Delegations IESO Municipal Support Resolutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems Facilities Recommendation: Whereas the Proponent, [insert legal name of Proponent], is proposing to construct and operate a Long-Term Reliability Project named [insert name of long-term reliability project] at the Project Site which is located on the Subject Lands described as [insert legal description of the lands] in the Municipality of Lakeshore] in accordance with the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) E - LT1 and LT1 Request for Proposals process; And whereas the Long-Term Reliability Project will use the Technology which is [insert technology of the long-term reliability project] and the Project is expected to have a Maximum Contract Capacity of [insert the maximum Contract Capacity in MW]; And whereas it is the Municipality of Lakeshore’s understanding that Long-Term Reliability Project proposals that receive the formal support of the local jurisdictional authorities of all the project communities in which the Long-Term Reliability Project is located in the form of a support resolution will be awarded rated criteria points for the purpose of ranking the proposal in relation to other proposals for a contract under the ELT1 RFP and LT1 RFP; Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore resolves that: The Municipality of Lakeshore supports the development, construction and operation of the Long-Term Reliability Project on the Subject Lands; This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Proponent to receive rated criteria points under E-LT1 RFP and LT1 RFP or to satisfy its obligations under any awarded E-LT1 or LT1 Contract and may not be used for any other form of approval in relation to a proposal or Long-Term Reliability Project, planning approval, to satisfy environmental requirements or the process, or for any other purpose; and This approval is subject to individual Environmental Assessment reviews and land use planning review and approval pursuant to the Planning Act, all as presented at the January 10, 2023 Regular Council Meeting. (As noted on page 10, Administration recommends approval of projects #2 to #16 and that Council support a resolution for each recommended project). 1. Chris Del Greco - Under Sun Acres Green Energy project 2. Sean McCloskey - Rochester Townline Energy Storage Project 3. Marnie Dawson - Tilbury North Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Tilbury South Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects 4. Simon Laroche and Nick Best - Comber Battery Storage Project 5. William Colucci - Richardson Storage Project 6. Lauren McLeod - Four Railroads BESS, Shore Breeze BESS, Lakeshore Harvest BESS and South Shore BESS projects 7. Henry Hawkins - Comber BESS, Tilbury BESS and Belle River BESS projects 8. Jared Sproule - Essex BESS 9. Jonathan Sandler and Paul Merkur - Southwest Ontario Energy Storage Project 10. James Marzotto and Jonathan Cheszes - Belle River BESS 7 project
Large Scale Greenhouse Facility Study Update 67 Recommendation: Receive the draft Large Scale Greenhouse Facility Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, appended as Attachments 1 and 2, to this report. Direct Administration to circulate the amendments for comment and prepare a final version of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, to be presented at a future Council meeting, as presented at the January 10, 2023 Council meeting. 1. Tom Storey, Storey Samways Planning Ltd.
1. 2023 Draft Budget Recommendation: This report is provided for information and will be presented for direction for deliberation at the January 30, 2022 budget deliberation meeting. 1. Presentation by Corporate Leader - Chief Financial Officer
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. December 13, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of Cambridge - Opposition to Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster 3. City of Kingston - Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster 4. City of Kingston - Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 5. Municipality of Centre Hastings - Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act 6. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry - Changes to Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act 7. Municipality of Greenstone - Expansion of Bill 3
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. 2023 Fire Department Training Budget Request Information 2. Rat Abatement Pilot Project 3. Bell Box Murals Project 4. Digital Transformation Strategy Update 5. 2022 Municipal Election Accessibility Report
Reports for Direction Appointments to the Business Improvement Area Board of Management Recommendation: The following individuals are appointed Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term of Council or until their successors are appointed and subject to each person maintaining eligibility: Jay Coulter, Ryley Gwilliam, Moe Mailloux, Charlie Maitre, Kristy Osborne, Lynn Pike, Sarah Regan, Tina Roy, Cole Rymerson, Shawn Sauve, and Travis Turkington.
Giorgi Subdivision Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 7-2023, during the “Consideration of Bylaws” to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement with the Owners for the Giorgi Subdivision as presented at the January 10, 2023 Council meeting.
