*This meeting was joined in progress* Completion of Unfinished Business from June 28, 2022 1. Delegations 1. Active School Travel Charter 8 Recommendation: Endorse and adopt the Windsor-Essex County Active School Travel Charter and direct the Clerk to advise the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council Meeting. 1. Kevin Morse and Eric Nadalin, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-6-2022, Jean-Marc and Catherine Beneteau 23 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-6-2022 to remove the Holding Symbol (h9) from the lands legally described as Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, East of Belle River, Rochester designated as Parts 5-10, 14-65, 69-75 and 77 on Plan RD 131, being all of the Property Identifier Numbers 75028-0120 to 75028-0185 (LT), to remove the requirement that a subdivision agreement be executed by the owner and the development receive final approval by the County of Essex; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 40-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 1. Jean-Marc Beneteau, Applicant 2. Jeff Lessard 3. Robert Tellier - Presentation of Petition - Side Driveway at 226 Willow Wood Drive 2. Completion of Unfinished Business from June 14, 2022 1. Reports for Information 1. Council Chambers Update 32 Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information. 2. Reports for Direction 1. ATRC Room 010 – Request for Proposal 35 Recommendation: Direct Administration to issue a request for proposal for the commercial use of ATRC Room 010 – Pro Shop, to be leased in 2023, as presented in the July 6, 2022 report to Council. 3. Consent Agenda Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. April 21, 2022 Special Council Meeting Minutes 37 2. April 26, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 43 3. May 3, 2022 Special Council Meeting Minutes 54 4. May 10, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 59 5. May 31, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 69 6. Petition - Side Driveway at 226 Willow Wood Drive 79 7. Town of Essex - Values Influence Peer Program 80 8. Municipal Engineers Association - Retention of Professional Engineers 83 4. Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Council Requested Report Tracking - June 2022 85 5. Reports for Direction 1. Award for Professional Services for the County Road 22 Watermain Replacement 89 Recommendation: Award the contract for Professional Services for the Country Road 22 Watermain Replacement to Stantec Consulting Ltd. at a total cost of $264,576.00 including applicable HST, as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 2. Extension of the Expiry of Part Lot Control Exemption for Moceri Subdivision (37-T-07002), Jack Moceri & Sons Contracting Ltd., PLC-2-2022 92 Recommendation: Approve the application to extend Part Lot Control exemption for Blocks 1, 2, and 3 on Plan 12M640 in the Municipality of Lakeshore as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 65-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”. 3. 2021 Year End (Q4) Budget to Actual Summaries and Transfers 99 Recommendation: Receive the report regarding the 2021 Year End Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,498,110 for the year ended December 31, 2021; Approve a transfer of $104,962 to the Assessment Stabilization Reserve; Approve a transfer of $643,851 to the Working Funds Reserve; Approve a transfer of $643,851 to the Contingency Reserve; Approve a transfer of $105,445 to the Insurance Reserve; Approve a transfer of $56,911 to the Building Services – Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2021 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2021 Building Services Statement; Approve a transfer of $430,310 representing a surplus from Water operations for the year ended December 31, 2021 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund; and Approve a transfer of $573,117 representing a surplus from Wastewater (sanitary sewer) operations for the year ended December 31, 2021 to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund, all as described in the July 6,2022 Council meeting report. 4. Campground Licensing 122 Recommendation: Direct Administration to undertake a public consultation process with residents and local stakeholders in 2023 regarding the use and regulation of campgrounds, including draft by-law provisions for comment relating to an annual licence structure and restricted period of operation of the campground (Option 1A), as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 6. Announcements by Mayor 7. Reports from County Council Representatives 8. Report from Closed Session 9. Notices of Motion 1. Councillor Santarossa - Parks and Recreation Master Plan 126 Recommendation: Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore values parkland development in service of residents across the Municipality; Whereas parkland development and investment should be reflective of the changes we are seeing in our communities and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan was developed in 2017; And whereas Lakeshore is currently reviewing the Parkland Dedication fees and funding structures required to develop parkland; Therefore, be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore request that the 2023 budget include funding to review and update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and develop a related Implementation Plan that references available studies, new population and growth data and relevant fee structures. 