1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Moment of Reflection 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
5. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of educating and training members in relation to budgeting, planning and infrastructure. b. Paragraph 239(2)(e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality, advice that is subject to solicitorclient privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality regarding the Amy Croft area. 6. Adjournment
1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Moment of Reflection 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
5. Closed Session Recommendation: Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with: a. Paragraph 239(3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of educating and training members in relation to budgeting, planning and infrastructure. b. Paragraph 239(2)(e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality, advice that is subject to solicitorclient privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality regarding the Amy Croft area. 6. Adjournment