Public Meetings under the Planning Act Official Plan Amendment (OPA-01-2022) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-16-2022), 216, 218, 222 & 236 Renaud Line Rd and 1303 County Rd 22, Lakeshore MedArts 7 Recommendation: Adopt OPA No. 19 to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan (By-law 19-2023) being Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-01-2022, to permit an expansion of an existing Mixed Use development on lands municipally known as 216 Renaud Line Road, on lands indicated as the “Subject Lands” on the Key Map in Appendix B, and direct Administration to forward OPA No. 19 to the County of Essex for final approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Application ZBA-16-2022 (By-law 20-2023), on lands indicated as the “Subject Lands”, on the Key Map in Appendix B to amend lands located at 216 Renaud Line, shown in hatch, be rezoned from ‘Residential – Low Density (R1)’ to ‘Mixed Use – Zone Exception 27 (MU-27)’, and; Adopt the implementing by-law, all as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. February 14, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. Municipality of Shuniah Opposition to Bill 3 3. Municipality of West Nipissing - Bill 23 4. County of Essex - Bill 23 5. Town of Grimsby - Barriers for Women in Politics
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Council Requested Report Tracking - February 2023
Reports for Direction Commercial Greenhouse Farm Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Options 134 Recommendation: Adopt Official Plan Amendment OPA No. 18, to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan, to include policies to regulate Commercial Greenhouse Farms and to adopt the implementing by-law (By-law 1- 2023); and submit the amendment to the County of Essex for approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-01-2023, to add a definition of a Commercial Greenhouse Farm, and to remove it as a permitted use in the Agricultural zone and to adopt the implementing zoning by-law (By-law 2-2023) as set out in “Option 2” of the report presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting
2023 Budget – Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area 171 Recommendation: Approve the Budget as approved by the Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area Board for the year ending December 31, 2023.
Impacts to Engineering & Infrastructure Division related to Bill 23, Bill 109, and Consolidated Linear Infrastructure (CLI) Approvals 178 Recommendation: Delegate authority to the Corporate Leader – Operations for the purposes of making any application, including any future renewal, extension or amendment application, to the Province of Ontario for one or more Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approvals (CLI ECA), as required, for Municipality’s Municipal Sewage Collection System and Stormwater Management Systems, which delegation includes inclusion of terms and conditions, and the execution of any related instruments; Delegate authority to the Corporate Leader – Operations for the determination of any verifications, and imposition of terms and conditions for works to be undertaken in accordance with the CLI ECA(s); Approve and fund two FTE’s including a Team Leader – Development Engineering & Approvals and Engineering Technologist – Development; and Direct Administration to prepare the necessary by-law to amend Lakeshore’s User Fees By-Law to include the proposed Engineering Fees, as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
2023 Final Levy and Tax Rates 190 Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 17-2023 establishing the 2023 Municipal Tax Levy and Tax Rates, as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
2023 Lifecycle Fire Truck Purchase - Additional Funding Request 193 Recommendation: Approve the purchase a new fire pumper truck from City View Specialty Vehicles for $840,000; and Approve additional capital funding of $60,000 from the Fire Department Fleet and Equipment Reserves to support the lifecycle replacement, as further described in the report presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Adoption of an Electronic Signature Policy 198 Recommendation: Approve the Electronic Signature Policy; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 21-2023 during the Consideration of Bylaws, all as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Councillor Kerr - Parks Master Plan 205 Recommendation: Whereas in the current Parks Master Plan shade pavilions are not on the list of amenities for neighbourhood parks; And whereas when Lakeshore flyers went out to the St Clair Shores Neighbourhood Park area residents for their visioning input it had a picture of a shade pavilion on the front page; And whereas St Clair Park area residents put a shade pavilion on their list of amenities they would like during the visioning exercise; And whereas Council approved the shade pavilion for the St Clair Shores Park outside the neighbourhood amenity list; Now be it resolved that shade pavilions be added to the amenity list in the current Lakeshore Parks Master Plan for Neighbourhood parks.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 17-2023, 21-2023 and 22-2023 be read and passed in open session on February 28, 2023. 1. By-law 1-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 18 to the Lakeshore Official Plan 206 Page 5 of 243 2. By-law 2-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-01-2023) 218 3. By-law 17-2023, Being a By-law to Adopt the Tax Rates and to Provide for Penalty and Interest in Default of Payment for the year 2023 220 4. By-law 19-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 19 to the Lakeshore Official Plan 229 5. By-law 20-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2022) 235 6. By-law 21-2023, Being a By-law to Adopt an Electronic Signature Policy 237 7. By-law 22-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the February 14, 2023 Council Meetings 243 22. Adjournment
