1. Call to Order Members of the public are welcome to attend in person to observe the meeting. The meeting will be live-streamed with audio, with the exception of breakout sessions. 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Moment of Reflection 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
5. Strategic Planning Workshop JP Gedeon, Chief Executive Officer of Transformative Directions, will facilitate a workshop with Council and members of Administration to develop the 2023- 2026 Strategic Plan. This is step 2 of the process, following the first session of March 31, 2023. This workshop will involve breakout sessions. Recommendation: Move into Committee of the Whole. 1. 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan Regional Scan Recommendation 2 Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. Recommendation: Move out of Committee of the Whole at ___ PM. 6. Adjournment
1. Call to Order Members of the public are welcome to attend in person to observe the meeting. The meeting will be live-streamed with audio, with the exception of breakout sessions. 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Moment of Reflection 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
5. Strategic Planning Workshop JP Gedeon, Chief Executive Officer of Transformative Directions, will facilitate a workshop with Council and members of Administration to develop the 2023- 2026 Strategic Plan. This is step 2 of the process, following the first session of March 31, 2023. This workshop will involve breakout sessions. Recommendation: Move into Committee of the Whole. 1. 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan Regional Scan Recommendation 2 Recommendation: Receive the Report for Information as listed on the agenda. Recommendation: Move out of Committee of the Whole at ___ PM. 6. Adjournment