2. Councillor Santarossa - Flexible Work Opportunities 127 Recommendation: Whereas 56% of public administration employees in Canada worked from home between April 2020 and June 2021; And Whereas 75.7% of employees working from home in Windsor-Essex that responded to a local survey described working from home as either a very positive or positive change; And whereas that same survey indicated that 84% of respondents would choose to keep working remotely if possible, and 72.5% of respondents indicated that they would apply to jobs because they list remote work environments; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has growing staffing needs and space constraints, with a desire to ensure Lakeshore becomes an employer of choice; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has completed a Service Delivery Review; Organizational Review; and Lakeshore Council has received reports on recruitment challenges, retention challenges and recently on culture strategy; And whereas municipalities across Ontario are bringing forward new ways to maintain and improve levels of service by means of providing flexible work schedules, hybrid work environments, compressed work weeks and more; Whereas the recently adopted Disconnect from Work Policy speaks to giving employees the right to disconnect from work outside of normal working hours, which could be affected by flexible scheduling; Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore direct administration to bring a report back to Council through the implementation phases of the Culture Strategy that identifies opportunities to explore and implement items such as flexible scheduling, hybrid work environments, compressed work weeks, etc that support a maintained or increased level of service for residents in Lakeshore. Page 6 of 133 3. Councillor McKinlay - Amendment to Noise By-law 128 Recommendation: Due to the unprecedented ability for noise to travel over water; Administration prepare an amendment to the noise bylaw to prohibit amplified music outdoors at marinas and commercial properties on the waterfront. 10. Question Period 11. Non-Agenda Business 12. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 40-2022, 58-2022, 63-2022 and 65-2022 be read and passed in open session on July 6, 2022. 1. By-law 58-2022, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for April 21, April 26, May 3 and May 10, 2022 129 2. By-law 65-2022, Being a By-law to extend the Time Period for Part Lot Control By-law 78-2019 for Blocks 1, 2, and 3, Plan 12M-640, in the former Community of Maidstone, now in the Municipality of Lakeshore (PLC-1-2019) 130 3. By-law 40-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-6-2022)
*This meeting was joined in progress* Completion of Unfinished Business from June 28, 2022 1. Delegations 1. Active School Travel Charter 8 Recommendation: Endorse and adopt the Windsor-Essex County Active School Travel Charter and direct the Clerk to advise the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council Meeting. 1. Kevin Morse and Eric Nadalin, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-6-2022, Jean-Marc and Catherine Beneteau 23 Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-6-2022 to remove the Holding Symbol (h9) from the lands legally described as Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, East of Belle River, Rochester designated as Parts 5-10, 14-65, 69-75 and 77 on Plan RD 131, being all of the Property Identifier Numbers 75028-0120 to 75028-0185 (LT), to remove the requirement that a subdivision agreement be executed by the owner and the development receive final approval by the County of Essex; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 40-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 1. Jean-Marc Beneteau, Applicant 2. Jeff Lessard 3. Robert Tellier - Presentation of Petition - Side Driveway at 226 Willow Wood Drive 2. Completion of Unfinished Business from June 14, 2022 1. Reports for Information 1. Council Chambers Update 32 Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information. 2. Reports for Direction 1. ATRC Room 010 – Request for Proposal 35 Recommendation: Direct Administration to issue a request for proposal for the commercial use of ATRC Room 010 – Pro Shop, to be leased in 2023, as presented in the July 6, 2022 report to Council. 3. Consent Agenda Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meetings and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. April 21, 2022 Special Council Meeting Minutes 37 2. April 26, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 43 3. May 3, 2022 Special Council Meeting Minutes 54 4. May 10, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 59 5. May 31, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 69 6. Petition - Side Driveway at 226 Willow Wood Drive 79 7. Town of Essex - Values Influence Peer Program 80 8. Municipal Engineers Association - Retention of Professional Engineers 83 4. Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Council Requested Report Tracking - June 2022 85 5. Reports for Direction 1. Award for Professional Services for the County Road 22 Watermain Replacement 89 Recommendation: Award the contract for Professional Services for the Country Road 22 Watermain Replacement to Stantec Consulting Ltd. at a total cost of $264,576.00 including applicable HST, as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 2. Extension of the Expiry of Part Lot Control Exemption for Moceri Subdivision (37-T-07002), Jack Moceri & Sons Contracting Ltd., PLC-2-2022 92 Recommendation: Approve the application to extend Part Lot Control exemption for Blocks 1, 2, and 3 on Plan 12M640 in the Municipality of Lakeshore as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 65-2022 during the “Consideration of By-laws”. 