLOT 3 RP 12R12257Part 1, as shown on Schedule A of theimplementing By-law 48-2022 from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘RuralCommercial/Employment Zone Exception 12 (CR-12)’ all as presentedat the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-7-2022, Gerard and Jonann Vandendiepstraten Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-7-2022 to remove the Holding Symbol (h6) from the lands known municipally as 565 Markham Drive and legally described as Lot 482, Plan 1620, Tilbury North; Part of Lots 481 & 483, Plan 1620, Tilbury North as in R1520151; subject to R455285; Lakeshore; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 54-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-3-2022 – 2110 Manning Road Recommendation: Approve Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-3- 2022 (By-law 55-2022, Municipality of Lakeshore By-law 2-2012, as amended), to permit a transport terminal to continue operation on the subject property until June 18, 2023, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Public Meeting for Tracey Estates Phase 3 Comber Recommendation: Direct Administration to notify the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan approval for the Tracey Estates Subdivision Phase 3 as described in the report “Public Meeting for Tracey Estates Subdivision Phase 3, Comber” presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting; and, Direct Administration to forward any comments from the public meeting to the County of Essex.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 41-2022, 42-2022, 47-2022, 48-2022, 52-2022, 54-2022, 55-2022, 56-2022, 57-2022 and 58-2022 be read and passed in open session on May 31, 2022. 1. By-law 41-2022, Being a By-law to Stop Up, Close and Declare Surplus an Alley on Alley Plan 160, RochesterThis item has attachments. 2. By-law 42-2022, Being a By-law to Stop Up, Close and Declare Surplus an Alley on Alley Plan 284, TilburyThis item has attachments. 3. By-law 47-2022, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 17 to the Lakeshore Official Plan (3810 & 0 Tecumseh Road)This item has attachments. 4. By-law 48-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-22-2020)This item has attachments. 5. By-law 52-2022, Being a By-law to Adopt a Disconnect from Work Policy for the Municipality of LakeshoreThis item has attachments. 6. By-law 54-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-7-2022)This item has attachments. 7. By-law 55-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-3-2022)This item has attachments. 8. By-law 56-2022, Being a By-law to Amend By-Law 89-2020, Respecting Development ChargesThis item has attachments. 9. By-law 57-2022, Being a By-law to Adopt a Sports Field Allocation PolicyThis item has attachments. 10. By-law 58-2022, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for April 21, April 26, May 3 and May 10, 2022This item has attachments.
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award for Six VehiclesThis item has attachments. Recommendation: Award the vehicle tender contract to Lally Ford Sales in the total amount of $276,869.02 including applicable HST for the purchase of two 2022 Sports Utility Vehicles and four 2022 pickups trucks, with a total budget overage of $14,869.02 including applicable HST to be funded from both the vehicle & equipment reserve ($12,884.92) and the water reserve ($1,984.10), as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting.
Award for Professional Services for Comber Sideroad Watermain ReplacementThis item has attachments. Recommendation: Award for Professional Services for Comber Sideroad Watermain Replacement to TYLin International Canada Inc. at a total cost of $260,307.17 including applicable HST, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting
Lakeshore Crest Recommendation: Direct Administration to proceed with Option 1 – Use of Lakeshore Logo to be used on the County of Essex Warden’s Chain of Office, as presented at the May 31, 2022 Council meeting. 22. Adjournment