3. Return to Open Session Note: if the closed session is complete before 6:00 PM, a recess will be called until 6:00 PM and the open session will resume at that time. Should the closed session still be in session at 6:00 PM, the open session will resume once the closed session is complete. 4. Land Acknowledgement 5. Moment of Reflection
File ZBA-07-2023 Removal of Holding Symbol for the Giorgi Subdivision, 347 Renaud Line Road Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-07-2023 to remove the holding symbol (h4) on lands known municipally as 347 Renaud Line Road zoned ‘Residential – Medium Density Holding (R2(h4))’; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 24-2023 during the “Consideration of Bylaws”, all as presented at the April 4, 2023, Council meeting.
OPA No. 20 Official Plan Application OPA-2-2018 & Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-20-2014 for a Soil Management Facility by 2438305 ONTARIO LIMITED at 0 Manning Road (County Road 19), ARN 375122000002640 Recommendation: Adopt OPA No. 20 to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan (By-law 29-2023) being Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-2-2018, to remove the reference of rail related uses within the site specific policy area Maidstone Rail-Related Employment Area, to permit a soil management facility to operate on lands known as ARN 375122000002640, and direct Administration to forward OPA No. 20 to the County of Essex for approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Application ZBA-20-2014 (By-law 30-2023), to amend the wording of the site specific zone ‘General Employment Zone Exception 2 (M1-2) (h2)’ to: a) add the site specific use of a non-effluent formal operation of a Class 1 soil management facility as a permitted use, and; b) remove the reference to “that have a dependency on the rail line, rail related storage facilities”, and; Direct the Clerk to read By-laws 29-2023 and 30-2023 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the April 4, 2023 regular Council meeting.
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda; and Endorse the appointments of Dennis Rogers and Frank Garardo to the Essex Region Source Protection Committee. 1. March 21, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 137 2. Town of Cobourg - Homeless and Unsheltered Persons 144 3. Town of Essex - Reinstatement of Legislative Permitting Municipality to 148 Retain Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales 4. Town of Essex - Tax Classification of Short-Term Rental Units 150 5. Township of South Glengarry - Accuracy of Voters List 152 6. Township of South Glengarry - Barriers for Women in Politics 153 7. Essex Region Conservation - Source Protection Committee 154 Endorsement
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. 2022 Drinking Water Annual Summary Reports 156 2. Community Benefits Charge Feasibility Assessment 191
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award - 2023 Supply and Place Gravel Program 220 Recommendation: Award the 2023 Supply and Place Gravel Program to Shepley Excavating & Road Maintenance Ltd. in the amount of $408,133.92, as per Option 1 with the excess amount of $33,133.92, funded from the road reserve, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. Page 3 of 250 2. Tender Award – Stormwater Management Facility Sediment Removal 225 and Maintenance Recommendation: Award the tender for the Stormwater Management Facility Sediment Removal and Maintenance to Nevan Construction Inc. for a total project cost of $403,727.71 including applicable HST, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council Meeting. 3. Request for Designation of Municipally Significant Event – Lighthouse Cove & District Lions Club – June 17, 2023 Recommendation: Designate the Lighthouse Cove & District Lions Club fundraising event, scheduled for Saturday, June 17, 2023 at the property municipally known as 17845 Melody Drive (also known as 999 Quennville Drive), as “municipally significant”, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. 228 4. Regulation of Food Vehicles Recommendation: [choose 1: Receive the Report, or 2: Direct Administration to prepare a report regarding the regulation of food vehicles as described in Option ___], all of which is further described in the report presented April 4, 2023.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 24-2023, 29-2023, 30-2023, 31-2023 and 32-2023 be read and passed in open session on April 4, 2023. 1. By-law 24-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law 239 for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-07-2023) 2. By-law 29-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 20 to the Lakeshore 241 Official Plan 3. By-law 30-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law 246 for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-20-2014) 4. By-law 31-2023, Being a Borrowing By-law (Tile Drainage Act) 248 5. By-law 32-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the March 250 21, 2023 Council Meetings 22. Adjournment
3. Return to Open Session Note: if the closed session is complete before 6:00 PM, a recess will be called until 6:00 PM and the open session will resume at that time. Should the closed session still be in session at 6:00 PM, the open session will resume once the closed session is complete. 4. Land Acknowledgement 5. Moment of Reflection
File ZBA-07-2023 Removal of Holding Symbol for the Giorgi Subdivision, 347 Renaud Line Road Recommendation: Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-07-2023 to remove the holding symbol (h4) on lands known municipally as 347 Renaud Line Road zoned ‘Residential – Medium Density Holding (R2(h4))’; and Direct the Clerk to read By-law 24-2023 during the “Consideration of Bylaws”, all as presented at the April 4, 2023, Council meeting.