3. 2021 Year End (Q4) Budget to Actual Summaries and Transfers 99 Recommendation: Receive the report regarding the 2021 Year End Variances for the general (taxation funded), wastewater (sanitary sewer) and water funds; Approve the taxation supported surplus of $1,498,110 for the year ended December 31, 2021; Approve a transfer of $104,962 to the Assessment Stabilization Reserve; Approve a transfer of $643,851 to the Working Funds Reserve; Approve a transfer of $643,851 to the Contingency Reserve; Approve a transfer of $105,445 to the Insurance Reserve; Approve a transfer of $56,911 to the Building Services – Operating reserve fund to transfer the 2021 Accumulated Net Surplus per the draft 2021 Building Services Statement; Approve a transfer of $430,310 representing a surplus from Water operations for the year ended December 31, 2021 be transferred to the Water Reserve Fund; and Approve a transfer of $573,117 representing a surplus from Wastewater (sanitary sewer) operations for the year ended December 31, 2021 to the Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Reserve Fund, all as described in the July 6,2022 Council meeting report. 4. Campground Licensing 122 Recommendation: Direct Administration to undertake a public consultation process with residents and local stakeholders in 2023 regarding the use and regulation of campgrounds, including draft by-law provisions for comment relating to an annual licence structure and restricted period of operation of the campground (Option 1A), as presented at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting. 6. Announcements by Mayor 7. Reports from County Council Representatives 8. Report from Closed Session 9. Notices of Motion 1. Councillor Santarossa - Parks and Recreation Master Plan 126 Recommendation: Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore values parkland development in service of residents across the Municipality; Whereas parkland development and investment should be reflective of the changes we are seeing in our communities and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan was developed in 2017; And whereas Lakeshore is currently reviewing the Parkland Dedication fees and funding structures required to develop parkland; Therefore, be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore request that the 2023 budget include funding to review and update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and develop a related Implementation Plan that references available studies, new population and growth data and relevant fee structures. 2. Councillor Santarossa - Flexible Work Opportunities 127 Recommendation: Whereas 56% of public administration employees in Canada worked from home between April 2020 and June 2021; And Whereas 75.7% of employees working from home in Windsor-Essex that responded to a local survey described working from home as either a very positive or positive change; And whereas that same survey indicated that 84% of respondents would choose to keep working remotely if possible, and 72.5% of respondents indicated that they would apply to jobs because they list remote work environments; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has growing staffing needs and space constraints, with a desire to ensure Lakeshore becomes an employer of choice; And whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has completed a Service Delivery Review; Organizational Review; and Lakeshore Council has received reports on recruitment challenges, retention challenges and recently on culture strategy; And whereas municipalities across Ontario are bringing forward new ways to maintain and improve levels of service by means of providing flexible work schedules, hybrid work environments, compressed work weeks and more; Whereas the recently adopted Disconnect from Work Policy speaks to giving employees the right to disconnect from work outside of normal working hours, which could be affected by flexible scheduling; Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore direct administration to bring a report back to Council through the implementation phases of the Culture Strategy that identifies opportunities to explore and implement items such as flexible scheduling, hybrid work environments, compressed work weeks, etc that support a maintained or increased level of service for residents in Lakeshore. Page 6 of 133 3. Councillor McKinlay - Amendment to Noise By-law 128 Recommendation: Due to the unprecedented ability for noise to travel over water; Administration prepare an amendment to the noise bylaw to prohibit amplified music outdoors at marinas and commercial properties on the waterfront. 10. Question Period 11. Non-Agenda Business 12. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 40-2022, 58-2022, 63-2022 and 65-2022 be read and passed in open session on July 6, 2022. 1. By-law 58-2022, Being a By-law to Confirm Proceedings of Council for April 21, April 26, May 3 and May 10, 2022 129 2. By-law 65-2022, Being a By-law to extend the Time Period for Part Lot Control By-law 78-2019 for Blocks 1, 2, and 3, Plan 12M-640, in the former Community of Maidstone, now in the Municipality of Lakeshore (PLC-1-2019) 130 3. By-law 40-2022, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-6-2022)