Public Meetings under the Planning Act Official Plan Amendment (OPA-01-2022) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-16-2022), 216, 218, 222 & 236 Renaud Line Rd and 1303 County Rd 22, Lakeshore MedArts 7 Recommendation: Adopt OPA No. 19 to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan (By-law 19-2023) being Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-01-2022, to permit an expansion of an existing Mixed Use development on lands municipally known as 216 Renaud Line Road, on lands indicated as the “Subject Lands” on the Key Map in Appendix B, and direct Administration to forward OPA No. 19 to the County of Essex for final approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Application ZBA-16-2022 (By-law 20-2023), on lands indicated as the “Subject Lands”, on the Key Map in Appendix B to amend lands located at 216 Renaud Line, shown in hatch, be rezoned from ‘Residential – Low Density (R1)’ to ‘Mixed Use – Zone Exception 27 (MU-27)’, and; Adopt the implementing by-law, all as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda. 1. February 14, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2. Municipality of Shuniah Opposition to Bill 3 3. Municipality of West Nipissing - Bill 23 4. County of Essex - Bill 23 5. Town of Grimsby - Barriers for Women in Politics
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. Council Requested Report Tracking - February 2023
Reports for Direction Commercial Greenhouse Farm Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Options 134 Recommendation: Adopt Official Plan Amendment OPA No. 18, to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan, to include policies to regulate Commercial Greenhouse Farms and to adopt the implementing by-law (By-law 1- 2023); and submit the amendment to the County of Essex for approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-01-2023, to add a definition of a Commercial Greenhouse Farm, and to remove it as a permitted use in the Agricultural zone and to adopt the implementing zoning by-law (By-law 2-2023) as set out in “Option 2” of the report presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting
2023 Budget – Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area 171 Recommendation: Approve the Budget as approved by the Belle River on the Lake Business Improvement Area Board for the year ending December 31, 2023.
Impacts to Engineering & Infrastructure Division related to Bill 23, Bill 109, and Consolidated Linear Infrastructure (CLI) Approvals 178 Recommendation: Delegate authority to the Corporate Leader – Operations for the purposes of making any application, including any future renewal, extension or amendment application, to the Province of Ontario for one or more Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approvals (CLI ECA), as required, for Municipality’s Municipal Sewage Collection System and Stormwater Management Systems, which delegation includes inclusion of terms and conditions, and the execution of any related instruments; Delegate authority to the Corporate Leader – Operations for the determination of any verifications, and imposition of terms and conditions for works to be undertaken in accordance with the CLI ECA(s); Approve and fund two FTE’s including a Team Leader – Development Engineering & Approvals and Engineering Technologist – Development; and Direct Administration to prepare the necessary by-law to amend Lakeshore’s User Fees By-Law to include the proposed Engineering Fees, as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
2023 Final Levy and Tax Rates 190 Recommendation: Direct the Clerk to read By-law 17-2023 establishing the 2023 Municipal Tax Levy and Tax Rates, as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
2023 Lifecycle Fire Truck Purchase - Additional Funding Request 193 Recommendation: Approve the purchase a new fire pumper truck from City View Specialty Vehicles for $840,000; and Approve additional capital funding of $60,000 from the Fire Department Fleet and Equipment Reserves to support the lifecycle replacement, as further described in the report presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Adoption of an Electronic Signature Policy 198 Recommendation: Approve the Electronic Signature Policy; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 21-2023 during the Consideration of Bylaws, all as presented at the February 28, 2023 Council meeting.
Notices of Motion Councillor Kerr - Parks Master Plan 205 Recommendation: Whereas in the current Parks Master Plan shade pavilions are not on the list of amenities for neighbourhood parks; And whereas when Lakeshore flyers went out to the St Clair Shores Neighbourhood Park area residents for their visioning input it had a picture of a shade pavilion on the front page; And whereas St Clair Park area residents put a shade pavilion on their list of amenities they would like during the visioning exercise; And whereas Council approved the shade pavilion for the St Clair Shores Park outside the neighbourhood amenity list; Now be it resolved that shade pavilions be added to the amenity list in the current Lakeshore Parks Master Plan for Neighbourhood parks.
Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 17-2023, 21-2023 and 22-2023 be read and passed in open session on February 28, 2023. 1. By-law 1-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 18 to the Lakeshore Official Plan 206 Page 5 of 243 2. By-law 2-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-01-2023) 218 3. By-law 17-2023, Being a By-law to Adopt the Tax Rates and to Provide for Penalty and Interest in Default of Payment for the year 2023 220 4. By-law 19-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 19 to the Lakeshore Official Plan 229 5. By-law 20-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-16-2022) 235 6. By-law 21-2023, Being a By-law to Adopt an Electronic Signature Policy 237 7. By-law 22-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the February 14, 2023 Council Meetings 243 22. Adjournment