OPA No. 20 Official Plan Application OPA-2-2018 & Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-20-2014 for a Soil Management Facility by 2438305 ONTARIO LIMITED at 0 Manning Road (County Road 19), ARN 375122000002640 Recommendation: Adopt OPA No. 20 to the Municipality of Lakeshore Official Plan (By-law 29-2023) being Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-2-2018, to remove the reference of rail related uses within the site specific policy area Maidstone Rail-Related Employment Area, to permit a soil management facility to operate on lands known as ARN 375122000002640, and direct Administration to forward OPA No. 20 to the County of Essex for approval; and Approve Zoning By-law Application ZBA-20-2014 (By-law 30-2023), to amend the wording of the site specific zone ‘General Employment Zone Exception 2 (M1-2) (h2)’ to: a) add the site specific use of a non-effluent formal operation of a Class 1 soil management facility as a permitted use, and; b) remove the reference to “that have a dependency on the rail line, rail related storage facilities”, and; Direct the Clerk to read By-laws 29-2023 and 30-2023 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the April 4, 2023 regular Council meeting.
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the previous meeting and receive correspondence as listed on the Consent Agenda; and Endorse the appointments of Dennis Rogers and Frank Garardo to the Essex Region Source Protection Committee. 1. March 21, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Minutes 137 2. Town of Cobourg - Homeless and Unsheltered Persons 144 3. Town of Essex - Reinstatement of Legislative Permitting Municipality to 148 Retain Surplus Proceeds from Tax Sales 4. Town of Essex - Tax Classification of Short-Term Rental Units 150 5. Township of South Glengarry - Accuracy of Voters List 152 6. Township of South Glengarry - Barriers for Women in Politics 153 7. Essex Region Conservation - Source Protection Committee 154 Endorsement
Reports for Information Recommendation: Receive the Reports for Information as listed on the agenda. 1. 2022 Drinking Water Annual Summary Reports 156 2. Community Benefits Charge Feasibility Assessment 191
Reports for Direction 1. Tender Award - 2023 Supply and Place Gravel Program 220 Recommendation: Award the 2023 Supply and Place Gravel Program to Shepley Excavating & Road Maintenance Ltd. in the amount of $408,133.92, as per Option 1 with the excess amount of $33,133.92, funded from the road reserve, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. Page 3 of 250 2. Tender Award – Stormwater Management Facility Sediment Removal 225 and Maintenance Recommendation: Award the tender for the Stormwater Management Facility Sediment Removal and Maintenance to Nevan Construction Inc. for a total project cost of $403,727.71 including applicable HST, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council Meeting. 3. Request for Designation of Municipally Significant Event – Lighthouse Cove & District Lions Club – June 17, 2023 Recommendation: Designate the Lighthouse Cove & District Lions Club fundraising event, scheduled for Saturday, June 17, 2023 at the property municipally known as 17845 Melody Drive (also known as 999 Quennville Drive), as “municipally significant”, as presented at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. 228 4. Regulation of Food Vehicles Recommendation: [choose 1: Receive the Report, or 2: Direct Administration to prepare a report regarding the regulation of food vehicles as described in Option ___], all of which is further described in the report presented April 4, 2023.
21. Consideration of By-laws Recommendation: By-laws 24-2023, 29-2023, 30-2023, 31-2023 and 32-2023 be read and passed in open session on April 4, 2023. 1. By-law 24-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law 239 for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-07-2023) 2. By-law 29-2023, Being a By-law to adopt OPA 20 to the Lakeshore 241 Official Plan 3. By-law 30-2023, Being a By-law to amend By-law 2-2012, Zoning By-law 246 for the Municipality of Lakeshore (ZBA-20-2014) 4. By-law 31-2023, Being a Borrowing By-law (Tile Drainage Act) 248 5. By-law 32-2023, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the March 250 21, 2023 Council Meetings 22. Adjournment