Second Evacuation Chair for Council Chambers Recommendation: Approve the request from the Accessibility Advisory Committee to purchase one additional evacuation chair for Council Chambers, and that the amount of $2,595 plus HST be included for consideration in the 2023 Budget process.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 3-2023, 4-2023, 5-2023, 6-2023 and 7-2023 be read and passed in open session on January 10, 2023. 1. By-law 3-2023, Being a By-law to Authorize Temporary Borrowing from Time to Time to Meet Current Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023 2. By-law 4-2023, Being a By-law to Raise $2,000,000 to Aid in the Construction of Drainage Works under the Tile Drainage Act 3. By-law 5-2023, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 98-2020 being a By-law to Delegate Authority to the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Agreement for the Provision of Police Services 4. By-law 6-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the December 13, 2022 Council Meeting 5. By-law 7-2023, Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement pertaining to Ridge Capital Group Inc. & Giorgi Developments Inc. (Giorgi Subdivision) 22. Adjournment
Delegations IESO Municipal Support Resolutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems Facilities Recommendation: Whereas the Proponent, [insert legal name of Proponent], is proposing to construct and operate a Long-Term Reliability Project named [insert name of long-term reliability project] at the Project Site which is located on the Subject Lands described as [insert legal description of the lands] in the Municipality of Lakeshore] in accordance with the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) E - LT1 and LT1 Request for Proposals process; And whereas the Long-Term Reliability Project will use the Technology which is [insert technology of the long-term reliability project] and the Project is expected to have a Maximum Contract Capacity of [insert the maximum Contract Capacity in MW]; And whereas it is the Municipality of Lakeshore’s understanding that Long-Term Reliability Project proposals that receive the formal support of the local jurisdictional authorities of all the project communities in which the Long-Term Reliability Project is located in the form of a support resolution will be awarded rated criteria points for the purpose of ranking the proposal in relation to other proposals for a contract under the ELT1 RFP and LT1 RFP; Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore resolves that: The Municipality of Lakeshore supports the development, construction and operation of the Long-Term Reliability Project on the Subject Lands; This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Proponent to receive rated criteria points under E-LT1 RFP and LT1 RFP or to satisfy its obligations under any awarded E-LT1 or LT1 Contract and may not be used for any other form of approval in relation to a proposal or Long-Term Reliability Project, planning approval, to satisfy environmental requirements or the process, or for any other purpose; and This approval is subject to individual Environmental Assessment reviews and land use planning review and approval pursuant to the Planning Act, all as presented at the January 10, 2023 Regular Council Meeting. (As noted on page 10, Administration recommends approval of projects #2 to #16 and that Council support a resolution for each recommended project). 1. Chris Del Greco - Under Sun Acres Green Energy project 2. Sean McCloskey - Rochester Townline Energy Storage Project 3. Marnie Dawson - Tilbury North Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Tilbury South Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects 4. Simon Laroche and Nick Best - Comber Battery Storage Project 5. William Colucci - Richardson Storage Project 6. Lauren McLeod - Four Railroads BESS, Shore Breeze BESS, Lakeshore Harvest BESS and South Shore BESS projects 7. Henry Hawkins - Comber BESS, Tilbury BESS and Belle River BESS projects 8. Jared Sproule - Essex BESS 9. Jonathan Sandler and Paul Merkur - Southwest Ontario Energy Storage Project 10. James Marzotto and Jonathan Cheszes - Belle River BESS 7 project
Large Scale Greenhouse Facility Study Update 67 Recommendation: Receive the draft Large Scale Greenhouse Facility Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, appended as Attachments 1 and 2, to this report. Direct Administration to circulate the amendments for comment and prepare a final version of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, to be presented at a future Council meeting, as presented at the January 10, 2023 Council meeting. 1. Tom Storey, Storey Samways Planning Ltd.
1. 2023 Draft Budget Recommendation: This report is provided for information and will be presented for direction for deliberation at the January 30, 2022 budget deliberation meeting. 1. Presentation by Corporate Leader - Chief Financial Officer
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. December 13, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. City of Cambridge - Opposition to Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster 3. City of Kingston - Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster 4. City of Kingston - Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 5. Municipality of Centre Hastings - Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act 6. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry - Changes to Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act 7. Municipality of Greenstone - Expansion of Bill 3
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. 2023 Fire Department Training Budget Request Information 2. Rat Abatement Pilot Project 3. Bell Box Murals Project 4. Digital Transformation Strategy Update 5. 2022 Municipal Election Accessibility Report
Reports for Direction Appointments to the Business Improvement Area Board of Management Recommendation: The following individuals are appointed Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term of Council or until their successors are appointed and subject to each person maintaining eligibility: Jay Coulter, Ryley Gwilliam, Moe Mailloux, Charlie Maitre, Kristy Osborne, Lynn Pike, Sarah Regan, Tina Roy, Cole Rymerson, Shawn Sauve, and Travis Turkington.
Giorgi Subdivision Agreement Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 7-2023, during the “Consideration of Bylaws” to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement with the Owners for the Giorgi Subdivision as presented at the January 10, 2023 Council meeting.
Second Evacuation Chair for Council Chambers Recommendation: Approve the request from the Accessibility Advisory Committee to purchase one additional evacuation chair for Council Chambers, and that the amount of $2,595 plus HST be included for consideration in the 2023 Budget process.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 3-2023, 4-2023, 5-2023, 6-2023 and 7-2023 be read and passed in open session on January 10, 2023. 1. By-law 3-2023, Being a By-law to Authorize Temporary Borrowing from Time to Time to Meet Current Expenditures during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023 2. By-law 4-2023, Being a By-law to Raise $2,000,000 to Aid in the Construction of Drainage Works under the Tile Drainage Act 3. By-law 5-2023, Being a By-law to Amend By-law 98-2020 being a By-law to Delegate Authority to the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Agreement for the Provision of Police Services 4. By-law 6-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the December 13, 2022 Council Meeting 5. By-law 7-2023, Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement pertaining to Ridge Capital Group Inc. & Giorgi Developments Inc. (Giorgi Subdivision) 22. Adjournment